Chapter 28 Kill! More walkthrough

ITEMS TO GET: Elixir, Ether, Phoenix Down, Remedy, Phoenix Pinion, Zuu Card, Nymph Card

   Head back down Cleyra, retracing the route you took to get up. When you reach the "whirlpool room", two generic Alexandria soldiers attack you. They're not terribly difficult, and they may even run away when they're low on HP. Two more soldiers attack you in the sand slide room, and a final pair in the front of the root room.

Put up your fists, you evil crusaders, and let me knock you out!

   When you reach the wooden bridge, Pack races in and proclaims that the Cleyra Settlement is under attack. Freija chases him off as Beatrix arrives. The Black Mage bridage invades Cleyra and begins slaughtering the residents, including Dan. You're automatically taken back to town, where you have to fight a Black Mage Type B. It isn't too tough to beat, although it can drain your MP. You can always have Zidane steal a magically delicious Ether if you run low, however.

   As soon as you beat the Black Mage, go right to the area where you fought the Antlion. The Moogles are here; you can buy the merchant's goods if you didn't before. More importantly, save your game and check MOGNET for a new quest. Return to the town entrance and try to go up the stairs; as soon as you do, you'll be attacked by three Alexandrian soldiers. Two Black Mage Type Bs follow immediately afterwards.

   You now progress through a series of menus as Zidane and friends try to guide the townspeople to the temple. If you make the wrong decisions, some of the people will get killed by the Black Mages, and you'll receive fewer items at the end of segment. (You'll still be able to progress in the game however.)

   Zidane's first encounter is with two priests; choose the second option. The group heads towards the inn. Stop and heal if you need to, then run up the stairs. A Burmecian mother and her children are waiting; choose the first option to run up the right. You'll have to fight a Black Mage and two soldiers. Afterwards, you'll have a chance to check the menu and heal; proceed right and the kids will start whining. Choose the second option; you'll have to fight three soldiers, but everyone stays alive. On the last menu, choose the second option again.

   After a series of scenes, Beatrix steals the magic power from the harp and tries to make her escape. Talk to all of the townspeople you saved; if you kept them all alive, you'll receive an Ether, a Phoenix Pinion, a Remedy, a Phoenix Down, an Elixir, a Nymph Card, and a Zuu Card. (Before the kids will hand over the two cards, you'll need to have room in your card inventory.) Be sure to save your game before proceeding.

Beatrix readies a spell

   When you step outside, you'll do battle with Beatrix again. She has the same moves as before, but this time they're stronger -- Shock can do up to 800 damage. If Freija still has her Regen spell, cast it on the party, then have her Jump. Have Zidane steal from Beatrix; you may be able to nab a powerful Ice Brand sword from her. Once you can't pilfer anything more, just attack. Quina should attack or Pumpkin Head, while VIVI continuously uses one his *ga attack spells. As with the last time you fought Beatrix, don't bother trying to revive dead characters; they'll get killed before they can move. Beatrix has about 6500 HP, plus the ability to heal herself for about 800 HP at a time.

   When Beatrix is "defeated", she zaps your party down to 1 HP again and escapes in one of the Black Mages' teleporter balls. Zidane, VIVI, and Freija follow her, leaving Quina stranded behind.

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