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01 - GARLICROWN (White Family)
A crown-shaped garlic clove that might make you feel like royalty!
Increases: Chm
Decreases: Arr
02 - CONCHURNIP (White Family)
A turnip shaped like a conch shell.
Increases: Pwr, Def, Agr, Arr
Decreases: Mgc
03 - SWEET MOAI (Purple Family)
A sweet potato shaped like a Moai. It's pretty tasty, actually.
Increases: Def, Mgc, Lck, Laz
Decreases: Skl
Sweet Moai
04 - PEAR O'HEELS (White Family)
A pear shaped like a high-heeled shoe.
Increases: Pwr, Def, Chm, Arr
Decreases: Spr
Pear O'Heels
05 - MANGOELEPHANT (White Family)
A mango that even has a pair of tusk-like knobs.
Increases: Pwr, HP, Agr, Arr
Decreases: -
06 - APRICAT (Red Family)
An apricot with ears and whiskers that makes it looks like a cat.
Increases: Def, Clm
Decreases: -
07 - DICEBERRY (Red Family)
The ones with seeds planted like an actual dice are very rare.
Increases: Pwr, Agr
Decreases: -
08 - PEACH PUPPY (Red Family)
A peach with a dog-like face, and ear-like flaps.
Increases: Pwr, Skl, Frd
Decreases: Sch
Peach Puppy
09 - APPLESOCKS (Red Family)
An apple that looks like a Christmas stocking.
Increases: Skl, Chm, Clm, Ind
Decreases: -
10 - WHALAMATO (Red Family)
A whale-shaped tomato with a stem that looks like a water spout.
Increases: Mgc, HP, Chm
Decreases: Def, Agr
11 - SPINY CARROT (Orange Family)
A carrot with knobs like those on spiny shells.
Increases: Mgc, Spr, Clm, Ind
Decreases: Skl
Spiny Carrot
12 - LOQUAT-SHOES (Orange Family)
It has a hole that is big enough to fit a baby's foot.
Increases: Skl, Chm, Sch, Laz
Decreases: HP
13 - BUMPKIN (Orange Family)
A pumpkin with a scary face. There are some with sad faces, too.
Increases: Pwr, Spr, Agr, Arr, Sch, Laz
Decreases: -
14 - HONEY ONION (Orange Family)
An onion with honey stuffed inside.
Increases: Skl, HP, Spr, Ind
Decreases: Pwr
Honey Onion
15 - ORANGE'OPUS (Orange Family)
An orange with tentacle-like projections.
Increases: Def, HP, Sch, Laz
Decreases: -
16 - CITRISQUID (Yellow Family)
A lemon with a sharp top and tentacle-like projections.
Increases: Mgc, Sch
Decreases: -
17 - SPRINGANANA (Yellow Family)
A coily banana that is rather hard to eat.
Increases: HP
Decreases: Ind
18 - CORNFLOWER (Yellow Family)
Is it a sunflower with corn kernels, or corn that looks like sunflower?
Increases: Mgc, Chm, Agr
Decreases: Clm
19 - FISHY FRUIT (Yellow Family)
It has fin-like bumps that make it look like a fish.
Increases: Skl, Mgc, Chm
Decreases: HP, Sch
Fishy Fruit
20 - ROCKET PAPAYA (Orange Family)
A papaya with projections like a rocket.
Increases: Chm
Decreases: Arr
Rocket Papaya
21 - CABBADILLO (Green Family)
A cabbage that looks like a friendly armadillo.
Increases: Def, Spr, Frd, Lon
Decreases: Chm
22 - SQUALPHIN (Green Family)
A squash that is shaped like a dolphin.
Increases: Mgc, Lck, Frd, Lon
Decreases: Pwr
23 - NEEDLETTUCE (Green Family)
A lettuce with leaves shaped like porcupine needles. It's edible.
Increases: Def, Chm, Clm
Decreases: Agr
24 - BOARMELON (Green Family)
A watermelon that has stripes and tusks like a young boar.
Increases: Pwr, Skl, Spr, Lon
Decreases: Chm
25 - DIALAUREL (Green Family)
An herb that was named "Diamond" after its leaves' shape.
Increases: Pwr, Lck, Agr
Decreases: Clm
26 - HEART MINT (Blue Family)
This species of mint grows heart-shaped leaves.
Increases: Chm
Decreases: Laz
Heart Mint
27 - SPADE BASIL (Blue Family)
An herb with a slightly bitter flavor to it.
Increases: Spr
Decreases: Lon
Spade Basil
28 - PINE O'CLOCK (Blue Family)
A very functional pineapple that works as an alarm clock.
Increases: Pwr, Skl, Def, Mgc, HP, Spr, Chm, Lck
Decreases: Agr, Clm, Sch, Frd
Pine O'Clock
29 - GOLD CLOVER (Blue Family)
You will be really lucky if you find one with four leaves!
Increases: Skl, Lck, Frd
Decreases: Sch
Gold Clover
30 - RHINOLOUPE (Blue Family)
The skin is very tough and thick.
Increases: Pwr, HP, Spr
Decreases: Mgc, Clm
31 - LILIPODS (Purple Family)
This lily has peas inside it!
Increases: Skl, HP, Clm, Ind, Frd, Lon
Decreases: Mgc
32 - CHERRY BOMBS (Purple Family)
Cherries with clear, glass-like flesh around the seed.
Increases: HP, Frd
Decreases: -
Cherry Bombs
33 - ORCAPLANT (Purple Family)
An eggplant that looks like a killer whale.
Increases: Def, Mgc, Sch
Decreases: Frd
34 - MASKED POTATO (White Family)
A potato with colorful designs on it, making it look like a mask.
Increases: Def, HP, Spr
Decreases: Lck, Frd
Masked Potato
35 - BELLGRAPES (Purple Family)
The grape is covered with a tough skin. When shaken, it sounds like a bell.
Increases: Mgc, Spr, Sch
Decreases: Frd
36 - MUSH-IN-A-BOX (Black Family)
The insides pop out when touched. Its taste could be surprising, too.
Increases: Lck
Decreases: -
37 - TOADSTOOLSHED (Black Family)
A mushroom shaped like a house. Those with two chimneys are rare!
Increases: Pwr, Skl, Def, Mgc, HP, Spr, Chm, Lck
Decreases: -
Legend of Mana Guide