Sketch Artist

Hope you like art, because, well, there's not much else to see here.

This will - hopefully - be the last of these enormously large updates. Unless the moon falls from the sky and squishes my home town or something equally disastrous, Sketch Artist will be reverting to a weekly(ish) schedule in the near future (like, a week from now).

What that means for me is less to tackle per batch; what it means for you is a chance to let your art stand out. As nice as it is to have all this artwork to display at once, I hate the fact that the sheer bulk of content makes it more likely for some work to be overlooked in the process. But hey - this shouldn't be a problem in the future.

Looking over the galleries (all five of 'em), there's a great variety of games represented. Current fan-favorite Chrono Cross accounts for more pieces than any other title (and a couple of those drawings are, frankly, frightening), but it's great to see typically neglected games like Phantasy Star and Tales of Destiny put in an appearance. Sleeper games need love, too!

And a quick update: I'm still working behind the scenes to bring the Artist and Game Galleries up-to-speed. My apologies to those of you who are getting the short shrift here - I'm trying to get this patched up as quickly as possible to every can have equal representation. Thanks for your patience - and of course, thanks for the great art. Keep it up!

   -- J. Parish, the luckiest bot boy of all

Gallery 1 Gallery 2 Gallery 3 Gallery 4 Gallery 5

I'm lucky! I'm lucky! Uh huh!
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