Money! Money!
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Noelle Smialkowski unknown Undisclosed
Artist's Commentary

I got inspired to make this pic of Cait Sith because first of all, he's one of my favorites, and secondly, I was listening to that Will Smith song, "Freakin' It!" where there was a line that went, "The money......? Please." Well, I decided to do Cait with money 'cause he a fortune teller at the Gold Saucer! I didn't feel like drawing his Mog 'cause it would've screwed up the whole pic, and it would have left some pretty ugly eraser marks....O.O I'm very proud of this piece 'cause I've only very few pieces of art with Cait Sith around the net, this was my best pic of him, and I was very surprised of how well this came out. I hope all of you like this pic, if you have the time to look at it, tell me what you think of it!

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