Crash - April 27th, 2000 - Chris Jones
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed within this column are those of
the participants and the moderator, and do not necessarily reflect those of the GIA. There
is coarse language and potentially offensive material afoot. A strange calm has settled
over me. Don't say we didn't warn you.
You better laugh at the following, or all of this will have been for nothing.
I started writing tonight's column at about 6:30 PM. I was writing well, there was a
good selection of letters, a good balance to the column, and some interesting subjects to
discuss. I was one or two letters away from finishing up, and decided to paste some track
names from the CC OST into a reply.
And then Front Page crashed. Exception error. And I hadn't saved since I started.
This was about 8:30. As you can imagine, I was a wee bit upset about this. But no
problem, thought I, generally Microsoft applications are smart enought to save the
document being worked on to an external file. I can just start from a few minutes back, no
But surely there must be some save file, somewhere, right? And indeed, doing a quick
search of the computer found one wpe39.tmp file that was last modified right when I
crashed. It was a reasonable assumption that this file represented my work - after all,
many of the surrounding files in the directory (Front Page/temp) were intermediate saves
of other, previous columns. This must be the one.
But it was all scrambled when I tried to read it in notepad. Hmm, thought I. There must
have been some problems with the save process. It's probably just an offset problem - the
crash may have caused some corruption in the data while saving. A bit got skipped in
transcription, and now the byte codes are offset. I've seen it happen before. If I look at
the raw data, I may be able to salvage something.
I quickly found a binary file viewer for Windows, but unfortunately it didn't let me
edit the data at the bit level. No problem, I thought. I'll just write one myself.
So off to LabVIEW I go. For those of you unfamiliar with LabVIEW, it's a visual
programming language similar to C. Except that instead of writing text code, you
"draw" pictoral code. Loops look like actual loops, and data flows through wires
from one box-like function to the next. Slight instability on insanely huge code aside, I
love LabVIEW. It's very easy to visualize algorithms and debug in, and it has a whole host
of incredibly nifty, useful features, essentially a bigger built-in function library than
Java or Visual Basic. Coding a bit-shifter and ASCII viewer should take no time at all.
Relatively speaking.
Two hours later, I was up and running. I had the .tmp file code in the program, and a
nifty little GUI that let me see the original ASCII, the hex translation, the raw ones and
zeros in an edit window so I could add and subtract the needed bytes, and the final
product. Just type in a few zeros, find the right configuration, and I'm set.
So I start typing. Those of you familiar with ASCII know it's an 8 bit code, meaning it
has eight ones or zeros that comprise a letter or character. If my offest theory was
correct, then at most I'd have to add seven characters to the raw bitstream to achieve the
right alighnment. So I start adding.
1. Nope. 2. Nope. 3, 4, 5, nope, nope, nope. 6. Nope. 7.
I think you know what the answer was.
I tried everything. I rechecked my code to make sure it was doing what I wanted. It was
- if I changed nothing, the inputs and outputs were exactly the same. If I added 8 zeros,
the output matched the input, except for the space character I had just added. I looked
all over my output window, hoping despearately to see something, anything resembling an
HTML tag.
So here it is, 10:30 PM. I haven't had dinner yet, I've missed the Simpsons. If I'd
done the intelligent thing, and restarted the column immediately, I'd most likely be done
by now. As it is, I've got a bunch of garbage ASCII sitting in a program I'll most likely
never use again.
And no column.
But I'm gonna do my damndest to get this thing on the road. The entire system seems a bit flaky at the moment, so I can't promise anything, but I'll see how much of a real column I can get out before things head south permanently.
The letter I was working on when it crashed. I
will answer this damn thing. |
Greetings...Chris: Though an avid fan of the site since the days of
Drew Cosner, this will mark the first time I've been compelled to actually mail the Agent.
Regarding Chrono Cross OST...when you mentioned that you listened to the soundtrack back
to back to back, to say the least, you're certainly not an exception.
Now...continuing, while I am not aware of whether you have had the opportunity to
listen to other soundtracks under the Chrono name, I'll present this to you anyway:
reading through reviews of Yasunori Mitsuda's "rogue" soundtrack Brink of Time,
I was surprised to see a daunting number of criticisms levied against it because of the
fact that it was *not* a traditional orchestral track.
For those who have not had exposure to Brink of Time, it is the arranged version of the
Chrono Trigger soundtrack released in 1995, and the focus of the arrangement is primarily
jazz oriented. Personally I am of the opinion that something that deviates from the norm
in the manner that Chrono Trigger did would ultimately be complimented by a soundtrack
just as unique; that is an elaborate way of stating that I personally enjoyed the
soundtrack very much. Those who always wish to be whisked away to the Metropolitan Opera
House in New York City just may be surprised by what they hear in the quaint coffee shop
in San Francisco, but it requires an open ear as always.
Background aside, the question: Mitsuda has given us Brink of Time for Chrono Trigger
and Creid for Xenogears; when the arranged version is completed for Chrono Cross, assuming
that the focal point of the soundtrack was your choice, if given the opportunity to choose
between a traditional orchestral score or a contemporary arrangement, do you personally
have a preference?
-- D. Sirius |
Ok, I hope you realize that when I said "back to back to back", I meant that
I listened to all three disks in order, not the whole soundtrack 3 times through. That
much Mitsuda could drive a man insane.
I've always feared Brink of Time because of its cover.
But I'll take your word that the music is worth listening to.
As for a CC arranged alblum, I'm gonna say something really strange and bizzarre: I
don't think one is called for. Consider that in the early days of game music, an arranged
album was a way to find out what a soundtrack would sound like if it were actually music,
instead of bleeps and bloops from a two-bit sound chip. It was a way of putting flesh on
pieces that had only existed as skeletons, a way to listen to something that was close to
what the composer actually imagined when he/she was composing the music.
As for modern arranged albums, I think they're useful to explore variations on a
theme, to expand ideas only hinted at on the OST, or repair mistakes or oversights left in
the original work. Creid does a great job at revisiting some of the more interesting
themes in Xenogears, and gives actual musicians a chance to play with the music.
But Chrono Cross doesn't really fit either of the above categories. The sound
quality is excellent - while a professional musician might be able to tell the difference,
to me the emulation is perfect, right down to the guitar chord changes. And the
composition itself is beautiful. I can't imagine tracks like Home Galdove or Another
Termina sounding any better than they already do. Mitsuda will likely do an arranged
album, I belive he's alrady made mention of it, and I'll probably buy it to see what it's
like. But at this point, I'm skeptical.
Closing Comments:
Well, I would have liked to make this a full column, but my computer's not cooperating. Every time I try to get in the HTML editor it crashes on me, but at least I saved this much before I got out. I'm editing this by hand, but it's a very slow process, and I want to wrap this up quick before the entire system crashes on me, as it's been known to when I push it too hard.
Not much point in suggesting a topic for tomorrow - heck, I wouldn't mind little to no email so I could print what I got today. There were some really good letters. But write if you please, and I'll see you tomorrow.
-Chris Jones, "It's what's for dinner" was funnier when it wasn't true. |