Artist: Xellos Rogue
Media: Oil pastels
Artist's Commentary
FREYA! Oh, I do so love Freya. I've always doodled little sketches of her all over my notebooks, and on a couple good pieces of paper that I actually plan on finishing someday. She's most definately my favorite FF girl. I don't think anyone (including myself) could ever understand this bizarre obsession I have with my Freya. Anyway, during art class today I was bored because I was ahead of things, so I yoinked some oil pastels and gave it a go. This is my first stab at the media, and, er... well, it didn't turn out _bad_, but it didn't turn out _good_, either. I was waaay rushed during this, so please forgive the sloppiness. I think she looks to scrawny, and I kinna omited the mouth, since I couldn't get it right. I also had to crop off her shoulders, which I miss, because I did a neato (well, okay, not really) effect on the silver shoulder pad thing that I learned with shading. Oil pastels are a lot of fun to work with, but they're not fun to wash off your hands.
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