10.04.01 European packaging More...

   Europe's PAL television standard and multiple languages often mean that the continent gets the short end of the stick when it comes to videogame releases. Konami, however, is making a small bit of reparations with a Silent Hill 2 package that is sure to be the envy of the world.

   Danish gaming site NewGamez.dk has revealed the first images of the European package, which will be sold there as the standard version of the game and not a deluxe or limited edition. The European version will come as a two-disc set, in a special slipcase similar to the Fox DVD release of Fight Club. Disc one will be the game, naturally, but the second disc will contain a behind the scenes look at the making of Silent Hill 2, including interviews and production art.

   There's no word on a possible release outside of Europe for this edition, and, considering the game already launched in both Japan and North America, there most likely won't be one. Europeans won't get their hands on the game until November 23rd, but in this case the wait might actually be worth it.

[source] » NewGamez.dk
Silent Hill 2