Quest 57 Monster Corral More quests

Prerequisites: The Little Sorcerers

   Recruit Bud and Lisa from the West End of Domina in Quest #2, then return there. The first monster egg will be waiting. Follow Duelle's tutorial to catch it (drop some meat, wait for the egg to pick it up, then grab the egg while the sweatdrop icon is flashing -- you shouldn't have any trouble). You'll take the Beast Egg back to your ranch, where it will hatch and join you. (The contents of the egg vary.)

   You're now able to catch eggs in the various "egg rooms"; see the chart of their locations to find out how to catch your favorite monster. (You can have up to five monsters at one time.)

Li'l Cactus' quote: N/A
Cactus Diary:
"Now my master can bring back eggs of other animals to raise them as pets! I can't pet them because I'm all spikey, but humans will be okay because they aren't spiky like me."

Legend of Mana Guide