Chapter 59 Eyes On Me More walkthrough

ITEMS TO GET: Elixir (x2), Ether, Wing Eyes, ? Hat, Diamond

   As you step inside Bran Bal -- the cat people town -- Garnet will have a vision of the eyeball ship that causes her to pass out. Put together a new party (you won't be able to include Garnet or Steiner) and go down the stairs to the right.

   Enter the eastmost building; you'll find a shop-owning Moogle here. There's a lot of new equipment available; in particular, be sure to buy the Orichalcum for Zidane. The Holy Lance for Freija is another very worthwhile purchase. Be sure to check the MOGNET option to get a new quest, and don't miss the Wing Eyes in the chest! Also, if you leave and re-enter, Stiltkin will appear in the room. He offers a Diamond, an Ether, and a Elixir for 2222 gil, but only buy the package if you have money left after upgrading your equipment.

 Fun and exciting stairs
It's a secret to everyone.

   Head left from the weapon shop to the next screen. Walk across the rocks in the lower-right corner (see screenshot). You'll end up underneath the stairs at the entrnace to the town. Keep walking right until an exclamation mark appears; activate it for a hat. Go back into the actual town and enter the leftmost building. Enter. Garnet will lie down to rest here, and after some discussion you'll be controlling Zidane by himself.

   Grab the Elixir from the chest, and talk to Freija if you want to rest. Enter the big building on the north side of Bran Bal (there's two entrances, one on each screen). Descend the stairs and talk to the woman there. When that conversation ends, ascend the stairs again and there will be more talking.

   You now take control of Eiko. Trigger the Quina A.T.E., then go outside for a VIVI A.T.E. Return to the stairs at the entrance of the town; there's an A.T.E. of Zidane disappearing. Talk to Salamander here and he'll join the party. Recruit VIVI from the side of the pond and Quina from inside the big building, then head back to the main stairs. Proceed through the green light (it was previously blocked off) and keep going until you see the cat girl again. Talk to her to switch back to Zidane.

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