Mr. Mustache - September 17, 2001 - Brooke Bolander Disclaimer: The opinions expressed within this column are those of the participants and the moderator, and do not necessarily reflect those of the GIA. There is coarse language and potentially offensive material afoot. I don't really miss God, but I sure miss Santa Claus. Don't say we didn't warn you. It's time for Brooke to climb aboard her soapbox and blast off - strap down any furniture you have lying around, folks, things could get messy. The kind of thinking expressed in Mr. Rune's letter yesterday is rampant everywhere, no matter how hard we try to hide it and pretend that our society is truly equal. We are much, much better off than some places, and yet we still have a long way to go. In Webster's Dictionary, being "womanly" is defined as a negative trait - weak, cowardly, that sort of thing - while being "manly" is perceived as being a good thing. Why is that? There are a lot of little things in our society like this, and if you really take a look around it WILL get you mad...and yet, you can't fall into the "men are pricks, let's kill 'em all!" mode, because then we're just as bad. Hate begats hate, so that's not the way to go. I look forward to a day when women gamers are just as appreciated as the men - hell, when everyone is treated equal. I have my doubts that will ever happen, but we have to hope, even if the hope is futile. As for Neorune and his's a message from the girl gamers of the world to all of you - SCREW YOU. We don't give a flying flip what you think, and if you don't like a woman running this column, tough. I'm not going anywhere for awhile, so get used to it, jackass. As Courtney Love once said about Steve Albini, "The only way he'd like me is if I had big tits, wore little hoop earrings with tight black turtlenecks, and was from LA." Of course, I'm paraphrasing since I lost my copy of Come As You Are, but the general gist o the message remains the same. Go go Magic Pretty Column! Paint chips - part of a bigot's daily diet. | Ahhh.....Neorune, Neorune...we really scare you, don't we? So you see women who...God forbid!...*READ*! as women who clearly must have some self-esteem problem because big macho, studly men like you aren't paying attention to them? Either this is a very serious indication of your self-worth, which if so I would guess is staggeringly low, or you really seriously think that way...which means you ate paint chips as a child. a highly educated, unattractive, socially inept, video-game playing woman...I trust you feel the bite of venomous sarcasm...I can tell that you are too smart to be one of those people who were dropped several times as a baby. Therefor you must be in the absolute zero self-esteem and totally petrified of women category. Nice try, you get an A for effort. Better luck next time. - Princess Artemis | I think you're being far too harsh on our poor Neorune. How do you know he wasn't dropped repeatedly on his head as a litle boy by some ruthless sister? Hell, maybe she fed him paint chips, it would certainly explain the boundless hatred for women this guy seems to foster for no reason. He still deserves several good tolchocks in the yarbles, though...If he has any, which I doubt. Anyone ever heard the song Eunuch Boy? Tee-hee, could someone help me type this out? My fingers are too weak to push the keys down. | Wow. That was one helluva psychobabble. Don't cha just love his wonderful insight of how women who love to read and learn are unattractive, have low self worth, and lack social skills? He should appear in Oprah, so I can be in the audience and learn how I need to "love myself" and "validate my existence" instead of resorting to "obvious compensations of self worth" such as, oh I don't know, study hard for university so I can support myself one day. But enough of the sarcasm and on to the topic. I think that video games do endorse a certain amount of misogynistic views, such as the "women as victims" and "women as rewards" views (we've all heard them before) to some extent, but not the ones expressed by Neo what's-his-face. Frankly, he's just one of a kind. I think he's still stuck to the backward idea that it's abnormal for girls to play "boy" toys such as video games. Doesn't he know that, for a decade or more, girls have been able to play many conventional "boy" toys without being ostracized, the biggest example being Lego? Girls are being vocal about video games, not because they are being ostracized and thus are going on a crusade for men to accept them. They are just reminding people that they exist.(Interestingly, boys are ostracized if they play "girl" games such as Barbie, but that's another topic.) But we can still learn much from the Neo guy. He serves as a warning of what backward, mysogynistic views people can carry if they lack human, or more precisely, female contact, even if they don't play video games. My suggestion to him is to get his hands off the video game controller (and also outta his pants ;) and go out to see who women really are. - Paris | I'm afraid that your comments, to Neorune, would probably be considered quite stupid. Girls who play with boy toys are just trying to overrcompensate for some deep-rooted inferiority complex, since they know that they will never ever be as good or as successful as men. ...Uggggh. All of the sudden I feel like I need a shower - maybe I can get some strapping young lad to soap me down, tee-hee! *Can't...get...clean...must..scrub...harder...* Intelligent people shall no longer be called Einsteins - they shall be called Neorunes. | Bad journalists are always quicker to attack bad spelling and grammatical conventions rather than ideas. Not once did Nich in any way actually support his vantage as to why my words were simply "rubbish" bypassing simple and well known biological and sociological facts regarding the difference between male and female. Perhaps Nich is not familiar with said differences? Maybe he should consult his parents on this issue, I am sure they would be more than willing to sit down with him and explain to him this intriguing scientific wonder that is reproduction and how it defines us as human beings. I am simply asking perhaps more than a glancing look at the idea of biological differences in males and females and how this affects the rationale in regards to video games. Why the ratio of female to male gamers is offset so significantly. Surely I am not the only one to question why gaming is an opiate for young men with poor social schools? It begs a great deal of questions running the gamut from developmental health to social standing and how this is all enmeshed into the emotional connection people hold with gaming. Perhaps this is a concept better suited for message boards in regards to pathological health rather than a fan based video game column run by an obese German kid? Who knows, but I do not think I am the only one who has questioned the appeal of video games and why in some cases it reaches a level fanaticism. Nich, Brooke, is it possible to give any ground to the fundamental concept I am trying to propone or will you relent in your hubris and obvious arrogance? Yes I know most gamers think they are smarter than everyone else, but all things aside do you think it is possible to see the merit here? Or is this just a topic you refuse to directly respond to due to its nature and the tone of the site. - Neorune | First of all, this entire thing was one long unbroken paragraph when I got it, so I had to go through and HTML the entire thing. Rune, you can kiss me for that later. For now I'm all work and no play. What it looks like to my blinded, inferior female vision is that you don't want a discussion as much as you want a fight. Most smart people with an honest opinion can get the message across without resorting to namecalling or stereotyping. From the start you called me a 'bitch' and acted like a prick, and now the entire world knows what a troglodyte you are. If you had been civil we would have been. Just because the columnists are here to answer your questions does not mean we will let ourselves be harassed - or at least I won't. I think the reason there are so many more male gamers than female is that males are still more catered to in this than women are. Just like when you see a commercial for, say, dinosaur toys - who more often than not is going to be playing with said toys in the commercials? Little boys, that's right. But some little girls don't like playing with Barbie dolls, just because. I know that from the time I was very, very young I didn't like playing with dolls or makeup or any of that crap - I played with plastic dinosaurs, stuffed animals, and cars (I gave them personalities - bizzare.) I caught lizards and frogs and anything I could get my hands on. In short, I didn't act like the average frilly little girl. Was it because I desperately wanted to be superior or equal to the boys? No. I just liked that stuff more. Which I think has just lead to video games as a natural end. I have a loving fiance, and yet I still don't act like the average teenage girl - wow, I attracted a mate without acting like an airhead! I'm more of the Daria Morgandorffer mode - if you don't like it, you can sod off, I know there are people who don't care. The rest of this letter is just bloody bizzare, as I'm neither overweight, nor German, nor even a kid. Oh, and that new Disney e-mail address sure is cute. I didn't know you liked Goofy - I guess you're more secure in your masculinity than I thought you were, apologies. Geek Stink Breath. | Okay, I know this is feeding the animals and everything, but I really like this sad little guy, "Neorune." He provided an immeasurable quantity of the most heartfelt, genuine entertainment I've experienced in the last few days. And as much as I like him captured in vivo, Shatner-esque syntax an all, I might caution him to look up both "derision" (While a gamergirl might be an object of derision, I doubt she'd actually *be* a derision. You damn hyperbole, you!) and the word "rune" (having a new one would kinda defeat the 'ancient mystery' angle, there), before he picks up the next e-crayon. So. I'm an ugly, sad, wallflower-ish loser because I play videogames, eh? Well, I tend to disagree there, because: 1.) Every time I go into the store to buy a videogame, a sad, ugly, wallflower-ish loser type of guy comes on to me, and 2.) Unless "Neorune" is an alias for "Brad Pitt," I think it's a might rich of you to call judgment on any cross-section of the population. Perhaps the problem here is that your delusions of grandeur have been gyrating out of control; for example, in the last presidential election, I did not see "Neorune" on the ballot. I have no idea who you are. And, your logical background assumption seems to be that male gaming is an Adonis-only sport. I can only describe that particular fork of the syllogism as "wrong." The other syllogism fork that's mystifying me is the importance placed on the World of Videogames. See that little "games" appended there, right after "video?" That's not there without reason (and can, in fact, be compared to 'videorealities,' which you seem to be playing). Why aren't you ripping off angry letters to stop dumb gurlz from infiltrating the high-paced, technological world of Connect Four Gaming? Or Battleship? What about Twister? Have we ruined that with our estrogen fumes, too? And we videogame girls are the same ones hell-bent on receiving educations, eh? Will the horror never stop? What's next -- the right to vote?! It is obvious that individuals who think in terms of stereotypes have some sort of problem, and that this sort of thought is the highest form of ignorance. As for the games themselves fostering this kind of semi-literate ranting, I can only say that they are no more responsible than, for example, the Christian Bible, which is used by ignorant bigots all over the world to prop up their tiny egos. And, isn't this the guy who was pissed the other day because the topic was changed? The one who spelled "flighty" like "flightey?" He really needs to get a handle on that Microsoft thesaurus/dictionary combo. - Emily | You know, it's funny, I have the exact same problem whenever I go into the local Software Etc. Some geeky looking guy sees me perusing the RPGs and manages to wander over - it never fails. I'm no knockout, I'll tell you that right now, but I'm not THAT bad looking, and I find it hillarious the way these guys treat me every time I come into the store. Even more stunningly odd is that there's a GIRL who works in this place! Will the wonders never cease? Anyway, on to the rest of your letter. That's another thing that really got me about this whole discussion - do you have to have some sort of inherent skill to play a video game? Last time I checked any nutter with thumbs could pick up a controller and play - it's not something that you need brute strength and muscle for. How men could be better at thinking is beyond me, especially since if you follow Neorune's antiquated "survival of the most biologically fit" theory the only thing men are needed for is sex and hunting. Do either of those things exactly need a giant well of ingenuity? I rest my case. And yes, it was the same guy. I guess his his mightily swollen cranium somehow let that slip through. Uh-oh! Keep de-evolving like that and we might just catch up to you, Runey! I could write a fanfic on this guy! | Ms. Bolander, I believe the medium itself attracts people like the ones Mr. Maragos described, rather than creating them. Videogames have been a solitary passtime for a very long time, and it's one of the few things that lonely, often bitter people can do without feeling foolish (try eating in restaurants by yourself for a while, or go to an amusement park alone -- you'll see what I mean). Honestly, it's a vicious cycle with some people -- they're bitter and lonely, so they turn to games, which keep them lonely, making them more bitter (and scaring other people away in the process), leaving more time for games... see where this is going? Eventually they harbor a resentment against someone or a group of someones (half the population in some cases), as they see them as a reason for their bitterness. It's not often rational, but it beats facing the idea that maybe, just maybe, it's the games they've spent so much time with that are causing their depression... just a thought... -Some Random Jerk | Yeah, you get a real isolation feel off of this guy - did his mother dump him in a ditch or what? I mean, yeah, we're all a little bitter in some way, but this absolute hatred of women just isn't healthy. You might be right, though. He sees women getting more attention than he is, and it pisses him off. "I'll show them! I'll show them all!" he snivels, sliding to his greasy, ill-lit keyboard. "Then they'll love me! Who needs women, anyways?" Sadly, the crusty issue of Playboy sticking out from underneath one of the not-oft Hoovered rugs gives the lie to his rant. And when he sees the pimply, lonely reflection staring back at him from the glass of the monitor, a little piece of Neorune dies. You've gotta feel sorry for him, really. Glass Ceiling Ahoy. | Hey Brooke, I'd just like to make a request that none of Neorune's letters ever get printed again. I've already had the inherent bigotry and stupidity of the human race shoved in my face several times in the past few weeks and I have no desire to see it again if I can avoid it, particularly in something as innocuous as a gaming letters column. Rambling manifestos on the inherent inferiority of women don't really restore my faith humanity. Also, I feel like printing this crap gives it an air of legitimacy it doesn't really deserve. I know that wasn't Nich's intention when he printed the letter, but I feel like addressing this tripe in any civilized manner is akin to trying to logically refute the KKK's position on white supremacy. The only way to deal with this sort of thing is to treat it as the lunatic frothing it is and ignore it. Washington Irving, embarrassed to be human. | I got a few letters like this - people really, really hate this guy - and I promise from this column onwards, you will see No More Neorune. Sorry buddy, but the people have spoken, and they'd rather you didn't come back. So breathe a sigh of relief, folks. This does bring up an interesting point, though. If he said the same thing about any other race or creed - blacks, Asians, you name it - the bastard would be getting mail bombs. And yet today's letters only seemed to show mild disgust. What exactly is the difference between saying women are inferior and saying that any other minority is inferior? People are people, and no one race or creed is inferior to the other. Trying to pull out the 'biology' excuse is just ignorance. Off the subject, I'd love to see how many dates this guy has gotten in the past six months. Hey, I might be wrong - women might be falling at his feet because of his oh-so-seckzey ability to mash buttons - but I've got the feeling that this guy hasn't felt the tender touch of a lady in quite some time, if ever. Either that or he's got his wife locked in the basement pumping out kids like the Alien Queen - that's her place, right? I can almost feel the flames of hatred coming off of this one. | Now this, ladies and gentlemen, is an insightful person. Why, he's able to divine a person's looks SOLELY on that person's hobbies! Not simply their taste in style, their hygene, or their self image; he's able to tell precisely how nature worked it's magic in these people! Utterly astounding. But it makes me question something; why is it that guys are somehow immune to the "Bipedal Dog" syndrome associated with female gamers in Neorune's Bizzare World of Adventure? I've seen a number of ugly guys glued to arcade machines and discussing which drawing is hotter; maybe it's just me being vicious, judging people on their looks. Indeed. But regardless, it stands to reason that anyone dealing with a largely solitary activity would also have issues about self-worth and socialization. If they didn't, wouldn't it stand to reason that they would be out playing sports with their buddies (in a non-gay way)? If women had no problems at all with their self-worth, they would be shopping with Daddy's credit card. That's the logic. Surely it can be applied to guys as well. I'm quite amazed that this person is so well-adjusted socially. Playing RPGs, after all, isn't a simulation of life. People frown on others walking into their homes and taking their valuables. But the fact that this man is so well-versed in nearly every game known, as well as being a regular casanova, is astounding. Why else would he have issues with the way female gamers look? If he was just some regular shmoe, he could ignore them. But no, he is such a glistening hardbody, so insufferably gorgeous, the pinnacle of human beauty, that these natty female gamers throw themselves at his feet, shread their clothes off and beg to suck his toes in a fit of unadulterated lust. How can he possibly walk down a street unmolested? However, I do find it odd that he was able to divine exactly who you are, what you're like and how you look simply from less then two weeks' worth of columns. After all, he pinned down your utter dependancy on television; though it could be argued that images of nothing but hairy feminists playing videogames is something perpetuated on TV, that is simply because that is a rare truth in television. Surely he can think for himself, instead of letting the television (ironically set in exclusively 1950s programming) think that women are inheirently inferior for him. Surely he wouldn't think that. He must remember that while you conduct yourself differently then Nich did, Nich conducts himself differently then, say, Drew did. And that Drew and Nich conduct themselves differently then Thor did, lo those many years ago. It's worth mentioning that all of the mentioned were male, and thus equally superior to each other in every way. But I digress. What I also meant to bring up is that among any community, people like to be handed their own reputation. The reader would argue that this is also known as 'stereotypes', and gets people in trouble-maybe even jailtime-if perpetuated. May I remind the reader that we're living in Neorune's Bizarre World of Adventure? Where everyone knows that you can't be respected in a community unless the lawmakers who govern your community are somehow the same as you, whether by gender or what have you. Remember, though, the lawmakers have to be the majority; it's still okay if they're hairy, fat men who haven't had a girlfriend in years, who spend most of their day watching anime girls be raped by dripping tentacles. And, of course, pointing out to women who obliviate their arguements on internet message boards that they are ugly, thus showing their supreme intellect and raging superiority over them. It's worth mentioning that the above-mentioned are in and of themselves a minority of the larger majority that rules the gaming land; by Rune's logic this means that they should be scorned and made fun of as well because of it. Don't worry, Neorune; the laws of your land are completely being upheld in that respect. Keep reaching for that rainbow! - The Fire Elemental | Whew...I think this letter speaks for all of us female gamers and the bubbling anger we felt when we first read this letter. Ignorance and bigotry are sad, disgusting things to see, and you always hope they'll stay out of your circle. Sadly though, stupid people breed like rats, so you're always going to have to deal with a lamer in the bunch. It also reminds me of something addressed in the first letter - the accusation that I do nothing but watch television all day. Sorry to dissapoint me bucko, but there's only maybe three television shows I bother to watch anymore - TV is pretty sad as of late. Oops, there goes another puff of air out of your theory balloon. Of course, the fact that I read voraciously and enjoy writing and drawing probably makes him retch even harder than the previous theory that I stare vacant-eyed and vapid at a television set 24/7. Girls who read are just compensating for not beig able to get a guy. But I already have a guy! Le sigh. I guess all that leaves for me is to go stare at the wall and knit, or go have a kid or something. "You can play, but only if you're the Elf Princess." | It is, of course, extraordinarily difficult to respond to this topic without pointing out the obvious fallacies in Neorune/Dave Sim's ideas on the one hand, and without trying to explain the behavior in a way that refers, in good psychoanalytic fashion, to sexuality (as opposed to video games) on the other. But I'll try to stay on topic. I'd like to draw an analogy with another form of entertainment that tends to me strongly male-dominated: pen-and-paper RPGs, specifically D&D. In the new edition of that game, it has become standard editorial policy to give equal time to both masculine and feminine pronouns when referring to a subject whose gender is undetermined. This is in marked contrast to past policy--the second edition Player's Handbook contained a disclaimer about the book's exclusive use of the masculine third-person pronoun. Many players of D&D actually feel betrayed by this change. In a letter to Dragon one man writes: "[T]try to imagine what it must be like to be repeatedly reminded of an ideology with which [you] strongly disagree every time [you] open a D&D book or read a copy of Dragon Magazine." He then bemoans "the politicization of D&D", and accuses people of wanting "a game devoid of people who do not share [feminist] political opinions". The idea of the politicization of D&D is ridiculous. D&D is not at the vanguard of some kind of feminist movement--the disclaimer I mentions above reveals how it actually resisted a broader context of social change for a long time, only now, after 25 years of complaints from dedicated gamers, finally making a change that is long overdue. For a long time D&D was a bastion of chauvinism. Ok, so now let's relate this to video games. It's clear that chauvinist stereotypes are prevalent in many video games. The whole "Men are always fighters, women always white mages" rule is still largely in effect, even if there are a few exceptions now. And that's just one obvious manifestation. There are plenty of ways in which video games tacitly endorse sexist/chauvinist ideas or aesthetics. And in ways that seem to me to lag behind the general cultural trend, much like D&D did for years. Hence, by arguing by analogy, it seems possible that people are attracted to video games as a kind of 'boys only' club, in which their sexist ideology does not come in for much scrutiny and is even quietly acknowledged. I would also like to point out that the main reason for the change in D&D is the vocal resistance of devoted gamers. This is something I have not seen much of from the video game playing community in response to blatant sexism in video games. This is probably partly because D&D players tend to be older, but as we've noticed many times in this column, video game players are getting older (as a demographic group). It's time we made our voice heard in this arena, as well. Greg Gates, whose response to the Dragon letter has still not been printed :( | The sad fact of the matter is that, like most other places, this kind of bigotry lurks in the gaming industry and probably won't be ever totally destroyed until people bother to root it out. We can't just sit back and wait for it to go away, that doesn't work - Neorune will find some vacant-eyed, uber-popular girl to be his breeder, and then he'll have kids and teach them the same stupid way of thinking. It's a vicious cycle that can only be erased with the one thing this guy fears - education. It warms my heart to see that not one person wrote in supporting him - that in itself shows that we're on the road to rectifying the situation. Did you pull the wings off flies, Neorune? They're biologically inferior, so it's okay! | This isn't just a problem within the gaming community. It seems to pop up from time to time in hobbies/interests that are generaly the domain of guys but which lack "real men" activities such as gnawing on the bones of animals and beating yourself over the head with rocks. I guess it's a reaction to being thought of as some kind of lesser male by the jocks, lashing out at someone they percieve as being beneath themselves. If you look at the way Neurone attackes gaming girls: 'In my own experience females who have an inclination towards video games and anime run much in the same vein as women who read and take to education. Unattractive, low self worth, and poor social skills. As if they somehow are trying to vindicate their existence through alternative lifestyles with the rationale that they are "smarter" and "different" than other women, an obvious compensation of self worth. ', if you replace "women" with "guys" you have a very stereotypical view of gamers and geeks. I reckon it's a case that guys like this project their own insecurities on to girls (and gay people, anyone who they see as weaker than themselves). And that's basically my point, daft ideas of maculinity and femininity and harmfull to all involved, girls are made to feel afraid to be assertive and confident while guys are made to feel afraid of being emotionly honest, and intelectually free. And both are forced down set paths for acceptable interests and modes of behavior. OK, I could ramble along for a long time here, I'm drifting into the basic ideas of 3rd wave feminisim here which has already been done before and can be found elsewhere by people for more able to put forward an argument than me. Arya. | You know, that's the real basis of cowardice - weak people are beaten on, and they in turn pick on anything smaller than them, or whomever they think is 'inferior.' From a child pulling the wings off a bug to a man beating his wife, it all comes from the coward's nature. If any of you have ever read Jack London's classic White Fang, there's a nice chapter about this focussed on the villain, Beauty Smith, who is such a weak, snivelling coward that he has to take it out on a dog. Things don't seem to have changed in the past 100 years, eh? That's just human nature. The whole stereotype of gamers being unsocial nerds is stupid anyways - gaming is spread over a wide range of people, and since no two humans are alike, it stands to reason that the entire population can't be stuck into one category. Saying all girl gamers are stupid and ugly is like saying that all men are butt-headed jock assholes - it's not true. Stereotypes are bad, bad things, guys. Now you know where your place is, biaatch. | Hello, I couldn't help but be mildly amazed by Neorune's perception that, apart from the comment on female gamers, 'women who read and take to education' are 'unattractive, have low self-worth, and poor social skills'. I daresay I should stay home and knit. Or perhaps quit my current place in the national top girls' school because, oh, what's the point? I'll be losing my chance for a boyfriend. I admit I'm a nerd, I suppose I'm even more of a nerd because I stay home and play videogames. But I'm happy being a nerd and I'd rather go on being a nerd than 'shop, date, and talk on the phone'. All right, enough of that. I suspect you'll have more than enough outraged statements by the end of today. I don't believe that there's any real element in games that causes this kind of pigheadedness. While yes, videogames are more or less tailored for males, there's no actual label saying that they aren't suitable for girls, and no one appears to mind either if girls get their hands on them and start getting as addicted as guys do. I've been playing videogames for a couple of years, and I don't actually see any obvious slighting of the female gender in any of them. I'm also in a girls' school, and as a result I actually know more female gamers than male ones. There's about six or seven just in my class of twenty-six. It's really not uncommon. And the male gamers I do know may be kind of surprised at this, but they're generally quite ready to accept it, and no one yet has even hinted that perhaps we shouldn't be playing videgames. In short, I'd say Neorune's got a grudge against you. You deserve applause for acquiring one so quickly. JY | Good point - who the fuck cares if we're nerds, anyway? There are plenty of guys out there who also play games who will be more than willing to snap a girl gamer up, and if the one who falls for you likes the way you look, screw the rest of the population. I enjoy gaming as a hobby, as well as reading, and some weird desire to be 'popular' or find a man isn't going to stop me from doing what I love. I'd rather be happy in what I do than be miserable, as this letter said. And yeah, I'd definitely say I've made a new friend in Neorune. Strong women scare some men, and while I'm not physically strong, I'm more than capable of holding my own in other fields. Or maybe he doesn't like me because my sword's bigger than his, I dunno... Nowhere is safe. | Fortunately, I don't think games themselves have anything to do with this antagonistic mindset. Unfortunately, I think it's a part of human nature we will never be able to avoid. The fact of the matter is that those people who argue incessantly over video games - that would be, us - are a very small portion of the video game playing audience as a whole. A lot of my friends own Playstations, but I don't see them arguing over the social implications of video games, or the de/incline of quality in Final Fantasy games, or any of the things we talk about in this column. They just buy the newest Madden 2001 and mess around with it a couple hours every weekend. We argue over games because we love them. It's one of our favorite things to do. When someone like Neorune writes a letter like he did, it's because he is, to put it simply, an asshole. Assholes are everywhere, in every hobby, every workspace, every school, on every highway. Games are in no way unique in this respect. David Niven said it best: "There is no cause so noble that it will not attract fuggheads." -Eightball, hopes he's not a fugghead | That's the sad truth, people. No matter how far we go, how much we advance, there will always be bigoted morons to screw things up for everyone - there's no way to stop it, that's just the way things are. I honestly don't think games make people this way, idiots just thrive in any medium, especially one so generally male-dominated as this. And no, you don't seem to be a fugghead to me. I think that space is reserved for Neorune at the moment. Hmmmm....Fugghead of The Month...sounds like an award Drew would give out, doesn't it? Oh wow! I seem to have forgotten how to write! | Ahem. The biggest problem with our dear Neorune, (New Viking Sewer Adventures? Perhaps.), is that he seems to assume that any woman who reads, 'takes' to education, or plays videogames is unattractive and unlikable, and that any woman who is attractive is automatically an airheaded bimbo, paraphrasing aside. No other circumstances or factors are involved in this. As requested, I'll keep sex out of this, since it would be unfair to ask him just how popular he is with the ladies, or considering his level of hatred toward women, the guys, and won't question his description of other males as 'little boys', a term that obviously has no significance for him. (+10 points for fitting Yaoi in there somehow.) The clearest feeling I got from his little diatrabe is that he feels women should be out doing their best to have sex with as many men as possible, or marrying one immediately, in order to follow their biological imperitives and produce offspring. After all, it's not as though women should be allowed to own property such as a television, due to their weak moral fiber and lack of rational intelligence...they'd fritter away all their leisure time playing those silly games, rather than getting out and seeing their husband's back yards, going to singles bars, picking up strange men, working menial part-time jobs, cleaning up after the children, or somehow managing to overcome their staggering intellectual and social disadvantages to grasp the basic falsehood of 'equality'. After all, it's not as though woman *are* equal to men, but in the interests of egalitarianism, there's little harm in letting them believe it, with a pat on the head and a shove towards the bedroom. Why would women want to do anything meant for men, anyway? This is just another example of those dumb butches looking to do things like vote, work men's jobs, and hog the bowling lanes at the local pin-o-rama, and that's a crime against nature and biology, yessir! In conclusion, by our noble sage's reasoning, women who like videogames are so stupid, anti-social, slovenly, and ugly that should they attempt to write a letter to an 'irrational little girl' running an intelligent letters column, they would accidently address it to the Peruvian Embassy in Mongolia, fill it with unbroken lines of 'USUCKMAN', sprain a wrist when their greasy fingers slip on the keys, and somehow set themselves on fire when the monitor shatters, due to their reflection touching it. Thank goodness I'm different than those other poor women. I suppose I'll get back to playing Valkyrie Profile now. - Tron | Yeah, I'd figure that if I was as stupid as Neorune seems to think I am, typing and putting up this column would be like climbing Everest. The amount of well thought-out letters from women I got today puts the lie to our poor boy - but hey, maybe we're all just behaving irrationaly! Everyone knows that only Neorune and his fellow men are capable of putting together sentances in a suitable fashion. As for the rest of the letter, rock on sister. You captured just what I wanted to say and couldn't, due to the fact that I was cooking, knitting and having twins at the same time I was writing this column. A woman's work is never done, eh? Closing Comments: Apologies for this getting posted so late - I promise tomorrow the column WILL be up before two in the morning. As for your topic tomorrow, I have two words for you guys - Kingdom Hearts. Selphie and Tidus running around with Goofy and Donald? What other characters would you like to see in this bizzare, bizzare little game? Is Square making a big mistake working with the House of Mouse? Do you like what you've seen? Go crazy. Oh, and I'll be printing some of the letters I got for today's topic too, so don't worry if your viewpoint wasn't elaborated on today. Everyone gets an equal oppurtunity in my column. - Brooke Bolander, feeling pretty damn empowered. |