Chapter 13 Road to Nisan More...

ITEMS TO GET: Ether Veiler

   Back on the Yggdrasil, try to enter the bridge, and you'll be blocked by a stuffed animal... it's Chu-Chu! Bart says they'll have to get Margie to move it (why can't he move it himself? Or just step over it), so go down to the empty room on B1, next to the nurse's office -- it's now Margie's room. Talk to her and you'll get a chance to name Chu-Chu. Chu-Chu will then enter and declare her love for Fei (o_O). Talk to her again and she'll give you an Ether Veiler in exchange for the Spider you picked up back in Lahan (er, you did pick it up, didn't you?). It halves the amount of damage you take from Ether attacks; don't equip it out, save it for Citan when he rejoins you shortly.

   Now go back up to the bridge and talk to Sigurd to get control of the Yggdrasil again. Go to the northwest corner of the desert and you'll see a lone tree. Move up to it and "Road to Nisan" will appear. Hit X to enter. There will be a few more scenes, and Citan rejoins.

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