Alundra 2 Trivia Contest results
| Grand Prize
Alundra 2 and
Japanese Alundra 2 poster Prizes courtesy of: Activision |
The ballots are in, the answers have been scored, and we're proud to announce the winner of the GIA's first-ever trivia contest. Competing for the grand prize of a brand new copy of Alundra 2 and a Japanese collectible Alundra 2 poster, Karl Kuntzelman was the first randomly drawn contestant to have correctly answered all five questions. Congratulations, Karl!
Full answers for the insatiably curious may be found below. Thanks to all who entered -- you'll want to try your luck again in a few short days when we begin a new trivia contest. Good luck!
Question 1: What Saturn RPG was released in a series of three installments?
Answer 1: Shining Force 3. A three-part story, only Scenario 1 was released in North America -- Scenarios 2 and 3 were never localized and remain Japanese-only titles.
Question 2: Who unintentionally kills Lammy in the Japanese and Australian versions of Um Jammer Lammy?
Answer 2: P.J. Berri. His banana peel, which Lammy later slips on, is carelessly disposed as garbage in the middle of a busy road. Lammy's subsequent trip to hell (and the banana peel death) was edited out of the US released; instead, Lammy is flung to an island. The original "Lammy Goes to Hell" death scene may be viewed here.
Question 3: What is odd about the menu screen in the shaman room in Breath of Fire II?
Answer 3: The most "odd," glaring aspect of the shaman room is Granny's buggy menu dialogue. When she asks if you would like instructions, "Yes" counts as "No" and vice-versa.
Question 4: Which popular Final Fantasy Tactics character has become a symbol for nonsensical dialogue?
Answer 4: Professor Bordam Daravon. The Professor Daravon Fan Club explains: "The name Daravon, due to the horribly mangled tutorial in which he appears, has become synonymous with bad translation. Now his name is invoked in reference to not only Final Fantasy Tactics' awkward lines, but such gems from FFVII as "This guy are sick" or "Off course", as well as other games."
Question 5: What game is the infamous 'Justin Bailey' code from?
Answer 5: The original NES version of Metroid. By entering the password "JUSTIN BAILEY ------ ------", players began with a fully powered-up Samus, which allowed one to finish the game quickly and see Samus in her swimsuit during the ending credits. "Justin Bailey" is cleverly broken up into "just in bailey," with "bailey" being British slang for a swimsuit.
Feature by Brian Glick, GIA.