Sketch Artist

   Hmm... tomorrow's the ol' Turkey Day. Too bad I'm a vegetarian. But potatoes are good, after all, so happy Thanksgiving to those in the US, regardless.

   What am I thankful for? That I'm still here (or rather, here again), and still receiving cool artwork, almost three years after I got brought on board. In fact, tomorrow is the anniversary of the very first Sketch Artist update, I see while looking through our directory structure - back when Brian Maniscalco was in charge. Granted, I didn't get brought on board till a couple months later, I was doing something else for the site at first, but fan art... Mmmm, fan art. Fan art is another thing I'm incredibly grateful for, because it's kept me drawing even when I can't think of original characters to draw, which is often. And seeing such great pictures come in every week keeps driving me to improve...

   And Dance Dance Revolution. Very thankful for Dance Dance Revolution, and for a brother who throws arcade tokens around on it like confetti. And two adorable bunnies who sleep at my feet while I do this HTML work, but stay away from them while I'm playing DDR. Whew...

- Andrea Hartmann - reminding you that there's always something to be thankful for, you just have to look harder sometimes...

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