2000 - Miscellaneous
11.27.00 Larissa & Kelvin in: The Name Game Contest
    The GIA's errant mascots return in a brand new story. Find out how you can win a free game by reading their latest adventure.
11.11.00 Yu Suzuki signing event
    Yu Suzuki signed copies of Shenmue in San Jose, and the GIA was there. Check out our pictures of the event.
10.17.00 GIA For Kids Presents: Survival Horror Preview Generator!
    Hey readers -- you too can write your own survival horror preview in just a few clicks! Creating your own adventure games has never been this fun and easy!
09.18.00 The Samba de Amigo diet
    Losing weight the GIA way.
05.26.00 Battle of the Badasses Contest
    The month of May isn't big enough for the both of them. Read the case for Ashley Riot and Solid Snake, then enter our contest to decide who'll be the last man standing.
05.24.00 The GIA's E3 Photo Album 2000 and First Annual E3 Awards
    Let the GIA be your guide through the midriffs, midgets, and Morolians of E3. Only the GIA brings you the biggest and best photo album and comprehensive awards for gaming's biggest event.
04.02.00 April Fool's Day 2000
    The GIA undergoes a total conversion for April 1st.
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