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MSTing of "The Final Fantasy I Script" Part Two
- The Final Fantasy Script - Part II - A NEW FRONTIER _____________________________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | Chapter 4 - *King to the Key* | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ******* Note: Take this opportune moment to EXPLORE! Revist Coneria (albeit sans new dialogue) and see your world from wind in sail. Iiiiiiit's NOT a small world aaaaaaaaaaaaafter all! ~_~ Halzamon: Har har har....what a kneeslapper....I'm just ROTFLMAO now... Yator: Hey, I thought it was funny... Hator and Halzamon: Yeah, but you're stupid. Play the "#" game if yer bored (press A&B together 55 times). ******* EXTERIOR: OVERWORLD -- ELFLAND PORT Sailing due south the LW meet land once again. They trek even further south on foot to find a castle and town hidden within the forest. Elves! EXTERIOR: ELFLAND A quaint village heavily laden w/bushes and trees making navigation through the town like a maze. Nevertheless, it's still a homey town nestled in the forest. Being the largest town, so far, Elfland has a definite organic prescence--derived probably from elves' stong ties with nature. Yator: I only see 16 pixel sprites and squares, but what do I know? EXTERIOR: ELFLAND -- NEAR ENTRANCE ELF: Save our Prince! EXTERIOR: ELFLAND -- OUTSIDE ARMORY ELF: (s) The Prince must wake soon, or the Dark Elf will dominate! Yator: And you can't use metal weapons in his cave, either! Hator: (Grunts in a manner saying, "Wrong FF, idiot.") Yator: Oops, sorry... EXTERIOR: ELFLAND -- NEAR ITEM SHOP ELF: The Prince must wake soon, or the power of the Dark Elf will dominate. Halzamon: Oooh...the POWER of the D.E. this time...I'm scared.... EXTERIOR: ELFLAND -- OUTSIDE BLACK MAGIC CENTER ELF: (s) The Prince must wake soon, or the Dark Elf will dominate! (r) EXTERIOR: ELFLAND -- OUTSIDE FIRST WHITE MAGIC CENTER ELF: Swords and armors made of Silver are very powerful. Yator: Um...you know....logically, silver is a crappy metal to forge weapons from... EXTERIOR: ELFLAND -- WOODED PATH ELF: Long ago I wandered to the Northwest. I found an ancient castle that was so spooky, I left immediately. Hator: (Grunts in a way saying, "Hee hee...wimp..") EXTERIOR: ELFLAND -- NORTHERN CLEARING ELF: Our Prince was to become the King of Elfland. Yator: Just out of curiousity, where IS the King of Elfland? EXTERIOR: ELFLAND -- GRAVEYARD The LWs pause to pay thier respects to heros of the past. Halzamon: That's HEROES! Ha ha! Caught you! ******* Note: Inspection of 'Erdrick's Tombstone' merits you this text.. Here lies Erdrick 837 - 866 R.I.P Yator: Do I detect a subtle snipe at Dragon Warrior here? Note: Inspection of a 'tomb' merits you this text.. This is a tomb. Yator: This is a tomb on drugs. Any questions? ******* (FTR the population of _ElfLand_ is 24, including shops&services.) * * * EXTERIOR: CASTLE OF ELF Finally, maybe the party will find some answers to this ongoing conundrum within the walls of the Elf Castle. The LIGHT WARRIORS enter.. INTERIOR: CASTLE OF ELF Past a ring of great pillars a duo of elf guards greet the party and inform them of the dilemma of the Kingdom; the Prince CAN'T WAKE UP! Yator: I know the feeling, I have the same trouble trying to wake up Hat.... Hator: (Snores softly) ELF GUARD(S): Astos put the Prince to sleep. Please! Save him! INTERIOR: CASTLE OF ELF -- PRINCE'S CHAMBERS Flanked by two massive pillars the door to the Prince's Chambers is unguarded, yet still has regal impressions all it's own. Inside are decorations of elf culture and golden dragons forged of gold (royalty luv their gold dragons, eh?). In the center is a bed currently occupied by the sleeping Prince. Halzamon: Strange...all I see is 2 Elves, one on something that MIGHT be a bed, and some strange squiggles... ELF PRINCE: (deep asleep) z----z---- Yator: Only one "z" at a time? HA! He can't be DEEPLY asleep! ATTENDANT: (worryingly) For five years the Prince has slept under Astos' spell. Only HERB can wake him! Hator: (Grunts sleepily in a manner saying, "So what, I slept for eight years once..") EXTERIOR: CASTLE GROUNDS Tending the castle gardens, the groundskeeper verily provides some advice for our heros. Halzamon: THAT'S HEROES! DIE DIE DIE DIE!!! Yator: Calm down, Hal...it's only a simple spelling error... Halzamon: NO!! DIE!!! (Gestures at the TV screen) Yator: Hal, that spell only works on living things....calm down... Halzamon: What's in it for me? Yator: If you don't calm down...I'll....WAKE UP HAT!!! Halzamon: ACK!! Anything but that!!! Alright, fine, sorry... GROUNDS KEEPER: It is said there is a witch who has HERBS. I believe that her name is---- Matoya! Yator: Say, something just occured to me...why not just take the key FROM the Prince? Halzamon: That would be too easy... Hator: (Snores softly) INTERIOR: CASTLE OF ELF -- NORTHWEST JUNCTURE ELF: The Cave of Dwarf is at the west end of the Aldi sea. Halzamon: The Cave of Plural is at the non-existant end of the Square translation room... INTERIOR: CASTLE OF ELF -- HALL ELF: Without warning, Astos attacked our castle. Our Prince was laid under a curse, and our treasury ransacked. Yator: Funny, there still seems to be some chests in there to me.... Halzamon: (Astos) I could kill the Prince...but that would be too easy...I think I'll just cast a sleep spell on him! What a genius idea! EXTERIOR: CASTLE OF ELF -- TREASURY Half-hidden and guarded the Treasury resides outside of the castle itself. Yet another entrance sealed by the elusive mystic KEY. ACK! Yator: Wait! I've got it! Hator: (waking up) Huh? Wha-? Yator: Astos put the prince to sleep (who happens to be obesely overweight, BTW), so that he would fall asleep on top of the key, and nobody can roll him over, so that the Light Warriors can't get the key! What? Why are you staring at me like that? It makes perfect sense to me! Hator and Halzamon: Yeah, but you're stupid. * * * EXTERIOR: OVERWORLD -- COUNTRYSIDE NEAR ELFLAND After exploring the Castle of Elf, the LIGHT WARRIORS commiserate and decide to earn some gold--for the supplies in ElfLand do not come cheap. The surrounding forest and especially fields provide quite the adequate hunting-ground for many different types of gold- bearing ruffians--specifically, Ogres. ... Purchasing the necessary up- grades in weapons, armor, magic, and such the LW now hear fate beckoning them to the northwest. * * * EXTERIOR: OVERWORLD -- ALDI SEA The LIGHT WARRIORS back on the vast and dangerous sea--this time venture northwest toward the Dwarf Cave. In search of some sort of link to the endless clues that they have been collecting on their quest to RElight the four ORBS. Determination and honor abound as the LW press onward against all odds. EXTERIOR: ALDI SEA -- NORTHWEST PORT Land ho! The LW meet 'terra firma' oncemore and port their ship respectively. On land the group travels southwest through a forest and locates the opening of a great cave in the rockface. Slowly the LW trod inside. INTERIOR: DWARF CAVE The LIGHT WARRIORS meet several (busy) dwarves going about their business in the torch-lit cave. It seems a strange place to live.. but the dwarves find it quite comfortable here indeed. INTERIOR: DWARF CAVE -- NEAR ENTRANCE DWARF: Hurray!! Yator: What's up with him? Halzamon: Oh, he's just high on something. INTERIOR: DWARF CAVE -- OBTRUDING ROOM SOUTHWEST OF ENTRANCE DWARF: Dwarves can see in the dark! Yator: Well, let's see...logically: 1. It doesn't look dark to us. 2. The dwarf is talking about the dark. 3. Therefore, it must be dark. 4. Dwarves can see in the dark. 5. Thus, we must be Dwarves! What? Doesn't that make sense? I think it does! Hator and Halzamon: Yeah, but you're stupid. INTERIOR: DWARF CAVE -- ROOM NORTH OF ENTRANCE A dwarf sits bestowicly on a wooden chair. Yator: Bestowicly? DWARF: Hurray!! Halzamon: Another high Dwarf....what ARE they smoking? Yator: I'd think that'd be obvious... INTERIOR: DWARF CAVE -- VICINITY AROUND ROOMS DWARF: I'm looking for the FLOATER. I'll bet with it I could float anything. DWARF: That sound? Nerrick is digging a canal. DWARF: The {*}---- bracelet can protect you, like armor. Yator: The {*}? Halzamon: It was explained in the intro to this script...it's meant to be the bracelet symbol... Yator: Really? I don't read those things... Hator and Halzamon: Yeah, but you're stupid. INTERIOR: DWARF CAVE -- OUTSIDE SMITH'S ROOM DWARF: With the CRYSTAL, even the blind can see. Astos stole it from Matoya. DWARF: Did you meet Smith, our blacksmith? Yator: Did you meet Bob, our thing-a-ma-bob? DWARF: The earth is rotting slowly from the west---- Hator: (Grunts in a way that says, sarcastically, "ooh..I'm scared") Yator: How the heck can earth rot, anyways? INTERIOR: DWARF CAVE -- INSIDE SMITH'S WORKPLACE SMITH: For the LIGHT WARRIORS I will make a truly legendary sword. However, my supply of ADAMANT is exhausted. Halzamon: Sorry, just ran out! I finished a bulk order of Excaliburs for someone named Kefka....strange guy, too....kept laughing at me. ******* Note: Inspection of a 'sword' merits you this text.. No! That is just an unusable sample. ******* INTERIOR: DWARF CAVE -- PATH LEADING SOUTH DWARF: That sound? Nerrick is digging a canal. INTERIOR: DWARF CAVE -- CANAL PROJECT NERRICK: A rock blocks construction of my canal. If I only had TNT. Yator: TNT! Ha ha! And people claim that FF1 was pure fantasy! Take a look at that! Halzamon: Um....not to mention the robots, airships, and floating towers in the sky.... Yator: There are those in this game? I didn't know that... Hator and Halzamon: Yeah, but you're stupid. * * * EXTERIOR: OVERWORLD Gaining newfound knowledge from the dwarves the LIGHT WARRIORS now strive for the mystic KEY. The hunt has now truly begun! * * * EXTERIOR: OVERWORLD -- ELFLAND Once again the LWs head back to ElfLand. They rest and replenish their supplies. Their next target--Northwest Castle. * * * EXTERIOR: OVERWORLD -- OUTSIDE NORTHWEST CASTLE After a days journey north through denizens of the forest the LIGHT WARRIORS happen upon an ancient castle which has 'spooky' written all over it. Yator: Written all over it? Damn grafitti taggers.... INTERIOR: NORTHWEST CASTLE Strangely only a few bats inhabit the castle..has it been deserted?? Yator: Maybe.... Halzamon: That's a good question.... BAT(S): Kee---- Kee---- (r) INTERIOR: NORTHWEST CASTLE -- KING'S THRONE ROOM Adorning the King's throne are 8 golden dragaons arranged in a pattern to almost intimidate visitors. The LW approach the lone King with investigative suspicion. KING: Astos double-crossed us. Go south, to the cave of Marsh, to retrieve the CROWN. Then, bring it directly back to me! Hator: (Grunts in a manner saying, "Us? I thought he was the only one there?") Yator: Him and his bats...they're his subjects, of course... Halzamon: Off course! * * * EXTERIOR: OVERWORLD Heeding the King's demand the LWs head in the opposite direction in which they came for Marsh Cave in pursuit of a CROWN. The marshy swamp proves dangerous with much more enemies. Fearlessly our party carrys on with the search and locates the Marsh Cave. INTERIOR: MARSH CAVE Deeper and deeper the LW plunge themeselves to lower levels of the cave. The farther they get..the more evil radiates. BAT(S): Kee---- Kee---- (r) INTERIOR: MARSH CAVE -- THIRD FLOOR -- ROOM The LW enter a room with 7 gargoyles surrounding a chest. When they approach it a furtive band of wizards, keepers of the CROWN, bargain for a fight with the LIGHT WARRIORS. After a semi-tough battle(depending on your level building) the LW win and open the treasure chest; only to find..the CROWN! Halzamon: The crown, what a surprise...you only told us that they were the keepers of it 2 sentences ago... * * * EXTERIOR: OVERWORLD Over the river and through the woods to Astos's house we go... Hator: SHUT UP!!! I HATE THAT!!!! Yator: Astos is the king of the Northeastern Castle? I didn't know that... Hator and Halzamon: Yeah, but you're stupid. INTERIOR: NORTHWEST CASTLE -- KING'S THRONE ROOM The LIGHT WARRIORS approach the King and plan to graciously hand over the hard-earned CROWN to the King with pride. One problem--the King=Astos in disguise. ASTOS: HA, HA, HA! I am Astos, King of the Dark Elves. I have Matoya's CRYSTAL, and you shall give me that CROWN, now!!! Halzamon: Why the heck does he care about some cheap little plastic crown anyways? And so, the LWs defeat the King of the Dark Elves, Astos. Each passing day the LIGHT WARRIORS fulfill more and more of the prophecy foretold by Lukahn. With the CRYSTAL now in their possession the party heads north to meet an old friend again. Yator: That, specifically, was part of Lukhan's prophecy?...Say...an old fiend? I thought they didn't meet any fiends until chapter 5 of this script? Halzamon: That's FRIEND, Yat.... Yator: Oops...sorry...surely you don't expect me to read every word perfectly... Hator and Halzamon: Yeah, but you're stupid... ******* Note: BE KING FOR A DAY! Move your Light Warrior onto the King's throne and press start. Then exit the sub-screen by pressing 'B'. When you come out you'll be sitting on the throne facing forward. Kewl. ;) Halzamon: How thrilling... ******* * * * INTERIOR: MATOYA'S CAVE -- MAYTOYA'S ROOM Journeying back to Maytoya's Cave, the LWs find their way here much easier. MATOYA: The Prince needs HERB? I'll trade the most powerful HERB to get my CRYSTAL back---- Oh! I can see!! Halzamon: How does that thing work, anyways? MATOYA: You have no more business here. Go!! Yator: Boy, touchy here, aren't we... ******* Note: The latter dialogue spoken by Matoya is repeated throughout the course of the game. Meaning; your wasting your time to come back and see if she has something more consequential. ******* Halzamon: That's YOU'RE! BAD GRAMMAR!!! BAD BAD BAD!!! Hator: (Grunts in a manner saying, "Grammar is for loser.") EXTERIOR: OVERWORLD -- PORT Rushing to get the HERB to the Prince of ElfLand the LWs set sail and navigate the sea. * * * EXTERIOR: CASTLE OF ELF -- CASTLE GROUNDS GROUNDS KEEPER: Is that it? The HERB to save the Prince? INTERIOR: CASTLE OF ELF -- PRINCE'S CHAMBERS ATTENDANT: Oh, this HERB will release the Prince from Astos' curse. Look! He is waking---- PRINCE: Is this a dream?---- Are you, the LIGHT WARRIORS?---- So, as legend says, I give you the mystic KEY. Yator: I've got it! He swallowed the key, and so he had to regurgitate it to give it to you! Hator: (LW, holding key...) Ew....gross... Halzamon: Maybe we should have just cut him open and taken the key from his stomach, then.... ATTENDANT: Thank you. Peace will return to ElfLand. Halzamon: And these Elves, of course, were totally incapable of selecting a temporary leader in the two years that the prince was asleep... PRINCE: I feel fine now. Thank you. INTERIOR: CASTLE OF ELF -- PASSAGE HALL GUARD1: The Prince keeps the mystic KEY until the coming of the LIGHT WARRIORS. Yator: He just gave it to us, idiot... GUARD2: Maybe it's only rumor, but, I think the cause of all problems is to be found in the Cave of Marsh. Halzamon: It's only rumor. Yator: Funny, there aren't many red herrings in these old games... Halzamon: Maybe they meant the Earth Cave...spoony translators.. INTERIOR: CASTLE OF ELF -- EASTERN HALL ELF: The Prince is awake! Thank you so much. The LW explore talk to the citizens. EXTERIOR: ELFLAND -- STREETS NEAR INN ELF: The Prince is awake! Thank you so much. (r) EXTERIOR: ELFLAND -- OUTSIDE ITEM SHOP ELF: Legend says an AIRSHIP is buried somewhere. EXTERIOR: ELFLAND -- WOODED PATH ELF: Astos has been defeated? Peace will now return to ElfLand. Yator: You know, the town didn't look in that bad of a state before we woke up the prince.. EXTERIOR: ELFLAND -- NEAR STREAM WALKWAY ELF: The Prince is awake! Thank you so much. (r) EXTERIOR: ELFLAND -- OPEN FIELD ELF: The Prince is awake! Thank you so much! (r) Hator: WE'VE HEARD THAT ENOUGH!! EXTERIOR: CASTLE OF ELF -- TREASURY The mystic KEY in hand the LIGHT WARRIORS must now retrack their steps and locate all the locked doors they have encountered thus far. Hence, we go back to Coneria where it all began. However, before that, the LWs nab the contents of the Castle of Elf's treasury and the concealed goods of the mysterious room in Astos's Castle. * * * EXTERIOR: OVERWORLD -- ELF PORT The LW have gained some new-found armor and goods and now head home? to Coneria. * * * INTERIOR: CASTLE CONERIA -- NEAR TREASURY OLDMAN: (s) Use that KEY. Inside what you find will be quite helpful. INTERIOR: CASTLE CONERIA -- INSIDE TREASURY Musty and full of cobwebs the treasury hasn't been seen or touched by a living soul in over 400 years. The LW creek open the six chests, one by one, and find ... TNT!! How nifty. Yator: Nifty? um...oook... * * * EXTERIOR: OVERWORLD -- CONERIAN PORT And so, they head off to the Dwarf Cave to help Nerrick on his quest of constuction.. hoping to get one step closer in reilluminating the ORBS. * * * INTERIOR: DWARVES CAVE -- NERRICK'S DIG Arriving w/TNT in tow the LWs head straight for Nerrick and his ongoing project to build a canal. NERRICK: Oh, wonderful! Nice work! Yes, yes indeed, this TNT is just what I need to finish my canal. Now excuse me while I get to work! Yator: Poof? Alas, the Western Sea is accessable to the LW courtesy of Nerrick's canal! Now they can truly sail the seas. Halzamon: Alas? Uh...yeah...that's a real sad occurence... | Chapter 5 - *Trial by Earth* | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wind in sail,the LIGHT WARRIORS pass through the canal and spot a port alongside a nearby town. They dock and explore it. EXTERIOR: MELMOND Disembarking their now trusted ship, the LW approach this new town with much curiosity. Why build a town in the close vicinity of so much swampland?? What lies ahead in this town? Yator: Find out....in the next edition of.....FF1.... The LIGHT WARRIORS must seek it out... The LW advance into town and notice this town is very much unlike others. It appears to be in a state of decay. Much of the grass has withered, and only dead earth remains--unsuitable for living organisms. Also quite noticible are the graveyard areas sprinkled here and there; providing evidence of a dying society. Something is definitly not right here! Halzamon: Unsuitable for living organisms? Yeah, I'm sure that if a town member walked onto that ground, he'd instantly drop dead.. Yator: I think he meant PLANTS, Hal. Halzamon: Oh. EXTERIOR: MELMOND -- NEAR INN MAN: This town was invaded by the Vampire. The Clinic was destroyed and the town was cursed. Hator: @#$@ THE TOWN!!! Yator: Not cursed in that way, you big overgrown idiot... EXTERIOR: MELMOND -- OUTSIDE ARMORY MAN: The Vampire of the Earth Cave is stealing the Power of the Earth. We need your help. OLD MAN: (s) The Earth Cave is on the peninsula southwest of this town. MAN: The Titan who lives in the tunnel eats gems. He loves RUBIES. Halzamon: Boy, he must have a HIGH cost of living, then...talk about an expensive diet... EXTERIOR: MELMOND -- NORTHEAST GRAVEYARD DR.UNNE: Everybody knows me. What!? You've never heard of Dr. Unne? Hator: (Grunts in a way saying, "Never heard of ya, sorry") Yator: I know you...you're the guy who removed Hator's brain! EXTERIOR: MELMOND -- OUTSIDE WEAPON SHOP WOMAN: WARRIORS. Revive the Power of the ORBS ! Halzamon: Ooh...caps...must be very important... EXTERIOR: MELMOND -- FIELD SOUTH OF DESTROYED CLINIC MAN: I'm a farmer. OLD MAN: (s) Pass through the Titan's Tunnel, then south to find Sarda, the Sage. Hator: (Grunts in a manner asking why this sage lives behind a cave which you have to obtain a precious gem to get through... Yator: Because otherwise it'd be too easy, duh... DWARF: I am Jim. My home is the Dwarf Village, but I am here investigating. Yator: Investigating what? EXTERIOR: MELMOND -- OUTSIDE DESTROYED CLINIC MAN: In the northern world, there once was a prosperous civilization, but now it is ruins. MAN: They say the ancient people used a stone to make their ship float. Halzamon: Umm....yeah. EXTERIOR: MELMOND -- NEAR BLACKMAGIC CENTER MAN: If the ORB of Earth begins to shine again, the earth shall revive. Halzamon: But not in any manner which will be visible to us. Yator: It won't? I didn't know that... Hator and Halzamon: Yeah, but you're stupid. WOMAN: Sarda does not fear the evils of the cave. Yator: The Earth Cave, the Titan's Cave, or his cave? Halzamon: The Earth Cave, I think.. Yator: Then why doesn't HE go out there and beat up Lich himself! Spoony sage... EXTERIOR: MELMOND -- FRONT OF WHITE MAGIC CENTER MAN: WARRIORS. Revive the Power of the ORBS ! (FTR: Population of _Melmond_ is 19, including citizens of the shops&services.) * * * EXTERIOR: OVERWORLD Having gathered new clues to the reasons for all the destruction of this land from the townsfolk, the LW plan their next course of action. They rest up at the inn and re-stock their supplies and head west on foot in search of this mysteriously conniving vampire. Perhaps they can reason with him...if not; the LWs will be prepared. Resolute, the LIGHT WARRIORS push forever on.. Yator: Conniving? Resolute? Stop it! I don't know these big words! Hator and Halzamon: Yeah, but you're stupid. EXTERIOR: OVERWORLD -- MOUTH OF CAVE After a days worth of travel--in the direction of setting sun--through torturous swamps and unforgiving forests the LW manage to find an entrance to a cave. Something. Halzamon: Sentence fragments. INTERIOR: TITAN'S TUNNEL Dark and foreboding, here is where the LIGHT WARRIORS bid for passage. However, a rather adamant (and large) beast(of the variety that could snap yer neck, squeeze your guts out, grind you into a bloody pulp, and fix himself a microwave dinner while doing it) prevents that. Yator: An adamant beast! Oooh! Oooh! We must find one of those...we could take it back to the Dwarf Cave for an Excalibur! Halzamon: NO! It's an adamant beast...as in unyielding, stubborn...not a very good word to use in the first place.....and, you see....oh, never mind...you wouldn't understand... Yator: What? You think I can't understand anything? Hator and Halzamon: Yeah, but you're stupid. TITAN: No one passes this road. (oooooooookay. Let's just turn 'round, and act like we never came here.) Yator: Lots of "o"s....I'm scared... Hator and Halzamon: Yeah, but you're stupid. * * * EXTERIOR: OVERWORLD -- ENTRANCE TO EARTH CAVE Their search leads them to yet another cave, one where many trials reside. The LW descend it's depths with composure facing the great unknown. INTERIOR: EARTH CAVE -- SECOND FLOOR Bats, why does it have to be bats!? LOTS OF BATS on the second floor and yup, you guessed it-- all of them remitt the same damn phrase: "Kee---- Kee----" Halzamon: Damn! Oooh! Bad word! Evil language! Almost as bad as YOSHITAKA! INTERIOR: EARTH CAVE -- THIRD FLOOR Below the depths , an evil stirs, waiting.. waiting for the LIGHT WARRIORS. His name is merely Vampire. If the LIGHT WARRIORS want possession of the RUBY he must be defeated, or so it's heard. Defiantly the vampire stands..... VAMPIRE: All living things were born to die. No one can defeat me, the Vampire!! Halzamon: (Vampire) I vant...to suck...your...blood.... EXTERIOR: OVERWORLD Upon defeat of the unduly confident Vampire the LW discover that he indeed held the RUBY in a chest. They decide to return to the real world again and head outside. Just maybe a Titan can be bribed....? * * * INTERIOR: TITAN'S TUNNEL Hey, there big guy. Looky here! The LWs put their newly-won RUBY on display for the monster. It looks as though he'll be sold out. HOOWOO! TITAN: (I'm yer huckleberry.) All: HUH?!? If you want pass, give me the RUBY---- Crunch, crunch, crunch, mmm, it tastes so sweet. Rubies are my favorite. Hator: (Grunts in a manner saying, "I'd hate to think what this is doing to his teeth") EXTERIOR: OVERWORLD Emerging from the opposite end of the cave the LW come out to find more unexplored territory. Perhaps this is where the old sage Sarda lives? Indeed. A new cave holds his residence. INTERIOR: SARDA'S CAVE Homely built and stocked for bear w/many exotic herbs and potions. Sarda's humble abode is quaint, at best, if not lonesome. A true thinking man's way of life. SARDA: Use this ROD behind the Vampire's room. Hiding deep inside you will find the cause of the earth's rot. WARRIORS. Revive the Power of the ORBS ! Halzamon: Hee hee...error...his tradtion dictates that he puts another Sarda in front of warriors, revive the power of the orbs.....his fault! His fault! Kill him! Die, Mr. Ferguson! Die! Yator: Um....Hal.....that is NOT normal behavior you are exhibiting... * * * EXTERIOR: OVERWORLD With the ROD acquired the LW once again head back to Earth Cave to face the cause of this rotting. A vile cause.. INTERIOR: EARTH CAVE -- THIRD FLOOR -- BEHIND VAMPIRE'S ROOM Inspecting the space behind the vampires room the LW notice a massive stone plate--sealing their fate, literally. The ROD obtained from Sarda is the answer. ------- Note: Inspection of the 'plate' merits you this text. There is a stone plate on the floor---- You sense something---- Evil?---- Hator: (Grunts in a way saying: "Maybe?") ------- Pulling out the ROD, the LIGHT WARRIORS feel the power reverberating throughout the room. Then, slowly touch the plate, shattering it into a million pieces. A stairway is revealed! INTERIOR: EARTH CAVE -- FIFTH FLOOR -- EARTH FIENDS' ORB ROOM Inauspiciously, the LW stubble upon the fiend's orb. Stalagmites and stalagtites surround and encompass the room--elliciting a mood of fear .. which even the LIGHT WARRIORS feel to a certain degree. The FIEND's ball cracks open---- An ominous cloud rises, and an evil shape congeals---- It is LICH, the fiend of Earth. Yator: Hi, I'm Lich, and I'm your friend! Halzamon: That's FIEND, idiot...that's the second time you've made that mistake... Yator: Oops...sorry....it wasn't THAT big of a mistake, was it? Hator and Halzamon: Yeah, but you're stupid. The LW are victorious! The Earth Fiend, Lich, is defeated. The LIGHT WARRIORS step through a magical field and a GREAT power is released. The Earth ORB has been given it's power back and the reviving process has begun. The Earth ORB is once again shining! Yator: Cool.... * * * EXTERIOR: MELMOND -- OUTSIDE INN MAN: Are you the LIGHT WARRIORS? Halzamon: No, we're the dark warriors.. EXTERIOR: MELMOND -- OUTSIDE ARMORY MAN: Melmond was once a beautiful town. Yator: (LW) But then we came and trashed it up...and we DARED to revive the power of the Earth, too...the town will be a wasteland, soon enough... OLD MAN: (s) Look! The Earth ORB is shining again. EXTERIOR: MELMOND -- NEAR DESTROYED CLINIC JIM THE DWARF: LIGHT WARRIORS---- Thanks to you, the earth is beginning to revive---- Yator: Where did you find out he was called Jim, anyways... Halzamon: It's reviving...we're just too lazy to program the revivification process in! After a well-earned rest the LIGHT WARRIORS quest is directed east to Crescent Lake. There they can speak with Lukahn the great prophet and, perhaps, gain some wisdom on their future. *** |
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