FF VII characters' ending movie and more from Ehrgeiz

[01.05.99] » Screen shots of Zack, a look at Cloud and Tifa's special costumes, and the CG ending movie for all of Ehrgeiz's Final Fantasy VII characters are provided for your viewing pleasure.

   Warranting the name "Final Fantasy Fighter," Square's recent PlayStation release of Ehrgeiz packs a massive amount of Final Fantasy VII characters into the game. While there's still no word regarding the possibility of a North American translation, we've obtained the ending movie shown to players when any Final Fantasy VII character is used to defeat the game.

   The movie itself disappointingly doesn't contain any new CG footage. According to a source, Square was originally planning a set of new, markedly different CG endings for each character but was forced to nix the project in order to meet the game's December release date. Regardless, the film is impressive -- a compilation of many darker themed CG scenes from FF VII are assembled in tune with the One Winged Angel soundtrack.

   Also included are screens of the last Final Fantasy VII character found in Ehrgeiz, Zack. Like Cloud, the former SOLDIER fights with a massive sword. Finally, the special costumes for Cloud and Tifa have been discovered. (Tifa just looks so cute in her outdoor clothing.)

   Keep in mind that QuickTime 3 is required in order to view the movie. We've also compressed the movie as much as humanly possible, meaning it could be quite processor-intensive to view the film. Thanks goes to a mysterious chap known as "The Phantom Stranger" for contribution of the movie and screens.

FF VII / Ehrgeiz CG ending
QT3, 320x240, 7.78 MB

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