Double Agent
Getting progressive on your ass - December 27th, 1999 - Drew Cosner

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed within this column are those of the participants and the moderator, and do not neccessarily reflect those of the GIA. There is coarse language and potentially offensive material afoot. Come closer, Donkey, and I'll show you how to use your instrument. Don't say we didn't warn you.

Allow me to be honest for a brief moment. Yesterday's topic was completely irrelevant. I hadn't anticipated anyone bothering to humor me by adhering to such a bizarre, non-applicable piece of rubbish. As a matter of fact, I was looking forward to receiving numerous letters which would tell me to shove it up my ass, in so many words, and then proceed to focus upon whatever was on the writer's mind. I think you all know how much I enjoy letters which are ill-natured and insulting, and I'm always glad to try out new and creative ways to encourage the writing of such bitter epistles. However, there's more to it than just that.

Before I get to that, allow me to say that I have never regretted becoming the host of this column for a single moment. Slamming out one column after another on a nearly daily basis for the past few months has helped to improve my writing skills, in addition to vastly building upon my pathetic amalgam of vernacular and terminology that I refer to as a vocabulary. Of course, I've also learned valuable aspects of the fine art of humor. For example, people never tire of allusions to 80's pop culture, and flippantly dismissing the opinions and beliefs of others is always good for a chuckle. This is especially nice for me, since I already have a certain air of levity about me that others find insulting, anyhow.

However, despite all of this, I'll be perfectly candid when I tell you that this can get a bit, well, boring after a while if I don't do certain things to keep it interesting for myself. Now, before you get all indignant and return to auctioning off fictional hookers on eBay, keep in mind that by spicing things up for myself, it also keeps the column fresh for you. So, everybody benefits. And that's exactly what it was that I was doing the other night when I spat such an inane topic out upon you.

Now, I'm an easily frightened person. That's why I have to wear a pair of adult diapers whenever I play peek-a-boo with young children. So imagine my shock when I discovered that some people had actually sent in their thoughts on the matter. In my dismay, I grabbed the phone and dialed the local police to save myself from the cardiac arrest that I was sure would strike at any second. Unfortunately, they're still a bit upset with me for calling in to report my mojo stolen several times a day for the past few weeks, so I was promptly hung up on. Luckily, I was able to calm myself down so that I could be alive to write today's column. I hope you appreciate it.

You haven't got it in you


Only you could bring up a U.S. history topic to videogame letters column, and actually pull it off. Unless I'm being prejudgemental in my thoughts that it will be some form of a success, or if you're talking about U.S. history, at that.

If I can remember correctly, which I probably can't due to a little "Day After Christmas" celebration, the Progressive Era took place somewhere around 1915; either that or a little before or after, or a lot before or after. And the Progressives were a presidential party, whose platform were either pro-farmers or anti-farmers, giving the farmers tax breaks and stuff, or not giving them tax breaks if they were anti. They were around for awhile, but then died out, and were followed by either the democrats or republicans, or maybe someone else all together. Also there rivals were the populists. Or I can be wrong and the populists were the ones who came after or before them and were on their side. Or something. And I think that while they were in power, if they ever were, they got a few reforms done; either that or they put up a few ideas that were used later on. Or I can be worng all together. Either way, it doesn't really matter. Can you believe that I got an A in my history class?

So, in short, not much is known about the progressive era. It's pretty complicated, really, with a lot of ins, outs, and what-have-you's. One can only guess if it really was an era, or if somebody with an overactive imagination and a little bit too much time on his hands just made it up, and everyone else unquestionably believed him. And if it was or wasn't progressive is another unanswerable question for the cosmos. Well Drew, now I must take my leave, seeing how I have no idea what the fuck I'm rambling on about.

-Mikey B.

P.S.- You don't have the balls to print this letter. Why not printing this letter would classify you as having no balls, I'm not too sure of, but it sounds alright to me, and I'm wasted and tired.

Hey, you're absolutely right. And, as I recall, the Progressive Era also involved some people. And they did stuff. And then those guys, you know who I'm talking about, tried to get away with that big thing, but the cops found out, and then everybody knew about it. An off-duty officer allegedly spotted a Jeep Wrangler, driven by pop singer Sean "Puffy" Combs, speed away from the crime scene shortly after the shootings occurred. When pulled over, a gun was found concealed beneath the ass of front seat passenger Jennifer Lopez, where the two other suspects, a couple of goobers that nobody really gives half a crap about and as such will go unnamed, for their own protection, stated that they felt "no one would ever find it." "Puffy" Combs' personal attorneys state that he and his associates are victims of circumstance, and were merely trying to cap a few people's asses, when it was unfortunate that the police had to arrive to ruin all of the fun.

Okay, so I really have no right to insult your response, Mikey, as I have little knowledge of the Progressive Era myself. I just like a good excuse to go off on a disconcertingly eccentric tangent.

P.S. Don't worry, I think that the majority of my readership falls into either the "wasted" or the "tired" category, and many fall into both. Considering my unique brand of humor, I have a tendency to attract those types.

Warning: idealistic pantywaists may find this letter to be offensive

Linda Richm... er, Drew. In the spirit of the holidays, I was going to write a well thought-out letter about the future of gaming, all the prospects that could come of it, and what I got for Christmas, but it was then that I remembered the true Spirit of Christmas -- Spite. As such, I will virulently refute you.

The progressive era was, in fact, not only progressive, it was -also- an era. It was very progressive, as numerous advances were made in the curbing of yellow journalism, the pushing of a Clean Food and Drug Act, as illustrated in Upton Sinclair's _The Jungle_, and the ratification of the sixteenth and seventeeth amendments. Why, without the Progressive nature of the Progressive Era, we would be devoid of the NAACP and the National Child Labor Committee. Progress was, indeed, forged in the Progressive Era.

It was, as well, an Era. An era is, in basic terms, a period of time. As such, the period of the early 20th century, which we have already established as being Progressive, can easily be classified as an era, so long as it existed. Which it did.

Oh. This -is- a video game column, isn't it. I suppose I'll ask a question about video games after all my vitriol. Why is the Hero on the back of the Suikoden II box named DMAUL? Weren't there copyright violations on that? ... And isn't it just plain stupid?

Anyhow, yours with enmity,


Well, I'm certainly thankful for the Progressive Era and the organizations that arose because of it, I'll tell you that much. Without the NAACP, who would there be to take on the monumental task of becoming genuinely offended by beer billboards and children's television programs? And who would stand on behalf of the little people the nation over to look the looming monstrosity that is oppression straight into the eye and say, "the character of Jar Jar Binks is obviously an ethnic slur"? Anyone who would deny the importance of the Progressive Era is obviously an intolerant fool, and deserves to be brutally beaten about the head.

Okay, time to move on before my mockery of a respected institution becomes even more blatant. To address your gaming inquiry, I don't see why it would be a copyright violation, and yes, it is stupid. However, I have to admit that this is one of the more intelligent and enlightening letters I've received in quite some time. And what does that mean? Well, normally it would mean that I would refuse to print it, as it makes it apparent that you are more intellectual than myself, totally ruining my pious self-image. But since it actually deals with the idiotic topic for discussion I prompted you readers with last night, I'll be genial this one time. And what the hell, I'll even throw in a Smartass Award to top it all off.

Just as sexy with a head as without!

Remember, someday you will leap headlong from this mortal coil, and within a matter of years you will all but be forgotten. Life, and everything about it that you loved, will continue on without you; your existence is as insubstantial to the grand scheme of things as a single wave amidst a raging ocean. You make me sick. Oh, and try not to drop the Smartass Award in water, okay?

This one's sure to get me into trouble

Dear Cosman,

The Progressive Era was neither progressive nor an era, because 1) nothing really got done except the women's vote, which meant jack 2) the real progressive stuff was done in the 60's 3) if I were to call the progressive era an era, I would have to extend it to include the 60's as well (alot more got done there than in the "Progressive Era") which would make the era actually two eras of time separated by over 30 years, so then it's not really an era. So there.


I'm sure that you've really angered all of the big Progressive Era fans out there by saying such, Valinoru. You'd better watch out. Oh, and for my female readers (both of you), I should add that I completely, entirely disagree with the whole "women's vote meant jack" thing in this letter. So don't send me any hateful letters. At least, not in regards to that.

Thank you, IGN64

A progressive era is an era tat is progressive.


Okay, I think that there's one particular thing which we can all agree on, no matter which videogame console each of us may happen to be partial to. Even if you don't happen to care for the Nintendo 64, or even Nintendo on the whole, for that matter, you have to respect a system which would inspire a gaming site that would later go on to print what has become the most infamous letter in the history of columns. Eyetat Boy, wherever you are, us gamers will just make out that check for a sensual massage, because the gaming community owes you big time, my friend.

Warning: insults in response may appear more venomous than they actually are

"The progressive era was neither progressive nor an era" Oh gosh, I thought "progressive era" was some sort of household cleanser. You got me all confused now.

-Confused Yud

Your humor truly immolates me in the hellish blazes of laughter, Yud. Why, this pun was so amazingly witty that I found myself committing petty thefts and vandalism all over the city, as I had lost control of my body and could only watch myself in guilty glee as I defecated into every bird bath and animal shaped mailbox I came across. Have you considered putting yourself to the test during amateur night at the local comedy club?

Oh, I think you know the answer, my young friend

If the progressive era was neither progressive nor an era, then what the hell was it?


It was a lonely crack addict named Lucy, who started her own amateur pornography site in order to support her enslaving habit. Either that or it was a time period in which basic human rights were extended to encompass a broader range of citizenry, as described by the letters above. I'll let you pick whichever answer suits you best.

Oh Ian, how can I stay mad at you?

Your greeting here, call 555-5555.

I've got $50 bucks to my name. What do I do? I want:

1) Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete. Cost: $34.99 from Funco, though shipping and handling would pop it up to about $45.
2) Replace my copy of Metal Gear solid. Cost: $20. *If* I can find anyone willing to sell it at the Greatest Hits price.
3) Buy two to three things off of eBay that could run from $20 to $50 dollars. God I hate that site.
4) Buy gifts. I didn't for Xmas. And I kind of regret that. Kind of. Cost: $50, easy.
5) Buy you that leg lamp you've had your eye on.

Of course, I could always hold off on a few of those purchases until I get more moola. But that'd require working, and eBay items and Lunar:SSSC aren't guranteed to be around forever. So I turn humbly to you most venerable wiseman. Tell me what to do.

~Ian P.

P.S. And get this: I only got One thing I asked for on my Christmas list. Oh well...At least it wasn't a belt.

I would try to butter up a few people on your list, Ian. How can you expect to get all of the gifts that you were hoping for when you didn't even grease the Holiday wheels with a few presents of your own? Remember, although you may feign friendship with these people and secretly wish every crippling disease imaginable upon them, you've got to give in order to receive.

Then again, your friendship with them may actually be genuine; in which case, you're a pretty big heel not to get them some crap. And just for the record, being called a heel by a jackass such as myself is pretty bad.

Well that sucks...

Hey Drew,

Well, I looked at your topic and I thought to myself: What the hell does that mean? So, I refuse to answer that question. Instead, I'll tell you a delightful story about my Christmas. Ya see, I used to get all the good stuff in the past. Hell, some of my best things i got through this holiday: NES, Zelda, SMB2, FFT. Ahhhh. It was a pleasant experiance. Now, let's take a look at what one of the gifts I got this year was.These all came in a gift bag with a crude drawing of Santa on the side. For some reason, Santa didn't look to hapy for some reason. Well, anyway, I reach inside and feel something. I pull it out. It's something flexible that's wrapped in paper with trees on it. I hurridely unwrap it to see what awaits me. What do I find? A bag of Twix candy (trial size), a bag of butterfinger candy (also trial size) and a bag of Kit-Kats (which is, you guessed it,also trial size.) Upon further inspection of the bags, I see little pumpkins and witches on it. Hmmmmm, what does that mean? Ah, let's pull the final wrapped goody in the bag. It's pretty big, heavy, and rectangular too. This should be good right? I unwrap it, eyes gleaming in anticipation as I expect to find something electronic. I pull a strip off and I see a little Recyclable symbol on a red box. "What the hell?" I thinks to myself. After I unwrap it I stare unbelivingly at my gift. A 12 pack of Coca-Cola. Wow. Not even Cherry. Hell, not even a 24-pack dammit. Well, that's it. So, Drew, I have a request. I humbly await your mockery of this letter in hopes that maybe, somehow, it'll make this experiance a little easier to cope with.

The man who sleeps in your car at night

P.S: Please hang one of those scented tree thingys in your car. There's a weird funk in it.

You know, there's really that I can add to further humiliate this poor soul. Okay, so there are quite a few choice words that I could throw in right about here, but I'll refrain, because even I can respect what a crappy lot of Holiday booty that is. And, as sadistic as it may sound, I'm sure that everyone will get a good laugh out of this fellow's situation. Hey, everybody's a sadist to some extent; some people will just deny it more adamantly than others.

P.S. That funk is what we call the "old person smell." All older cars have it, and it just happens to be particularly pronounced in my choice of transportation. Judging by the condition my car was in when I purchased it, the older woman who had owned it prior to myself had apparently dropped dead inside of the damned thing.

I'm such a nasty guy

Is it just me, or is the easiest way to get a letter printed is having it insulting? Well, OK. Pretend I'm insulting you.


Okay, Oddbrain. Now you pretend as though I'm giving you a dignified response.

Flamers' Corner #6

You fucker! You're dissing the progressive era, aren't you? I swear, if I was there right now I'd shove your head right up your goddamn ass. But's already there, isn't it? Never did quite get the hang of that auto-fellatio thing, eh? Asshole. I can't stand you progressive-era-bashing Nazi homos. I'd like to see YOU make an era, buttwipe. It's not easy, you know. But noooo, that would require actual work, and why do that when you can sit back and snipe at existing eras? Go upstairs to your fucking momma, and leave the letters to mature people who don't need to tear down the most noble period in human history just to boost their flaccid self-esteem to the point where they can temporarily forget what losers they are.

In conclusion: You suck.


Stirring up debate is what I happen to do best, and it has always kept things interesting around here, and it's kept both myself and you readers on our toes. However, whenever you welcome debate with open arms as I do, it's inevitable that you anger some people in the process. And I've been flamed for quite a few things during my time as the Double Agent. Some flamers chose to stick with the more familiar forms of flaming, such as questioning my sexual standing, or insulting my mother. Others have opted to go with the more incoherent route, stringing together a multitude of poorly-spelled obscenities and the occasional conjunction to form an entirely noncohesive piece of bosh.

But every once in a while, I get a flame that is just so off-the-wall, so unique, that it deserves to be placed into the Flamers' Corner. Some of these letters include accusations against my character that adhere to no particular form of the logic, and make me honestly wonder about the writer. (For the record, no, I do not eat French babies, and just because I found the Araknogear to be an amusing contraption does not mean that I'd like to see all elderly people put to sleep.) But this letter, well... I can honestly say that this is the most unusual thing that I have ever been Flamed for.

Congratulations, AJ, you're the latest inductee into the exclusive Flamers' Corner. But that's not all! Just because I was feeling rather ambitious today, I've whipped up a corresponding award that can be printed out in commemoration of this momentous occasion. I call it the Dick Award, in homage to the fine comedian whose visage appears on it. With it, all with whom you associate will know, without fail, that you are a flamer. Enjoy it, AJ -- you deserve it!

I'll hide my coke inside of your body.

Remember, the Dick Award will promise your first of kin to a strange little man capable of weaving gold from straw in return for lending his talents to you when you would otherwise be thrown in to jail for the lies you have told. However, I wouldn't sweat it -- you'll just end up kicking his ass when he finally comes calling. Of course, the moral of this story being that you can screw over strange little men and get away with it, even when they live up to their end of the bargain.

Closing Comments:

Okay, so this topic is fairly simple, really: What, in your opinion, were the five best games of 1999? That's it. I do ask that you attempt to explain just why it is that you enjoyed the games that you list, however. But if you'd rather just tell me to go to hell and then list a bunch of games that pretty much everybody agrees sucked in an attempt to be humorous, you can do that as well.

-Drew Cosner

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