Sketch Artist

   With this week being Thanksgiving and all, I do have something to truly be thankful for - my email and phone line were both fixed at last! Hopefully this will mean more frequent updates...

   But because of infrequent updates, this one is another rather large one. As a result, I will once again not ramble on about each and every pic in detail! This is the way! Well, maybe not... At any rate, this update holds some incredible new pieces from regular contributors, as well as a lots of impressive works from some fresh faces you'll definitely want to keep an eye on.

   While I'm here, I just have to publically thank "the new guy," Arpad, who's actually been working behind the scenes for awhile now, and has been particularly helpful with getting the artist archives up to date. Hopefully we'll get everything else sorted out soon... And speaking of other staff, news guy Nich has asked me to plead his case in front of the fan art community - if anyone out there has Fujin artwork, even if they wouldn't want it in Sketch Artist, please send it to this poor, obsessed man. He'll be eternally grateful. ;)

   -- Andrea Hartmann, biding her time until the Redesign... TSUBABABABA!

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