Chapter FortyFour
Picking her way through the debris that littered the plate all around her, Kit tried not to let the Jenova presence overpower her more basic instincts. Whatever that huge mechanical thing was that they'd seen from below, it was probably still near the Shinra building, and therefore, the Mako Cannon. It probably was loud enough to move that she would hear it long before it saw her, but then, she hadn't heard it since she'd gone up. It could very well be lying in wait for them.
Not that a thirty foot robot had anywhere to hide, exactly. The buildings up on the plate were tall, but built close together, and the narrow alleyways between them would be impossible to squeeze something that large into. Still, she had to be on her toes.
It was a straight shot from where she was to the Shinra building, but as she emerged into an intersection, she encountered a group of low-ranking, masked Shinra troops coming the opposite direction. Before she could even reach for her pistol, the red-suited commander saluted, and her men did likewise. Thinking quickly, Kit silently returned the salute, and the troops continued on their way past her. Thank goodness she hadn't ditched the old SOLDIER uniform, Kit thought, and pulled up the hood as an afterthought. Anyone who knew her from before could have picked her out at a distance from the hair, but it was unlikely they'd be able to place a face right away, especially the face of someone they thought dead.
None of the other troops she came across paid her much attention. She made it to the foot of the Shinra building with no problem, and found a plain metal scaffolding had been erected against one side. Looking up from the concrete base, Kit could see the barrel of the giant cannon jutting out far above the nearby apartment complexes and skyscrapers, and above that, the Meteor hanging disturbingly low in the sky. The Jenova presence above was almost overwhelmingly intense; it was definitely the right place. Kit began the climb up the steep stairs, wary of the strong gusts of wind that threatened to knock her off balance. This high up above the reactors, she could see the sky, and it was obvious that a storm was brewing. It seemed fitting, Kit thought, holding her pistol ready.
The final set of stairs ended nearly sixty feet in the air, at a wide wooden platform reinforced with metal beams. The Jenova creature was so close, Kit thought she could reach out and touch it. Steeling herself for a battle, she turned the pistol towards the center of the platform as she rushed up the last few steps, ready to fire.
The platform was empty, except for one figure on the opposite side, wearing a white lab coat. His back remained turned to her as he worked the controls on the vast panel that spanned the length of the far side of the platform. "I thought someone would show up here sooner or later," he muttered, sounding amused. "Come to stop me, hmmm?"
"Well, you can't exactly expect to be left alone when you're threatening an entire city," Kit pointed out, aiming the gun directly at him. The Jenova presence was still strong, but a few glances around told her there was no one else in sight. Maybe it was someone who had powers like hers, who could become invisible? The whole thing made her uneasy - why was he even still alive?
"I've been expecting you for some time, Kit," he said, still not turning from the panel. "You should be helping me."
"Not likely," Kit replied. "Unlike someone here, I'm not a lunatic."
"Why Kit, what are you saying?" he asked mockingly. "I've got a perfectly good reason for doing what I'm doing. Maybe if you understood, you'd change your mind. After all, I'm doing this for your sweet Sephiroth."
So now he knew about that too? It didn't matter, she decided. "Then step away from the machine and make me understand," she ordered.
He giggled strangely, adjusting one of the instruments. "This is taking far too long... I can't afford to step away now, I'm afraid."
"I don't think you can afford not to step away," she corrected him. "Remember that pistol Scarlet gave me when I accepted my last mission? I've got it pointed right at the center of your back. I want answers, now."
"You sound so childish," he snorted. "Impatience is an awful trait for a doctor to have, you know."
"Well, thanks to you, I'm not a doctor anymore," she pointed out. "Now I'm a trained assassin - a very well-trained one - and unless I get a very good explanation for what you're doing in the next twenty seconds, I'm going to begin firing."
He finally turned to her, smirking arrogantly. "Tsk tsk... talking that way to the grandfather of your child."
It took a moment for his words to sink in, and Kit froze. "You liar." That would mean that either Hojo was her father, or...
"Perhaps," he said with an unconcerned shrug, turning back to his work. "But not about this. You met Lucrecia, didn't you? My dear wife..." The words came from his lips dripping with sarcasm. "After the Jenova Project was over, I intended to let the Turk have her anyway. I'd found a more... fitting... consort. But somehow things didn't turn out that way. That foolishly passionate man..."
"Hold on," Kit ordered him. Her brain was moving too fast for her thoughts to keep up. Hojo was Sephiroth's father. Hojo was Lucrecia's husband. That's what she'd been remembering, back when she'd spoken of it to Vincent! "Why couldn't I remember this sooner?" she murmured under her breath.
"Because my processes wouldn't let you," Hojo said simply. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to attend to my son's destiny." He giggled maniacally, pushing his glasses up further on his nose. "All this time, he detested me, and now I'll finally be able to show him a father's love..."
Kit pushed the whirling thoughts out of her head, and refocused on her objective. Hojo couldn't fire the cannon, and she had to find whatever Jenova-spawn he'd created before it was set loose. "Hojo, you're an idiot. Sephiroth doesn't want or need a father. In fact, the only way he wants you is dead." Maybe she could bring him into a rage deep enough to make him stop with the controls, if she pushed enough of his buttons. "He hates you and everything you stand for. Your son wants you dead, Hojo. How does that feel?"
"Oh, you're just bitter, Kitarin," Hojo sneered. "Sephiroth takes after his father - he uses anyone he can to reach his objectives. He used you to get an heir, but when you turned on him, you became just another worthless creature to him. Now it is I who can be of aid... and he'll reward me, when Meteor comes crashing down. He and his mother... my dearest Jenova..."
"Liar," Kit repeated firmly. "You lied to Cloud, you lied to Shinra - you lie to everyone." That couldn't be true, what he was saying... in her heart, she knew it couldn't be. What she and Sephiroth had shared that night couldn't have been faked, not by the best of actors. "He wants you dead, Hojo, and he wants me alive."
"Hmmph. Stubborn girl," Hojo muttered. "You really are concerned about him. Maybe if you'd let down your barriers, and let Jenova's blood bring you together again, you'd know what he really thinks. But you're too cowardly to do that, aren't you?" He turned to look at her. "You cling to that ring beneath your glove like a life preserver."
Her right hand moved unconsciously to touch the ring finger on her left hand, and she stared at Hojo. "What?! How did you know about that?" she demanded.
He gave a satisfied sniff. "Lucrecia and Sephiroth aren't the only ones who have received massive infusions of Jenova cells over the years." He giggled, pushing his glasses up again. "Ever since Gast found that creature, it's captivated me," he said, suddenly sounding earnest. "Such a powerful, beautiful being... and when Gast realized he'd made a mistake, that Jenova wasn't an Ancient, he simply abandoned her. For his precious Cetra woman, he ran off and left Jenova all alone." There was a far-off, almost nostalgic look in Hojo's eyes for a moment, but it vanished when he peered at Kit. "Do you remember that?"
"...No," Kit said, after a moment's hesitation. This was all making her very uneasy, but if it could explain her past, maybe she should let him continue. At least he wasn't doing anything with the Mako Cannon at the moment.
"Didn't think so," Hojo muttered. "I couldn't let a beautiful creature like Jenova go to waste, so I began work on the SOLDIER program, and made preparations for that reactor project in Nibelheim - yes, the one where you were created," he added. "Having studied Sephiroth for the last few years, I knew that humans with Jenova cells could become more powerful than either on their own. I wanted to be worthy," he stated, walking over to the railing of the platform, looking out over the city. "The process works best when the cells are received in the womb, Sephiroth is proof of that. My son is more powerful than any being which has ever walked this world, and he will become more powerful in the days to come." He glanced over his shoulder at Kit. "Did you know that Sephiroth has allotted only a week more for you to go to him? In seven days, he will become a god."
Just like Bugenhagen had said, Kit realized. Hojo was a madman, and he hadn't explained anything yet, but that at least proved he was at least partially telling the truth. "How can you possibly know these things?" she asked again, gripping her pistol tighter. "If you don't tell me what I want to know, I'll just assume you're lying, and I'll shoot you."
He laughed a little, turning back to his view of the city. "Just like you did in Costa Del Sol? I suppose you wonder why that didn't work either."
"As a matter of fact, yes."
He laughed again. "It's really quite simple. Jenova is Sephiroth's mother. I am Sephiroth's father. We're a family, we're all a part of each other... I had to be worthy. And so I've become of one blood with Jenova as well, just as Sephiroth did. Just as Lucrecia did, though she fought for her independance against it and lost. And you will lose too, if you don't accept it."
"And that means..." Kit began slowly. Hojo's newest monster is... himself.
"Oh, come on!" Hojo exclaimed irritably, whirling to face her. "You were a researcher too - do I really have to spell it all out for you? I didn't die when you shot me because Jenova's cells regenerated me. I know Sephiroth's motives because Jenova speaks to me through the blood we share! Just as she used to speak to you, until you grew too cowardly to face her, and decided to hide from her by using that silly ring to raise your mental and physical defenses."
Slowly, a smile crossed Kit's face. "Now I know you're lying about Sephiroth. He was the one who gave me that ring, not to hide me from Jenova, but to save my life. I was weak and sick, and he wanted to make sure I was strong enough to survive this pregnancy."
Hojo's beady eyes widened just a little bit, just enough for Kit to confirm that she was right, he was jumping to conclusions. Her smile grew wider. "You know what Jenova thinks, perhaps, but not Sephiroth. He'd never speak to you. He hates your guts, Hojo." Hojo's eyes were glittering dangerously, and Kit knew she was hitting close to the mark. "He hasn't forgotten how you treated him like a lab rat for most of his life. Forget rewarding you - he'll never forgive you, no matter how much power you give him. And he told me himself, when he gave me this ring, that he'll destroy you before you ever touch our son."
Hojo's eyes were burning with rage, and for the first time, Kit could almost see a resemblance to his son there. But then, abruptly, his rage vanished, and he straightened, giggling to himself behind his hands. "Well..." Hojo said coldly, "he's not here now, is he?" Lowering his arms to his sides, he sneered at her. "It's just you, me, your son... and Jenova."
It would be an easy shot for her. Kit began to pull the trigger of her pistol, but something was wrong. No matter how much pressure she applied, the trigger wouldn't budge. "Something wrong?" Hojo asked mockingly.
She tried to turn her right hand to examine the pistol, and realized she'd been completely immobilized, presumably the same way Sephiroth had paralyzed her in Mideel. "I may have lied about a few things," Hojo told her, "but not about everything. Jenova is proud of me. And on the opposite end of that spectrum, you've been a colossal disappointment to her. She's telling me now that you're a waste, and I can kill you at my leisure if I wish. Your unborn child? Irrelevant." He went back to the controls and began pressing buttons again. "Hmm, this is going much too slowly. At any rate, Sephiroth won't need an heir. Why would an immortal, omnipotent being need an heir?"
A few more adjustments to the machinery, and he turned back to her. "I don't have time to waste on you now, so I'll make this quick." An invisible hand seemed to grab her by the neck, and she gasped as the unseen force pulled her into the air and out over the edge of the platform. "You'll see your precious Sephiroth again, I suppose," Hojo told her, smirking. "When he absorbs the Lifestream, you'll become one with him once again, this time permanently." He giggled behind his hands again. "I wonder if he will recognize your spirit energy?"
The invisible force that held her upright suddenly dissipated, and Kit found herself falling. A flash of coherent thought amidst the panic told her that it was more than fifty feet to the surface of the plate - and that was if she didn't happen to fall through one of the holes to the slums a few hundred feet below. No chance for her to break the fall with a roll when it was straight down, either. She closed her eyes, not wanting to see the concrete rushing up at her. There was nothing that could be done. The wind whistled in her ears...
Then all of a sudden, it was replaced by the mechanical humming of the Mako Cannon above. No wind rushed by her, no dizziness assailed her. A drop of cold water hit her cheek, and her eyes flew open. She found herself suspended in midair only about ten feet above the pavement as the rain began to fall.
You're right. I will never forgive Hojo.
"Sephiroth!" she exclaimed. He was nowhere in sight, but his words came into her mind clearly.
Cloud and the others will deal with him, if they are strong enough. Revenge is a petty thing, far beneath me now. My eyes are on my destiny, and nothing else.
"Then..." Kit began out loud, then changed her mind. Then why did you just save my life?
There was a hesitation. Don't you know by now?
She nodded, letting her doubts slip away. I thought I did.
He's a liar, as you said. It's strange... he embraced and accepted my destiny, but he still doesn't understand me as well as you, who have forsaken and refused it. The last words seemed almost to be a question, rather than a statement.
She lowered her head. Yes... I have.
There was no reply, or even acknowledgement of her words, and she sighed. I suppose now you wish you hadn't saved my life just now.
I shouldn't have. But you're still at my mercy, he pointed out. I could destroy you with a thought.
And will you?
There was another hesitation. I should. But I will not.
You know we're coming to the crater soon. You know what will happen then.
Yes... Yes, I do. ...Are you sure I can't change your mind?
Yes, I am. She was firm on at least that point. And you? Is it even possible for you to listen to reason, Sephiroth? she pleaded.
I still maintain it is you, Kit, who will not listen to reason. Mother is angry with you... she will not tolerate any more interference with our plans. I asked for just this moment, to make certain before there is no turning back.
I'm sorry, angel... I can't join you.
That is what I expected to hear from you.
His mental voice fell silent, and she closed her eyes, feeling safe and secure in his power for what would likely be the last time. It couldn't last forever, though. What will happen now? she asked.
Now, we walk our separate paths, he replied softly. Know that when we meet, I will show no mercy. Not for your sake, or my son's.
Or your own?
For no one. The words were as cold and hard as steel. So then... I will meet my destiny without you.
Sephiroth, Jenova's controlling you! she pleaded with him. This doesn't have to be your destiny - you can fight her! I did, and you're stronger than I am, Sephiroth... You don't have to be controlled any more!
I'm not being controlled, came the gentle rebuke. For the first time in my life, I am doing what I feel I should be doing. Jenova and I are one.
And what about us? What about you and I, and our son?
Another pause. No more. This is the end.
A single tear leaked from the corner of her eye. If he was not willing to try, there was nothing more she could do for him. Yes, the end, she agreed.
His power held her aloft for a few more seconds before it vanished, leaving her to drop the remaining distance to the pavement. As it began to rain harder, she sat among the rubble where she'd fallen with her head in her hands for what seemed like hours, or perhaps just a split second, before she heard a voice calling her name.
"Kit! Kit, what's going on?"
She raised her head a little, and saw Cloud, Tifa, and Vincent approaching. Cloud knelt down beside her. "What happened?" he asked.
"Cloud..." She tried to explain, but the words just wouldn't form through the painful thoughts in her mind. "Kill Hojo," she managed to tell him. "For your sake, Red's, Vincent's, mine... and Sephiroth's too." If she couldn't save him, at least the man who set the whole thing in motion should be made to pay for his deeds.
Cloud looked at her curiously. "Are you all right?"
"Yeah," she lied. "Now go... there's not much time left."
Cloud nodded, and she let her head drop again as the sound of their footsteps vanished up the metal stairs. It couldn't end this way, it just couldn't. Actually it hadn't, she realized. If this was all there was to it, then that would be that. No more to think about. But there was still one thing left that had to be done, and it would be even more painful.
And that was why when she felt the nearby presence of Jenova vanish, telling her Hojo was dead once and for all, it didn't bring her the slightest bit of satisfaction. His deeds had been done years ago, and nothing they could do to him now would turn back time, and make it so she wouldn't have to...
Kill Sephiroth. She forced herself to think it. They had to stop the Meteor at all costs. If he had a destiny, so did AVALANCHE, and those destinies were in a head-on collision. One of those destinies would fail, and neither party would allow it to be theirs, not while they lived.
A few minutes later, she heard the footsteps coming down the steps again. "We got him," Cloud called to her. "Come on back to the alley we met at, and we'll figure out how to get everyone back on the Highwind." When she didn't answer, she heard his footsteps coming closer. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing," she told him, standing. It was her own conflict to resolve, and she already knew what they would advise her to do, so there was no point in getting them involved.
Tifa looked half exasperated, half concerned. "Kit, we're not blind. What is it?"
She sounded just like Aeris had, that day at the Ropeway Station when Kit had come clean about why she had joined the group, and another memory of Aeris came back as well.
"Me and Cloud and Tifa, and Red and... even Barret's not so bad once you get to know him. We'll be your friends, if you'll let us."
"Sephiroth just spoke to me," she said finally. "He's determined on his course of action. I guess that doesn't change anything for you, though, right?"
Vincent looked as solid as ever, but Tifa and Cloud's faces betrayed a trace of discomfort. Great, now she'd made them feel bad about it too. "That's okay, AVALANCHE will do what needs to be done," she said, turning to look up at the massive frame of the Sister Ray. "I couldn't get through to him..." Leaning up against the side of the ruined building, she sighed. "I couldn't do anything. So now there's only one course left to take. I have to go through with it..."
After a few moments, she heard the sound of their footsteps amidst the raindrops, as they walked away. She thanked them silently for leaving her alone this time. She'd made herself clear, and she would follow them in a moment, as soon as she collected her thoughts. It was their destinies.
Before she could, however, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Vincent was standing there behind her, his hair blowing restlessly in the wind. "Perhaps this will sound hypocritical coming from me," he said softly, "but don't blame yourself for what you couldn't do. If you hadn't tried, then yes, you might have been partly at fault, but we both know who is really responsible for this. And now he has paid for his sins."
"Yes, I know... it doesn't undo them, though."
Vincent nodded gravely. "But neither can you undo the past. No matter what the future holds, we must accept it, because that is where we are all headed, whether we like it or not."
She tried to flash a small smile at him, hearing the truth in his words through the pain. "You'd like to be sure of that yourself, wouldn't you?" He frowned a little. "No, I agree with you," she assured him. "It's just that... I know it's hard to say what you know is true in another's case when it also applies to you. You don't have to push yourself, I don't need comforting anyway. I know in my head it's not my fault..."
"But the heart?" he asked softly.
She shrugged. "At least I'm smart enough to know the difference."
His good hand reached out, taking hold of hers and squeezed it tightly for an instant before letting go. She looked up at him, surprised that he would show a sign of affection to anyone. "The others will be waiting," he commented, turning away with his usual cool demeanor. "Shall we go?"
With a nod, she followed his swirling cape as they ran back to the tower Cloud's group had climbed up on. Before climbing down, Kit took one look back over her shoulder at the Shinra building. Hojo may have been dead at last, but Meteor seemed to have sunk lower in the sky than before, a pointed reminder that they didn't have far to go before the world was safe. Just one more thing they had to do yet before they were through. There was no turning back now.
To Chapter FortyFive.
To the intro.
© 1998-2000 by Andrea Hartmann.
That means it's mine, not yours!