Working Designs tunes up Arc the Lad Collection

[01.31.00] » Analog control, Dual Shock support to be added.

   None too surprisingly, Working Designs is planning a number of enhancements to its latest localization effort, Arc the Lad Collection. Gamers' Republic recently reported that analog support will be added to all three of the games in the collection. Dual Shock force feedback will be added to the first two games, which both predated the Dual Shock controller. (The Japanese release of Arc the Lad III already contains Dual Shock support.)

   And despite the fact that the PocketStation won't see a North American release until after the launch of the PlayStation 2 -- if ever -- Working Designs is also planning to retain support for the device in Arc the Lad III and even to translate the mini-game into English. Finally, a CG opening movie is also being considered to kick off Arc the Lad I; the original version used a hackneyed montage of game footage.

[source] » Gamers' Republic Heard a hot news tip? Tell the Agency
Arc the Lad Collection
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