Yu Suzuki loves Cantonese-speaking children of the 21st century best

[02.07.00] » Japanese youths cry selves to sleep.

   Despite reports that Shen Mue Chapter 2: Mainland China would be performed by by a troupe of silent mimes, new information reveals that the game will, in fact, feature spoken dialogue. Fortunately for fans of Shen Mue's quirkiness, the dialogue will be primarily in Cantonese, a Chinese dialect spoken by neither of the game's two major target audiences (Japan and the United States).

   And while we're on the subject of people who don't speak Cantonese, we might as well add Ryo, protagonist of the Shen Mue series. How Ryo will handle this linguistic barrier remains to be seen. Our guess is: more pantomime! At least the gamer will have the benefit of subtitles in his or her native tongue.

   Sega of Japan and AM2 recently posted a job opportunity for anyone fluent in Cantonese. All forklift operator positions are currently filled.

[source] » IGN DC Heard a hot news tip? Tell the Agency
Shen Mue Chapter 2
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