Sidequest Jump Rope More walkthrough

   The jump rope game in Alexandria is the first mini-game you'll stumble across; VIVI encounters the jump rope kids on his initial venture into Alexandria Town. Once you leave Alexandria Town, however, you won't be able to play the game again until midway through Disc 3. Once you get your first vehicle, the girls will surface again; this time, they can be found in the Alexandrian church instead of in the town square. Be sure to include VIVI in your party when visiting them, as you can't play the game without him!

   Jumping rope is deceptively easy to handle. All you have to do is press Circle once to start, then tap the button rhythmically to keep jumping. However, at each milestone -- 20, 50, 100, 200, 300, and 1000 jumps -- the pace suddenly quickens, meaning you'll have to immediately change your jumping pattern. (You'll also receive a prize the first time you reach each of these milestones; every prize after the first is a unique QuadMist card.) The first couple of times you hit each milestone, you'll probably trip. Keep experimenting with different jumping speeds until you find the new rhythm; once you've got a lock on how fast to push the button, it's not too hard to maintain that same speed. Unfortunately, VIVI's stumbling animation is the same whether you go fast or too slow, so you'll just have to guess to find the right speed.

   Once you get past 20 jumps, don't try to watch VIVI; his fast movement is distracting. Instead, watch the window in the upper-left corner and observe how fast it opens and closes as you jump. If you notice the refresh speed picking up, it's because your jumping rhythm is changing; gradually ease up your button tapping to stop yourself from tripping. (It's unlikely you'll ever have a problem jumping too slowly -- the biggest killer is gaining too much speed!)

   The most difficult transition is the one at 200 jumps. There's a huge change in speed here (it increases, of course), and you only have a split-second to make the shift. If you can master the post-200 rhythm, however, you have a clear shot at the fabled 1,000-jump mark. The change at 300 jumps change is almost non-existant, so the remaining territory is simply a matter of endurance. For optimal jumping, turn the sound off (the music and footstep noises can throw off your rhythm), lay the controller down, and use your index finger to tap Circle.

Jump Rope Rewards
JumpsRewardVIVI's animation
2010 gilNone
50Cactuar CardNone
100Genji CardRaises hands in triumph, looks around
200Alexandria CardWaves fists in frustration
300? Racket CardJumps up and down thrice

   On Disc One, you can check your top three jump rope scores by examining a sign on the middle building near the docks. On Discs Three and Four, the female Moogle in the church serves as the scorekeeper.

Final Fantasy IX Guide