PlayStation 2000 Festival promotional materials

[02.19.00] ยป GIA scoops world on all-important PS2 box artwork design.

   Our man in Japan has sent various promotional materials from the recent PlayStation Festival 2000 our way. The most intriguing revelation these materials bring is an advance look at the PlayStation 2 standard box art design.

   "PlayStation 2" text lies in the upper left-hand corner, and the standard PlayStation logo can be found in the upper right. Below these two logos is the title's graphical image, surrounded by a small, distinctive square border. This border begins as a dark brown at the top which gradients smoothly down to a pure black at the bottom. The final boxes are similar in nature, with the games packaged in DVD "keepsake" cases sans the gradient border featured in the special demo discs.

   Other materials come from Square's press kit and highlight Vagrant Story and the Bouncer.

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