Chapter 28 Betrayal More...

ITEMS TO GET: LongDarkCoat

   Go back to the Thames and ride the elevator up to the bridge. After some dialogue, Bart will rejoin you. Go back down to the Yggdrasil and you'll see Big Joe standing on the deck. Talk to him and tell him you're interrupting his "amore time", which will prompt him to challenge you to a game of Speed. He's a lot easier than Queenie; you should be able to beat him in a couple tries. He'll then fork over the LongDarkCoat and flee.

   Descend into the Yggdrasil and go to the engine room (if you forgot how to get there, go down the stairs in the gun room and head to the end of the hall). Citan will rush in and stop the engine from exploding. Talk to him, then try to leave and the engine guy will enter. After he's finished talking, talk to Citan again.

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