Sketch Artist

   Yeah, it's been awhile. There are several reasons behind this - the most notable being the loss of my ISP and all my personal email addresses with it, including the ones that my GIA addresses were forwarded to. I know for a fact that a few submissions did not get to me during this particular internet crisis, and I'm guessing there may be a few more I don't know about. So yeah... resubmissions are fine.

   In other news, the t-shirt contest deadline has come and gone, and I was hoping to bring you the results by this time, but what with E3's imminent arrival, everyone here at GIA has been incredibly busy. Hopefully by the next time I update (and the delay should not be anywhere near as long, if I'm lucky), I'll have the name of the winner for you - I know you're probably anxious to find out.

   As for today's artwork, let's just say... it looks like FFX anticipation is running high. And speaking of high, there's a couple pieces in today's update that... ah, I shouldn't talk, given my recent obsession with Vagrant Story's Damascus Crab dancing.

/\^_______^/\ - Andrea Hartmann

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