Zelda GBC titles get accelerated release schedule

[01.13.00] » New entry to be released every six weeks.

   The three-game Zelda series developed by Flagship and Nintedo for the Game Boy Color, whose current working title is Legend of Zelda: Tri-Force Series, is confirmed for an American release--with an unpredecented release schedule. The three games, each dealing with one of the Triforces, will be released each six weeks, starting in late summer and ending just before Christmas. The rapid release schedule will help to emphasize the links between the games. Each game will somehow be affected by your actions in the others, though apparently it won't matter which order you play them in. For diehard fans, however, there will be only one way to play them: the day each one is released.

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Legend of Zelda: The Mysterious Acorn
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