
[03.17.01] » by Nicole F.

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have I of my past
of the human that I was
of the being that I am
Unknowing of what I'm capable of
Unwanting to believe the gruesome terrors I've heard I once did
There is something . . . inside of me
Ferocity seethes through my veins
It breathes life into my fiery soul
Setting my hatred ablaze
And the fire glows brightly as it feeds on all my pain
And it moves and pulls my arms like the strings of a marionette
My hand drags along with it my sword, glistening in the light
The blade whips and glides through the air
A crimson liquid trails the sword now as blood spills over my boots
And I stare down at the boots, watching the thick red blood swallow them
Where did the boots come from?
Where did I get them?
Whose boots are they?
They are the boots of a witch
They are the boots of an imperial puppet, robbed of her own thoughts
They are the boots of a scared mysterious woman
There is a dead soldier on the ground
I slew him
Do I feel remorse?
I've lost my identity
But what happened to my heart?
I am not even a person any more
I am a machine
I wonder
why did this man who hunts for treasure, this man beside me
why did he save my life?
why is he risking everything for me?
I look over at him and he watches me, watches my eyes
He sees a person in me
he knows what I can be
he found my heart
Now I will find me
The wind slaps through my hair
It washes over my face and races toward the sky carrying my tears away
with it
The wind dances and swirls up to the sun
I close my eyes and bathe my face in the sunlight
as a calmness spreads through my body
The wind is so free
I need to be too . . .
I have forgotten
I will

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