Quest 7 Two Torches More quests

Prerequisites: The Murmuring Forest, AF Flame

   Go to the Gato and you'll see Escad entering the temple. Follow him there and enter the Dreamweaving Room at the north end of the building to receive the quest. Once the dialogue there is done, leave the room, then go back. Matilda is spirited off by the fake nun. Leave the temple; you'll see another scene on the pathway just outside.

   Now go to the entrance to the Pathways of Asceticism. Talk to Daena and team up with her. Then talk to Escad; he offers to escort you directly to the Meditation Room. If you want to save time, take him up on the offer. If you'd prefer more of a challenge (and some chests), you can navigate your way there on your own.

   Inside the meditation hallway, you'll find Holy Water in a chest. The northwest exit (on the left of the two screens) leads outside to a chest with a Vampire Fang; collect it if you have a desperate need to fill up your inventory with more barely-useful items.

   The actual Meditation Room is down the passage in the background and up a flight of stairs; when you set foot inside, the fake nun will escape and sic Spriggan -- a clone of the Gova boss from the SS Buccaneer -- on you. If you've still got a fairly weak character, Spriggan can be challenging. The screen turning red and Spriggan waving his hand are both signs he's about to attack; move behind him when you see them. He can also create illusory copies of himself; fortunately, they vanish quickly.

   Completing the quest may net you a new Artifact, or you may just receive another piece of metal.

Li'l Cactus' quote: "Red carpet..."
Cactus Diary:
"A cat-eared woman and a long-haired man had a fight, and a grandma was kidnapped. And then the two found the grandma. I think this kind of story is getting old."

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