11.16.99 4 MP3 music samples More media

   The sound quality may not be the greatest, but then we've beaten the game's release date by two days -- so take what you can get! We'll be back with more, higher quality samples in just a few days; until then, enjoy these stunning music samples, courtesy of our man in Quebec, Dave "Houten" Boudreault.

MP3 Samples
1.83 MB, 1:19 Dungeon
   A soothing, traditional dungeon theme for dulcimer and flute.
1.76 MB, 1:16 Overworld Theme
   A haunting rendition of the original Chrono Trigger theme for solo violin, backed by a pizzicato string arrangement.
1.42 MB, 1:01 Chrono Cross Introduction
   Fans who have seen the new trailer have heard this song before, but the introduction was smothered by a montage of gameplay shots and a very large explosion. This sample is the true beginning of the introduction.
910 KB, 0:38 Unknown
   A mysterious choral tune.
Chrono Cross