Quest 1 Niccolo's Business Unusual More quests

Prerequisites: Getting Started

   Head to the marketplace in Domina (the northern of the two main town screens) and you'll find Niccolo the rabbit wandering around. Talk to him and answer no to his first question, then yes to his second. He'll join you and ask to talk to Teapo. Go to Mark's house (in the lower-left corner of the town square) and talk to Teapo. After the conversation, Niccolo will give you the AF Wheel.

   Use the Wheel to create the Luon Highway, then enter. Duelle will be waiting here; if you haven't had any fights yet, you may want to have him explain some of the battle mechancis to you. Otherwise, just continue to the east. You'll encounter a few enemies on the next screen, then you'll reach a Popoi statue (save point) and a fork in the road. Talk to Daena, collect the Ear of Wheat from the chest, and then take the north fork.

   Continue until you reach the pair of Chobin bandits. Offer them candy and they'll sic their boss, Mantis Ant, on you (offering them money has the same end result, but costs you a few lucre). Defeat the Mantis Ant -- it's not terribly powerful -- and collect the coins and crystals for some EXP and 100 Lucre. Niccolo will then give you an Iron Pot, a Greenball Bun, a Tako Bug, the AF Flame, and the AF Medallion as rewards. (If you did the quests in a really weird order and already have the Flame or Medallion, Nic will give you metals instead.)

   Be sure to return Home after completing this quest and talk to Li'l Cactus. He'll babble a cute phrase; leave the room and he'll scribble down his (often humorous) thoughts on your latest adventure. Check back with him after every quest you complete, but be warned: he only records the most recent quest completed. If you beat two quests in a row without talking to Li'l Cactus, the Cactus Diary for the first one is lost.

   You'll probably want to tackle Quest #3, The Wisdom of Gaeus, next; it won't be available later in the game, so be sure to take care of it ASAP.

Li'l Cactus' quote: "Money-crazy."
Cactus Diary:
"My master beat banditos with a creature called Niccolo. Niccolo was scared of the banditos, but I'm scared to know what Niccolo is. What could he possibly be?"

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