Don Gero's Mask More masks

Don Gero's Mask
Don Gero's Mask

    How found: Light all the torches in Goron Village, then breaks all the spinning pots to reveal a large slab of rock sirloin - a Goron delicacy. Carry it to the Goron trapped on the ledge in Mountain Village and throw it up to him. He'll thank you with Don Gero's Mask.

    How used: Wear it to speak with a frog and he'll think you're the legendary frog conductor, Don Gero. Speak with all five frogs (Laundry Pool, Woodfall swamp, and the defeated Geckos in Woodfall/Great Bay/Stone Tower temples), then defeat Goht to assemble the frog choir. Conduct it for a heart piece.

Majora's Mask Guide