Sketch Artist

   Another thirty-piece update today, full of all the vitamins and minerals growing boys and girls need! Or at least full of a nice assortment of artwork from old, new, and even upcoming games, rolled together with a healthy dose of humor. That's what I like to see!

   Another note to would-be contributors - please do not send in tracings or reworkings of official game art. I mentioned this here quite some time ago, but apparently it needs repeating; tracing and copying is a fine way to learn and practice techniques, but it isn't really your artwork if all you've done is copy from someone else's. There are occasional exceptions to the rule, such as if someone's reworked a picture in a very original way, but as a general rule, Sketch Artist won't post things that look like the official artwork. Take those characters you love and portray them in your own style, the way you see them, and you'll have a piece you can truly be proud of.

   If this update text seems short and random, well, it's because instead of sleeping today, I watched the Super Bowl. Not much of a game, but there was a commercial with several dozen rabbits in it, so it was well worth my time. But now, I collapse.

Andrea Hartmann

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