Quest 47 Niccolo's Business Unusual, Part 4 More quests

Prerequisites: Niccolo's Business Unusual Part 23, Mine Your Own Business, AF Tome of Magic

   This time you'll find Niccolo wandering around the Outdoor Fruit Cafe in Geo. He wants to make a deal with Watts, so take him to the Ulkan Mines. (As always, don't let Niccolo leave the party.) Talk to Watts once. After a brief scene, you'll be back outside Watts' cave. Go in and talk to Watts again; he'll demand you bring him a Gator Skin so he can make a new wallet. You should already have a Gator Skin from the Diddle's Letter quest (if not, you can get one by either completing that quest or fighting reptillian enemies), so just go back inside and give it to him. Again, you're booted out of the shop; go back in yet again and the quest will conclude.

Li'l Cactus' quote: "Stubborn old man."
Cactus Diary:
"Watts tried to make a new wallet just like his old one, but I think he made a mistake somwhere. Maybe it's the width, or maybe it's the crooked edge."

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