Chapter 57 Elemental Doohickies More walkthrough


   If you haven't been using Quina, you'll definitely want to get him some Enemy Skills before proceeding. In particular, get 1000 Needles from the Cactuars and White Wind from the Griffins; both can be found near Conde Petie. It also might a good idea to build up Zidane's Trance meter so that he's about ready to Trance.

 Water water everywhere
It's better down where it's wetter

   Talk to the character change guy and choose the third option to begin the shrine mission. You now have to drop off each pair of characters at their respective shrine. First, head to the northwest corner of the Forgotten Continent and look for big the whirlpool that wasn't there before. Hit X to drop Eiko and Garnet off at the castle. Next, fly to the upper-right corner of the Sealed Continent; there's a big lava-filled crater. This is the Fire Shrine; Salamander and Freija will depart here. Now fly to the southwest corner of the Forgotten Continent and look for the tunnel with wind blowing out of it; you can hear it from a distance. Drop off VIVI and Steiner.

   Zidane and Quina are the only characters left; send them to the earthquake-prone area on the east side of the Outer Continent. Fly up to the triangle of rocks at the center of the plain and hit X to enter the Earth Shrine. (Note that you can turn around and leave once you're inside, though you'll still only be able to control Zidane and Quina.)

   Proceed to the second screen. The two heroes converse briefly, and then the floor starts rising. Quickly tap Circle both time an exclamation mark appers; if you're quick enough, you'll hop through to the other side. If not, just walk forward and try again. After a brief scene with Eiko and Garnet, walk forward and trigger the exclamation mark inside the shrine. The game cycles through some more scenes of the other teams, and then Zidane and Quina have to fight the Earth Guardian.

   The Earth Guardian doesn't have a lot of HP, but with two only characters, this can be a tough fight. Particularly deadly is the Earth Guardian's earthquake attack, which does about 1200 damage to both characters -- if you have Eternal Levitate already, you'll definitely want to equip it. Have Quina attack with 1000 Needles or use White Wind to heal. Zidane should just attack; you can steal a Rubber Costume or Avenger claw from the Earth Guardian, but neither are really worth getting.

   Assuming you can take out the Earth Guardian, the other teams automatically defeat their Guardians. Pick up the rest of the characters; you'll be able to put together a conventional party again.

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