Sketch Artist

   If there's one thing I love about this job, it's presenting the very first works of brand new fan artists. Or just the fact that people send me pretty pics in the mail nearly every day. Or the vials of crack that Allan Milligan left hidden in a secret compartment aboard the satellite after his departure - okay, dangit, I can't decide. But anyway, debuting new artists to the world is way up there on the list. And so today, I'm doing something a little unorthodox; the entire update is devoted to the artwork of brand new SA contributors.

   Unfettered by the expectations that longtime contributors often feel they must live up to, these artists offer some of the most original, imaginative pieces ever seen in this gallery, and I hope you find them as refreshing as I do. Enjoy!

   And regular contributors don't worry - if you sent me a picture in the last week or so, I still have them, and they will be posted in the next update. ;)

- Andrea Hartmann (but you can call me SEXY DWARVE! =*#^________~#*=;;;;)

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