Quest 5 The Lost Princess More quests

Prerequisites: Getting Started

   The first time you set foot in Domina, you saw someone head into the pub. Now follow him in there and you'll see him (Elazul) interrogating Rachel. Keep inquiring about the situation and you'll eventually be able to team with Elazul to go look for his missing friend. Elazul then gives you the AF Jade Egg. (If you go into Home or recruit another NPC, Elazul will leave the party; you can find him again wandering the Domina town map.)

   Use the AF Jade Egg in Landmake to create the Mekiv Caverns. Enter. Duelle will be waiting here to explain the battle mechanics; if you haven't already spoken with him at Luon Highway, you may wish to do so now.

   To get started adventuring, head southeast one screen and descend the ramp to the lower level. If you enter the hard-to-see cave in the background, you can find a Vampire Fang in a chest. Get it, then go southeast another screen. Go right, then turn southwest and continue until you reach the area boss, Du'Inke. It's a very easy boss; just attack it and use your Special Techniques whenever the ST bar is glowing. Collect all the crystals and coins that Du'Inke leaves behind for several hundred experience points and 100 Lucre.

   You'll then find Pearl, the girl Elazul was looking for. Stick up for Pearl in the argument that follows; if you do, she'll give you the AF Stone Eye (Lake Kilma) and the AF Firefly Lamp (Lumina). If you say something wrong, don't fret; you'll be able to get the Artifacts from other quests. The quest completion screen pops up, and you're warped back to the world map.

   Be sure to return Home after completing this quest and talk to Li'l Cactus. He'll babble a cute phrase; leave the room and he'll scribble down his (often humorous) thoughts on your latest adventure. Check back with him after every quest you complete, but be warned: he only records the most recent quest completed. If you beat two quests in a row without talking to Li'l Cactus, the Cactus Diary for the first one is lost.

Li'l Cactus' quote: "Fun to get lost."
Cactus Diary:
"Fighting a monkey in the caverns and saving a girl! Wow, that sounds like something out of a movie. But the girl was really shy and turned red, and I guess that was too much for my master."

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