Double Agent
The End Is The Beginning Is The End - September 1, 2001 - Brooke Bolander

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed within this column are those of the participants and the moderator, and do not necessarily reflect those of the GIA. There is coarse language and potentially offensive material afoot. I just think it's funny - I was born a loser. But you're one by choice. Don't say we didn't warn you.

Oh - hello there! The name's Brooke. You might remember me from such films as Johnny Can't Read, and Here Comes The Metric System!

.....Well, either that or you'll recognize me as Negative Creep, or NC. Since this column isn't about me, but about games, I guess I'd better get the introduction over with now, eh? The sooner you know who you're dealing with, the sooner I can shut up and let you guys have your say.

So here are the facts - I'm female, 19, have bright blue streaks of hair, and am happily engaged, so no proposals please. If you send me one I'll either politely reject you or kick you in the cajones, depending on my mood. So be forwarned.


Don't get sentimental...
First, I'd like to welcome you to being the new DA. It's a hard job, and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemies. It's comforting that someone other than myself got the job, moreso that it is someone who's letters I've always enjoyed.

I feel bad, empty somehow, knowing now that Chris is gone, and that I couldn't think up anything to say to wish him off... my comparison of him to N64 just doesn't seem right in retrospect. I guess I'm sobbing on your shoulder, which you will have plenty of people doing today... *sigh*

As for a warm welcome, that I give you. I wish you the absolute best of luck with Double Agent, and hope you stay for a long, long time.


I've been really suprised at the warm reception I've received so far. As my letter to Chris yesterday stated, I was expecting more of a neat and orderly lynch mob to greet me than than the friendly, quasi-cautious group that's sent me letters today. Of course, that could all be subject to change once you realize what a fraud I am, but for now I think I'll just enjoy it.

Although I'm guessing now wouldn't be the best time to mention the fact that Chris is nailed to a large wooden cross hanging above my fireplace, would it?...

Ahhh, this is more like it...
Nc, you're the new DA?! Dear God no!!!!! What kind of hellish nighmare is this? Tell me I'm merely having a sick and twisted dream.. ..tell me, damn you!!


...Yeah, this is more of what I was expecting. Some people might be bothered by this kind of thing, but not me, oh no. In the immortal words of Ryoko, "I'm actually more of a sadist." Your pain brings me joy!

And no, I'm afraid it's not a dream. Otherwise I wouldn't be living in Texas right now, and the X-Box would actually have a decent-sized controller. Oh, and Hiroshi Yamauchi would be known as 'Grandmasta' Y, Funkenstein.'


It's good to see that somebody new is coming into the GIA, hopefully to bring a new breath in the must of yore... yada, yada, yada... Anyways, glad to see something new. As long as you aren't some kind of demented psychopath who thinks that the world is her personal toy, like Queen Zeal in CT. And if you are, do you look like her? Cause she is so hot. Ohhh, Zeal..... (drools)

Er, anyways, my point is mainly to do with the difference in the American and Japanese X-Box controllers. What in the world are they smoking down at Microsoft HQ? How can they be having a great idea and a lousy one at the same time (and if you don't know that the American one is lousy, what are you on?). It doesn't surprise me, though. I mean, Microsoft is acting as if they hired the same marketing geniuses behind the Saturn and Sega CD. But then, who are we to know the minds of the mighty Microsoft Empire, upon which many little peons toil for them to attempt world domination (Is it only me who thinks that Bill Gates could be Pinky and the Brain in a big robot?). Anyways, with the GameCube's delay, they have a better chance, but in the actuallity of my opinion, I think it'll still be Sony, then Nintendo, then Microsoft in the rankings. But I still hope for good games. Although the fact that the X-Box is banking on the fact that the people who brought us Windows 95 and Windows 98 can create a system that is easy to use, and works well. Excuse me if I think that this is a little like hiring Dr. Kevorkian as your personal physician...

-Sir Blaze, who thinks that X-Box is still a little bit in the doomed category, or can't you tell?

I don't think of the world as my personal toy as much as I believe the world thinks that about me. Life would be a lot more fun and fufilling if I could actually get what I wanted. Alas, we're all just hamsters on the big spinning wheel of life. As for looking like Zeal, I have the requsite blue hair...but I'm just going to say 'no,' since the fact you're lusting after Janus's mommy creeps me out a bit.

X-Box, X-Box, how do I love thee. I think the name should clue people in as to how hard MS has thought this over. "If we put an X in the title, the kids will think it's cool!" Because, as we all know (or all marketing directors think we know) X is the coolest letter in the alphabet.

So yeah, I'm a bit wary about this thing myself. My computer crashes about once an hour thanks to the magic of Windows 98, and I had enough trouble handling the Dreamcast controller as it was. If it had more than 2 good games scheduled for release, maybe I could ignore these things. Maybe. As it is, I'm quite certain that unless I sustain a severe blow to the head and wake up thinking I'm a teapot, the X-Box will not be on my shopping list.

Besides, I really don't think Bill Gates NEEDS more cash, do you?...

I come from acroos the Beeg Vater
Hey new DA!

I asked for a woman, and I asked for a foreigner. One out of two isn't so bad. ^_^

Congrats and good luck on the job!

DMJ (It's going to be hard to replace 'Negative Creep' with an actual name.)

Well actually, in a way you got both of your wishes - erm, sort of. I lived overseas last year, and hopefully will go back for good sometime in the not-too-distant future. I'm about as patriotic as Alger Hiss, so moving to another country and giving up my citizenship in this consumerist hellhole isn't going to be too hard for me.

And you think it's rough using my real name. I can't wait for all my online pals to start giving me holy hell aboit this....Brooke indeed. Doesn't fit the NC image very well, does it?

...What money?
Yo Brooke,

Welcome to your new post as Double Agent. I don't really know what to say. I thought of asking random questions about your feelings on certain games, but I assume it'll come up plenty of times in other columns during your tenure. I then thought I'd tell you to make a page out of all of the marriage proposals you're sure to get, but the server would probably heat up and burn again from all of those letters.

Instead, I'm just going to wish you luck and hope that Chris passes on the sack of money I gave to him to post a lot of my letters.

--The Steve

In all honesty, I have yet to get one marriage proposal out of this deal, and that's even before my "I'm already engaged, get bent" announcement in today's column. I'm sure I'll have a nice thick stack of death threats after a few weeks, though, so I could always stick those up.

....And I can't seem to find this money sack of which you speak. Remember though, I only take small, unmarked bills. That and shiny bits of metal.

Yes, the game with the dolphin

Since you're the new double agent: What are your all-time favorite games?

Also, did the GIA staff expect such a large amount of money to be donated to the site? I think it's really good.

Anyway, good luck with the column.

-- Jason Kang --

I got this question a lot. it's probably the question that's come through my inbox the most today, so I'd better damn well answer it.

My top 4 favorite games ever would have to be FFVII, the original Ecco the Dolphin for the Genesis (laugh and I slit your gullet,) Valkyrie Profile, and Lunar 1. There, now that you know, you can get to the far more important businuss of making fun of my selections and calling me either "2 0ld-sK00l" or "graphics whore."

I don't think any of us were expecting the money to pour forth this fast. I really have to say, my disgruntled and bitter cynic nature has been stunned to silence by this, and by how bloody nice everyone's been on my first day. Dammit, how am I supposed to act surly and negative when you people are being so friendly?!

*Note : That was Brooke saying 'thank you.' Sometimes it's rather hard to tell, but trust me, she meant it.*

Thank heaven for little girls
Dammit, a thousand times over. . . . Forgive me, Agent, for I have sinned. Enveloped in the selfish pursuit of last-second packing to move my sorry arse on to bigger and better, I neglected to find time to send Chris off proper.

I could wax poetic here, a day late and a dollar short as per usual, but it's been done, quite literally, before. So I'll leave it at a simple "Seeya, my frood." Your unique frame of reference encompassed far more obscurity than mine own. Much of the time I had no idea just what the hell you were quoting or trying to articulate in doing so, but nonetheless I enjoyed every industry-savvy, thought-provoking word. So ha.

But anyway, the King is dead; long live the King . . . or Queen, as it were.

Finally, a female in office. Not only do you represent a wholly fresh viewpoint, but you can properly smack down those damned naysayers who think women only like puzzle games and crap involving horses and spring fashions, dammit. Your contributions to Chris's regime were memorable, Brooke. Undoubtedly we'll continue to thrill to your every inebriate Irish syllable during your time on the throne.

Now then, as my name starts with an "E," excuse me whilst I fantasize about my own succession. . . .

~Erin "Zedelia" Mehlos

I got a few letters to Chris after the ol' column got handed over, and I just figured I should post at least one more. Chris, ya did a good job. Now make your fans shut up already, okay?

As for myself, no, I don't think I'll be playing "Mary-Kate and Ashely's Trip To The Red Light District" or whatever it's called. I'm also not a big fan of puzzlers, so never fear. The closest I've ever come to playing with "girly" things was when I found a Barbie doll a few years back. I promptly gave it a mohawk, stuck a safety pin through the nose and hung it from a noose in my window. Stereotypes be damned.

Not hobbies, ways of life

Hi Brooke!

Isn't it kind of interesting that you entered the DA field at this time in the year? After all, the GIA has just started to recover from its heiadas, the video game industry is going to change forever with the release of the next two consoles, post-Space World (by which all should've cooled off by now), pre-ECTS and pre-TGS. Sometimes I wonder if Chris was smarter to leave now then later.

Nevertheless, welcome! I hope that your days are filled with interesting emails, thought-provoking messages, and aren't filled with flames, viruses, and the occasional porno advertisement (we all seem to get em' in this day and age). So, with that, I leave you with just a few questions:

1)Are you really as drunk as Chris made you out to be?

2)Were you drunk when you took on this job?

3)What's your stats? Favorite games, hobbies, etc. ...y'know, because a curious mind can't stand NOT asking.


Another boy named Chris, but not with a last name like "Jones"

Yeah, there's a lot coming up, but I rather look forward to it. Lots of debates to wage, games to play, and systems to watch die. Who will survive? We'll see.

As for your other questions...

1) Actually, I hardly ever touch alcohol. It's not that I have anything against it, I just don't like the taste. And besides, I'd rather be totally in control of my actions - drunk people have to be some of the stupidest-looking individuals on the planet. Oh, and it was Drew that started this sordid rumour, not Chris. I'll have the last laugh when he's churning out his incredibly happy, non-threatening column, oh yes.

2)Now that I have to wonder about. Actually it was more like "Me? Get the job? Hah hah! Yeah right, when Hell freezes over." But evidentally they left the air-conditioner on too long down there or something, because here I am.

3) I've already named my favorite games, so that should be obvious...hobbies? Sitting in my room playing games and reading sci-fi novels, of course. Punk/indie rock's another big part of my life, and sometimes I even write fanfiction. I live a life of danger.

Girls have cooties, you know...
A girl running the DA!

W-w-what?!!!...we're not going to be having discussions about which videogame boys "we" want to see together will we? As long as we can avoid this I just want to say, "Welcome."

-Figure Four

Naaah. The only thing yaoi makes me want to do is curl up into a little ball and cry. If other people wanna look at it that's fine, but not me, brother.

...Although your "Ewww, a girl, icky!" attitude makes me wonder if I should reconsider just out of spite. Who wants to see an entire column devoted to the Hero and Jowy, huh huh?!

Aww shucks
Ms. Bolander,

It's a funny thing. Just a week ago, I was thinking to myself, "Wouldn't it be amusing if Negative Creep became the new Double Agent?" Amazingly enough, here you are as Double Agent. Congratulations, and here's hoping you have a good run.

-Some Random Jerk

Yeah, I'm pretty stunned myself.....and Jesus, everyone's being so nice I feel like I've stepped into another universe. When's the public stoning? I DEMAND to be strung up!

....Erm, or not. Thanks guys, really.

Closing Comments:

Well that was certainly surreal...I never expected to be taken in with open arms, but with the exception of a few, I feel embraced.

"I wish I could just HUG you all!...But I'm not gonna."

Anyways, for tomorrow's topic, since no-one sent one in and the news is rather slow at the moment, how's about we discuss your favorite RPG monster? Tonberries? Bandersnatches? Victor Ireland? Discuss.

-Brooke Bolander, who likes her monsters small, green, and lantern-toting.

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