Sidequest 4 Battling More...


   If you fly back to Nortune, you'll find that you can actually enter the city. All the actual city parts of town are off-limits, but you can "talk" to the blue crystal in the center of town to sell your monster trinkets (fangs, scales, etc.). You've probably got a lot of them, so be sure to do so -- you can use the money to buy Big Joe's Gear stuff. More importantly, you can return to the Battling arena.

   A bunch of new Gears have joined the ones playable back on Disc 1, and there's a higher difficulty level. You can also use the jukebox Big Joe's brought in (assuming you have the M Disk) to listen to any of the music in the game while you fight -- see the Jukebox List under "Charts and Info". Before, earning BP was kind of hard, but with the new difficulty level (where you earn more BP) and the Xenogears, you should be able to rack it up quickly. Just use X to fire off streams of homing lasers at guys; you can win a lot of fights without being hit and be awarded extra points:

  Normal Win Decisive Win*
Gear Level 0145 BP, 210 G215 BP, 500 G
Gear Level 1175 BP, 330 G300 BP, 700 G
Gear Level 2450 BP, 550 G900 BP, 1000 G
* You pretty much have to be at full life to get this, though if you have about 95% of your bar, you'll still receive a decisive win.

   Your BP, of course, is used to buy items from the woman on the east side of the counter. All the "Normal" items take away from your Current BP when you purchase them. The "Rare" items are either totally free if you have a certain number of Total BP (TBP), or items that cost both BP and TBP. Also, you can only get each Rare item once.

Normal Items
Anoret Seed250 BP Water Ring2000 BP
Bulimy Seed250 BP Wind Veil Ar3500 BP
Samson'sHair800 BP EarthVeil Ar3500 BP
Anoret Fruit750 BP Fire Veil Ar3500 BP
Bulimy Fruit750 BP Water Veil Ar3500 BP
Lite Ar+1750 BP Element Aero4500 BP
Lite Ar+21000 BP ElementTerra4500 BP
Lite Ar+31250 BP Element Pyro4500 BP
Mirror Ar1500 BP ElementHydro4500 BP
Wind Ring2000 BP EtherStoneLg7500 BP
Earth Ring2000 BP AntiEthRockL8000 BP
Fire Ring2000 BP

Rare Items
M. Disk3500 BP, 4500 TBP
Power Ring SFree at 2000 TBP
StaminaRingSFree at 3000 TBP
Speed Ring SFree at 4500 TBP
Gallant BeltFree at 6000 TBP
Fei Jr.Doll500 BP, 3000 TBP
Bart Jr.Doll500 BP, 3000 TBP
BillyJr.Doll500 BP, 3000 TBP
Body Guard500 BP, 4000 TBP
Mind Guard750 BP, 4500 TBP
Ether DoublerFree at 8000 TBP
Ether GuardFree at 8500 TBP
Life StoneFree at 9000 TBP
S Charger2500 BP, 10,000 TBP
X Charger3000 BP, 12,500 TBP
GNRS505000 BP, 15,000 TBP
DeathBlower37500 BP, 18,000 TBP
Speed Shoes4500 BP, 30,000 TBP

   Also, there's two extra Gears you can make playable in Battle Mode 1. One of them is Elly's Regrs, which you can get by simply playing through the last dungeon and exiting through the escape hatch at the end. The other is the mysterious Argento. To get this guy, go to Battle Mode 1, set the difficulty to hard, and pick a Gear (preferably Xenogears). Fight the first enemy Gear in the list (Vierge, unless you're using somebody else) and win. After that battle, reselect your Gear, and push right to choose the next enemy Gear in the list. Go through all the Gears in this manner until you've beaten everyone, then change Gears and win against the one you just were. If you can do all this without losing, Argento should become playable.

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Xenogears Guide