Reveal Me

[11.30.00] » by Nik

Norris looked down at his lap—she’d fallen asleep again, and this time hadn’t managed to keep herself upright. Sighing, he shifted uncomfortably. He liked fighting by her side, but this kind of closeness was hard to take. “The Leader of the Black Wind, reduced to a mere pillow.” He unhappily thought. He didn’t actually mind her lying in his lap, it gave him the chance to keep a better eye on her as well as keep an eye on the surrounding area.

“Luccia,” Norris asked, watching her twitch her nose in response. “Luccia! Wake up! We are supposed to be watching the area, not sleeping!” He snapped, hoping the woman would take him seriously. She very hardly took anything seriously—excluding her own work.

She rose slowly, rubbing her eyes, then giving him her usual look. “Norris, vat? I apologize.” She sincerely said, realizing that he’d been referring to the way she kept dozing off. “Haven’t had much time for sleep, you know.”

The blonde nodded and looked away. “Nothing is going on out here, anyway.” He softly said. “Luccia, do you wonder what is taking Serge so long?”

“I do not vorry for Serge. He iz capable young man. Like you, Norris.”

“He is too young, though. What might happen to him while he is in there? I feel responsible for his well-being.” He sighed, running a gloved hand through his hair. He felt responsible for her well-being, too, and got to wishing that Serge had employed only him for this task.

“Iz impossible to be responsible for Serge. Ve know nothing of vat he goes through. I do not vorry, and neither should you.” She took her gold-rimmed glasses from her breast pocket and began cleaning them. “Vat happens vas meant to happen. Anyway, story never ends vith good guy dying.”

“This is not a mere story, Luccia.” Norris felt irritated. How could this woman of science feel that this was comparable to a fairy tale? Of course, she could be right. This was a world of alternate realities and ways to find them. He’d met himself—he’d met the other Luccia. But, what if Serge had already come back through those doors in one of those other realities? What did that mean for them? Maybe their reality wasn’t the one where Serge lived. When there had only been two realities and one Serge, Norris felt more capable, and less indecisive…but ever since they’d gotten a glimpse of something that looked like a third, and a trip of the land of abandoned future, things had gotten much more complex.

“No. Iz no fairy tale. Life, too, can have happy ending. Who is to say that vat happens to Serge will effect our lives?” She asked, placing her glasses on her nose. Luccia offered him a small smile, indicating that she was not asking for an argument, just an opinion.

“It will effect me. Serge is a good man, he would be a perfect addition to the Black Wind. If something happens to Serge, something negative, then something negative will happen to me. I will lose some kind of piece of me, I believe.” He said, wondering if his voice exuded any sort of weakness. Luccia always made him feel like opening up more than he normally would. It annoyed him, and at the same time, he was grateful. She was a good listener.

“It vill effect me, as well. I am not vithout a heart, I feel that if somezing were to happen to Serge…vell, things would not just continue. I would miss him. He iz good boy. Reminds me of someone I once knew. Sometimes I think that iz not fair, vat happened to Serge. However, I think I’d rather have him going through this than have someone else. Someone else would not be so capable.”

Norris looked back at her, her hands were held together in her lap, and she was looking down at the floor. Luccia closed her eyes for a moment, then opened them again, and returned his gaze. “Are you all right?” He asked, moving a hand to her shoulder.

“Fine. Iz hard, iz it not? I think I would not like to know what happens if Serge does not come out.” She sniffed, and managed another small smile. “Iz late—now you make me vorry, Norris.”

“Forgive me. You made me feel a little bit better about the situation.” He returned the smile this time.

“I don’t like to see you vorried.”

“I do not like to see you this way, either. Just a little while longer, and then we will go in. Imagine—we are the adults here, and Serge is taking this whole thing so much better than we are.”

“Innocent, iz all.” Luccia said. “You too, in your vay. Maybe even me. Ve are so unused to other vays than ours.”

Norris nodded, and moved his eyes back to the door. She was right, again, and he’d often felt that way himself. He wasn’t used to any way but his own. As Captain of the Black Wind, he was used to being a leader. He was accustomed to keeping a far distance between he and his troops. Death was always all around them—get too close, and you got hurt, too. Norris wasn’t a cold man, he just knew the difference between relationships and work. He chose work, and because of that, was having trouble dealing with this new way. Norris wasn’t used to having to care about anyone but himself. Now, he cared for everyone he’d met since meeting Serge. Luccia, often his companion in whatever journey they happened to be embarking on, was as dear to him as Serge was. Fio, too, was always on his mind. Instead of feeling kinship, though, it was something else. “Probably just me being overprotective,” he thought, wanting those doors to open.

“Luccia,” Norris said, “what happens when Serge finishes what he needs to do?” His voice was soft and unsure.

“This I do not know. No one does. I cannot say future.” Luccia responded. “I don’t like to think of it. There are too many possibilities.”

He nodded, and turned his face to hers. “But if you could choose your own, what would you choose?”

She quickly looked away, but not before Norris caught a hint of rose spreading over her cheeks. Blushing? She wasn’t used to this kind of camaraderie, either. Before her could ask again, the doors behind them creaked.

Norris jumped to his feet, reached for his gun, and was greeted with a smiling Serge. “It’s okay,” he said. “I wasn’t sure if this was where we were supposed to go or not—but I think I was wrong. Nothing happened.” He shrugged.

“Are you sure you are all right?” Norris asked. Luccia jumped up and began looking him over, to which Serge feigned annoyance.

“You guys are worse than parents.” He laughed.

“Serge, you vere gone long time! How iz it that I can find myself NOT vorried?” Luccia reprimanded him, frown forming on her lips.

“I know. I’m sorry. I just don’t really know what to do now. I mean…Kid’s okay, everyone’s back. What now? How do we get to that stupid tower? I only thought of this place ‘cause it had those teleporters…Luccia, what do you think?” Serge grinned at her.

“I think you may be on right track. Maybe ve go to Island of Sky Dragon in other time? Perhaps some key lies there.” She said, rubbing a finger against her temple. “Norris?”

“That sounds like the best idea to me.”

“Kay. Let’s do it in the morning, though, I’m beat. Luccia, can we stay in some rooms here?”

“Sure. I have more than one room in my suite.”

Norris suddenly felt a little bit shy. Stay in a lady’s room? That wouldn't be right. “Serge, we should sleep in the Knight’s Quarters?”

“Sleep on hard beds when Luccia has feather mattresses? No way!” Serge laughed. “C’mon, Norris, it’s not like we’re going to be sharing the same bed.”

Norris cleared his throat, then nervously pulled a glove up. “Right. I just do not want to intrude.”

“No intrusion, Norris!” Smiled Luccia. She continued down the steps, leading the way to her apartment. “I have three total rooms. Iz Viper not generous?”

Serge nodded, and Norris remained silent, keeping his eyes on the steps as they descended them. This was going to be tough. He definitely wouldn’t get any sleep. Maybe he could make an escape later on. He’d go without if he knew what to expect.

Luccia opened her door once they got to it, and all three went in, Serge going straight for the caged Polyp, and Norris standing stiff by the entryway.

“Hey, you’re just a little guy!” Serge teased the small animal, sticking his fingers in the cage. Luccia giggled and turned to Norris.

“You get inside!” She commanded, and Norris did as told, closing the door behind him.

“Check out this tiny polyp!” Serge excitedly said.

Norris took two long steps to reach him, keeping his distance from Luccia. “Nice.” He quickly commented, turning to face the wall once he’d seen it.

“Norris, loosen up. You’re not going to turn into a girl by being in a girl’s apartment. Trust me—I still live with my mom, and I’m not a girl yet…not in this reality, anyway…” Serge joked, a little bit of tenseness coming through in his voice.

“Oh, I know. It just feels odd.”

“You are now saying that I’m odd? Norris! Ve have been friends for long time now, through much craziness! It iz now that you decide I am odd?” She seemed hurt, even though she folded her arms over her chest and glared right through him.

“Um, no. I just…oh, I do not know. I am going out on the balcony—Fio is probably up there, and I have not seen her in a while…” Norris made it out, moving up the stairs with the need to just vanish.

He’d been with Luccia for a long time. Why was he being so weird about it now? “What is going on?” He asked himself.

Once he made it up to the balcony, he slowed his pace, enjoying the clear night and the light of the two moons. “Fio?”

There was a splash, then a high-pitched giggle. “Fio’s right here!” Called the little flower, waving a long sleeve at him. “Norris! Are you alone?”

He knelt down and smiled. “Luccia and Serge are down in Luccia’s apartment. I…I just did not want to go to sleep yet.”

“So you came to see Fio? Norris is so sweet!” She smiled brightly, coming out of her little pond to sit beside him. “How is Norris?”

“I am fine. We cannot find a way to the Terra Tower, so we are going to the Sky Dragon’s land later tomorrow.”

“Oh! Fio will come with you!” She said, resting her head on his arm. “Norris, Fio, and Serge! Fio will take Luccia’s place.”

“Oh? I do not know if she would like that, Fio.” Norris laughed, beginning to feel more comfortable. Fio was good at cheering people up, and Norris was aware that the little humanoid-flower had a bit of a crush on him.

“Luccia would be mad at Fio. Fio would like to go, though!” She decided, nodding her head just a little.

“Well, I do not see why you cannot come along. How about if all four of us go?” He reasoned, looking down at her.


“I do not think Luccia even knows how to be a proper lady. I bet you could teach her a thing or two.” Norris responded, thinking of how she’d demanded that he enter her room.

“Luccia will teach Fio her beauty secrets, then!”

“Aww, Fio, you are already a beautiful little flower.”

“Norris thinks so?” The girl began to blush, just as Luccia had done earlier. It made Norris feel almost uncomfortable—he kept thinking of Luccia. He’d thought of her in the past, but never had he questioned things about her. Right now, he was wondering why she’d blushed when he’d asked her what kind of future she wanted. She was mysterious.

“Norris thinks so.” He agreed, directing his attention back to his company.

“Norris, is Kid a beautiful little flower, too?”

“Well, Kid is a cute…kid.” He lamely said.

“Norris, is Miki a beautiful little flower?”

“Miki is a very pretty woman, but no flower.”

“Norris, is Luccia a beautiful little flower?” Fio looked up at him, waiting for an answer.

“Um, well…” he thought. Luccia’s beauty was unquestionable—she was very pretty, very sophisticated, and very intelligent. She was a beautiful woman, inside and out. Luccia and Fio were very much alike. They both asked such innocent questions, had such strange ways of speaking, and both made him feel very protective.


“Well, she is a beautiful flower, but she is not little.” He finally anaged.

“Luccia is who Fio will be like when Fio grows into a woman.” Fio declared, seeming to have thought of it before.

“Oh? You and Luccia are very close, correct?”

Fio smiled. “Fio knows things that Luccia wouldn’t dare tell anyone else. Luccia calls it girl talk. Fio doesn’t ever have anything to add, but when Fio grows up…” she trailed off with a small giggle, then buried her face against his arm.

“I see.” Norris said, charmed by Fio’s sweet nature. “Fio, does Luccia ever say anything about…” he didn’t know why he was even asking. He had a good relationship with Luccia, there was no point in ruining that. They were friends, close friends, and definitely great as a team.

“Fio thinks that maybe Norris has something he wants to say.”

“No. No, I was just going to—“

“Fio thinks that there is no way to grow into a woman fast enough.” She said, sadness suddenly prevalent in her young voice.

“Fio, you do not want to grow up too fast. If you do, you miss all of the fun things about being a child. Take it from me.” Norris said, instantly remembering what life had been like with his father. No one knew about his past, and he intended to keep it that way.

“Why does Norris think that being a kid is a good thing? Luccia will beat Fio to what Fio wants most.” She pouted, moving away from Norris’ side, and slipping back into her tiny pool.


“No. Fio needs beauty sleep. Maybe, Fio will wake up in the morning and be the beautiful BIG flower that Fio needs to become. Luccia will have no chance, then.” A little bit of cheeriness had managed to find its way back into her tone, and Norris was satisfied enough. Young girls were like this quite often—letting something drop brought about much better results than pressing them for reasons.

“Well, then, goodnight, my beautiful little flower.” Norris softly said, a smile on his lips as he spoke. He turned to the stairs and descended them once again. He’d go down to the knights’ rooms to see if any of his men were still around. If they weren’t, he’d still be able to use it as an excuse for staying down there when he met Luccia and Serge in the morning.

"" Norris decided.


Luccia sat straight up, eyes settling on the wall clock that was too far away to be read. “Vat time?” She wearily asked it.

Yawning, she got up and stretched, then made her way to the clock. When her nose was only inches away, she managed to make out the hour. “Vat? I sleep only 45 minute? Why?”

Irritated at her insomnia, she found her glasses and went next door to find Serge and Norris. Surely they’d be sleeping soundly. After a gentle knock, she cracked the guest door, and saw Serge’s head nestled into his pillow. A smile found her lips quickly; he was such a gentle boy. Luccia moved her gaze to the other bed. Where was Norris?

After closing the door, she sighed, then left her apartments, heading straight for the Knights’ Quarters. If Norris wasn’t there, she wouldn’t know where to find him. She changed her mind in a moment—Fio, he said he’d be talking to Fio. He could still be there—Fio liked him, and she’d probably talk his ear off to get him to stay by her side as long as possible.

“Fio? Fio?” Luccia called, holding up her nightgown as she climbed the short staircase. The little flower turned to face her.

“Luccia, Fio can hear you. Luccia shouldn’t talk so loudly at night!” She protested, folding her arms over her chest. “Even Fio knows better manners than that.”

“I beg your pardon, Fio.” She laughed. “I suppose I am a bit vorried. Have you seen Norris?”

“Yes.” She supplied.

“Vhere?” Luccia pressed. “Iz important.”

“Norris was here. Why does Luccia look for Norris in a dress like that?” Fio inquired, raising a delicate green eyebrow.

“Now now, Fio. Luccia does not intend to steal your Norris away.” She tried to make her voice sound assuring, but she wasn’t too sure of what she was saying.

“Yeah right. All of Serge’s friends know that Luccia and Norris are in love.” Fio sighed, pouting.

“Vat? Preposterous! If you see Norris, tell him to meet us in morning. By gates.” Luccia was flustered, and it was showing. “Norris iz no man!” She added, simply annoyed by the fact that he still wouldn’t sleep in her apartments. No wonder these rumors of love between the two of them were flying! He’d fueled them with his own ridiculous behavior!

Luccia spun on her heels and stomped off, her satin nightgown billowing behind her. Next time, she’d wear a robe. She was sure Fio would be reporting her state of undress to the rest of the party if she and Norris were ever mentioned in the same sentence again.

She slammed her door behind her, not even minding the fact that poor Serge was sleeping close by, then slammed herself into her own room. After throwing herself down onto the bed, she crossed her arms over her chest, and stared up at the ceiling.

“Norris and Luccia…impossible.”

And yet, Luccia knew that she’d shared her own feelings about Norris freely with Fio. Norris was a great friend. Her BEST friend. He'd taught her so many things about combat and negotiations. However, he still had so much to learn. Being the captain of an elite group meant nothing to her—he’d given himself to no outside influencing, and had strictly become ‘one of the troops.’ Such actions had made Norris a very closed man. Luccia had spent a lot of time just trying to find out what kind of tastes he had, and what kind of past he’d lived. She didn’t know much about either, no matter how hard she’d worked on him.

“Even if I did like Norris…nothing would ever come of it.” She sighed to herself. “Not that I am upset.”

And not that she had told him every last secret about herself. Not that there were any. Luccia was pretty much an open book. She was a top-ranked scientist, and she worked for General Viper. She wasn’t disappointed in the fact that she was dedicated to her work—and to nothing else. She hadn’t affiliated herself with anyone, or anything, until Serge had come along. Now, she’d found herself caring about others (and not just as guinea pigs), and caring about their objectives. Luccia found herself wanting to be a part of those plans and dreams.

Somewhere mixed in all of those emotions was the nagging feeling that she was denying herself the truth. It all revolved around Norris and why she had been fonder of him than of anyone else—even Fio, and even Serge.

“Norris Norris Norris,” she thought, shaking her head. She felt as if she shouldn’t be thinking of him in the evening. The night always made her think funny. “Norris. I don’t even know your last name. I can bet you do not know mine.” She didn’t know that, and yet she knew that he had pretended to wash dishes because he didn’t think everything was going well in the manor. She knew he had a weakness for chocolate chip cookies. She knew all about his love for guns. Did he have any other kind of love? “Oh, Luccia. You should be sleeping. Vat do you lie awake thinking of how he feels for?” She scolded herself.

She took her glasses off and placed them on the nightstand. Did Norris find her attractive? Did he like the glasses, or no? What about her hair? Would he like it down, or up in her usual wrap? And what if she didn’t wear the long, white coat? Maybe Norris only saw her as a scientist. None of this mattered, really. Did it?

“No, absolutely not. I do not wish any more hardship on this mission. If I vere to tell Norris anything…” She rolled over on her side. Was it too late to make cookies?


“I slept well…but I think I had a dream about cake…or some kind of dessert. Isn’t that weird?” Serge said, finding Luccia already dressed and waiting by the door. She had a white box in her arms, and was smiling at him. “Wow, you’re so cheerful.” He said.

“You vant cookie, Serge?” She opened the box and offered it to him, he quickly picked out the biggest one in the pile and started devouring it.

“Yum…haven’t had cookies in a long time…” He grinned. “So, who did you make them for? Norris?”

Luccia turned her face to hide her inconvenient blush. “I make for entire party.”

“Oh. Well, Norris will be really happy. Did you know that chocolate chip is his favorite? Wait…didn’t you mention that to me once?”

Luccia shrugged lightly, knowing inside that Serge was onto her. He was a very perceptive boy, and although he was in the middle of finding his way back into life, he was still well aware of the people around him.

Luckily, they were both distracted by Fio, who came hobbling into the room rubbing her eyes. “Mmm, what’s Luccia have in that box?” She asked, snapping to a state of consciousness once she saw Serge’s cookie. Luccia knelt and let the girl take her pick, then watched as she glared at it.

“Vat’s bothering you, Fio?” She asked, wondering at her behavior.

“Luccia made cookies, correct?”

Luccia and Serge both nodded. “And they’re really good!” Serge added.

“Well, Norris will like them, at least.” Fio said, tossing her cookie into the potted plant. “Fio doesn’t eat chocolate. It’s fattening. Besides, everyone knows that Luccia makes poison better than anything else.” Fio began walking down the stairs, heading toward the parlor.

Serge’s eyes widened, and he quickly reassured Luccia that her cookies were good. “Uh, I guess…Fio seems a little jealous. Don’t worry, they taste delicious.” He grinned and popped the last of his snack into his mouth, then bounded down the stairs after the feisty little flower.

Luccia looked down at her box and wondered if Norris wouldn’t think they were made of poison, too. “No, Fio iz jealous, iz all.” With a final nod, she followed the others.


“There, finished.” Norris whispered to his Dendorite gun, putting the last piece back in place. He would freely admit to spending too much time cleaning and polishing his beloved weapons, but he’d never mention that it helped keep his mind off of other things.

“Norris!” Fio’s happy voice made him wheel around in enough time to catch her leaping hug, and hug her back.

“Fio,” he laughed. “Good morning. Are you ready to get going?”

“Yes! Fio is ready to fight by Norris’ side!” She smiled and bounced out of his arms. “That’s still all right, right?”

“Of course!”

“Fio, you’re coming with us this morning?” Serge asked, meeting with the two.

“Norris says it’s okay. Is it okay?”

“'Course!” Answered Serge. “Want me to help you with your elements, or are you already set?”

“Oh! Fio forgot!” Giggled the girl. She sat with Serge as he figured out a good combination for her. Luccia came down as they worked, and immediately came eye-to-eye with Norris.

“Morning.” Norris said, glancing at her, then turning to holster his gun.

“Morning, Norris. Did you sleep vell?” There was a hint of sarcasm in her voice that Norris caught right away. It made him feel more comfortable, so he managed to give her a quick smile.

“Luccia, I did not mean to insult you. I just needed sleep, and I did not think it prop—“ He quieted when she shoved a box at his chest.

“Fio says they’re poison.” She commented.

Norris kept his eyes on her for a moment, then moved them to the box.

“Box does not open itself, Norris!” Snapped Luccia.

He took the hint and quickly opened it, noticing a mass of his favorite thing in the world—chocolate chip cookies. “Wait…no. I have not had…” he sat back down on the bed and started eating one, then another, and then he went through more than half of the box. Finally, he gained his mind back and looked to the rest of the group. Fio was staring open-mouthed at him, Serge was suppressing a grin, and Luccia looked utterly disgusted.

“Vell, did I expect a man to eat with manners? No.” Luccia crossed her arms over her chest. “Really, Norris, do you not cry for stomach ache?”

He stood, putting the box down on the bed, and rubbed at one corner of his mouth. “Why would I worry about that with you here to take care of me?” Norris’ voice was gentle, and caused Luccia a great deal of distress.

“Luccia isn’t a doctor, Luccia is a scientist! If Norris gets a stomach ache, Fio will laugh. Fio warned everyone that those cookies were poison!” The girl cried, launching herself off of the bed and out of the room.

“Oh—I’ll go see what’s up.” Serge suggested, noticing the situation that was springing up around him.

Luccia watched him leave, then turned back to Norris, who was back to adjusting his uniform. “I promise iz not poison.”

“I know. They were delicious.” He smiled again, then stepped back, and gave her a side glance. “Thank you, Luccia. I did not expect…it. Are you ready for today? It may be the day that Serge finds his way.”

“Yes. I think today vill be that day. I am ready. Are you?”

“I am not afraid.” He cleared his throat. “That is, I am not afraid for Serge.”

“Vat? Surely you fear not for your own safety? Iz no one stronger than you, Norris. No one iz as capable.” Luccia unwittingly complimented him.

“It is not that. It is something else. When this is over, I wish to speak with you.”

“Vhen this iz over, it may be too late. I vant to tell you somezing, as well.” She nervously pulled at the bow at her neck. “Iz hard to talk of.”

“I will speak first. Luccia, when this is over, will you still—“

“Guys, ready? I just got some news from Nikki—we were right about Sky Dragon Island. Let’s go.” Serge called, sticking his head into the room.

Luccia and Norris nodded, looked at one another for a long moment, then ran out after Serge.


Luccia fidgeted by the modified boat. This tower they’d decided to explore—it was downright scary. Fio and Miki had stayed behind with her, letting Nikki, Serge and Norris do all of the work. Luccia wouldn’t say that she was happy about it, she’d come so close to telling Norris earlier. If she lost him now, would he die knowing that she cared for him, or would he still be wondering what she had to say? Maybe he wouldn’t be thinking of her at all. She’d been thinking of him nonstop since he’d asked her to take care of him. “I hope they’re okay.” She said out of nowhere.

“Luccia, relax. Norris will be fine.” Fio said. She’d managed to calm her jealousy, and even if it was only for the time being, it was enough.

Miki gave her a smile and nodded. She’d been practicing some dance steps, obviously trying to keep her mind off of the situation. “I bet Fio’s right,” she said.

“I vant all to be safe.”

“Fio too.”

“As soon as Nikki comes back, I swear I’m going to let him know. I swear I’m going to tell him that I care. This may be the last chance. This may be our last chance, Luccia. I think if Kid were here, she’d be saying the same about Serge. If this is it, I want him to know…”

“Vat do you mean?” Luccia hadn’t thought she’d been so obvious. Had her feelings for Norris been that plain for anyone to see? She’d only discovered them, herself. Of course, she’d thought of him in romantic situations before—but it had never been more than a ‘what if?’ on her part. She’d never taken it seriously.

“I mean, I have to tell Nikki I care for him. If he doesn’t feel the same way, he’ll at least know that someone loves him, right? Wouldn’t that make you feel good? If he does feel the same way, then I’ll be even happier. I gave up on him a long time ago…but now I see that a person really only lives once. We’ve all been given a first hand look at the other Luccia, Miki, and Fio…and while we’re there, and here—we’re not the same. We can’t live this life, and then start over in some alternate world. Once it’s over, it’s over. We have to do what we can to…” Miki trailed off. “I’m trying to say that if we really mean something, then we should say it. Otherwise, it will stay with us forever. What would happen if I never tell Nikki I love him? I don’t know, and I don’t care—that’s some other Miki’s problem.” She finished her speech with a mambo step, and a flourish of her arm. “So, Luccia, are you going to tell Norris? Or are you going to be the Luccia that lives without him?”

“I…I don’t know how I feel for Norris. I care for Norris.”

“Fio knows that Luccia and Norris are in love. Why deny it? Fio would jump at the chance if Norris was in love with Fio!” She giggled, then seriously stated, “I love both of you, and I want you both to be happy. I’ve got to grow up, and then I can work on stealing him away from you. Until then, though…”

Miki and Luccia were both shocked by her speech and the lack of her usual way of speaking, but the truth was there in each and every word. Fio was telling Luccia that she had to go for it, and that she had to speak her mind.

“Norris!” Cried Fio, running forward as Nikki, Serge and Norris ran toward them.

“I think I know what to do,” Serge called out. “We’ve got to get to Opassa Beach.” They boarded the boat, and Luccia watched the way Miki gently seated Nikki beside her. Norris sat in the back with Fio, and she sat with Serge.

“Vat is that?” She asked, ignoring the urge to ask Fio to switch with her. Serge held the artifact out so everyone could see it.

“It’s called the Time Egg. We must go to Opassa Beach to use it. I think…I think this is it. We have to go, I think Kid is…” he didn’t finish. “Let’s just go.”

Luccia patted his shoulder and gave him a small smile. No, this wasn’t it. Kid and Serge would have their chance, just as Nikki and Miki were having theirs. Just as she and Norris would have theirs.


It was something Luccia hadn’t intended on seeing, but the fact that she had made her feel happy inside.

Serge had asked Norris and Nikki to come with him. They were at the edge of the beach now—Norris and Luccia had decided against confrontation, but Miki couldn’t wait any longer.

While Serge and Norris spoke with the strange children on the beach, she waited near the cliffs, Fio asleep at her side. She witnessed Nikki bend at his waist and kiss Miki—a sweet, lingering kiss. He whispered some promise to her, of that she was sure, and ran off to join the rest of the party. Miki stumbled back to them, tears in her eyes and hands on her cheeks.

As the boys faded away with the time egg, Miki sank down beside her friends. She was quiet, so she wouldn’t wake Fio, “I…told him.”

“And vat came of this?”

“He…” Miki paused a moment to wipe at one eye. “He told me he loved me, too, and that he’d be back.” She covered her mouth with her hand. “I thought that would solve these problems, Luccia. Now I don’t know what to do. What if he doesn’t come back?”

Luccia put her arms around the younger woman, stroking her hair to comfort her. “You must not vorry. Did he not promise?”

“He…he did promise.” Miki said between sniffles.

“Then he vill. Nikki is a true man, he does not turn back on his vord. Surely this you know?”

Miki laughed just a little, and nodded. “You’re right.”

A moment later, she pulled away, giving Luccia a bright smile. “And did you tell Norris?”

She shook her head. “No. Time for us iz not now.”

“Nikki told me to tell you that he’d bring Norris back, too.” The dancer said, placing her hand on Luccia’s shoulder. “He said that he still had a lot of things to teach Norris about loosening up…” She giggled.

Luccia smiled at that, nodding. Yes, Nikki and Norris made a funny situation. They were complete opposites, yet intrigued by one another. Luccia would admit to feeling a faint tinge of jealousy any time the two of the decided to go hang out together. She was usually the one Norris chose.

“Miki, are you and Nikki…did you make plans?”

“Well, no. We just kissed, and he said he’d be back. There wasn’t much time.” She blushed a little, then checked on Fio.

Luccia just sat and thought about how Nikki and Miki had kissed, replacing them with she and Norris. She couldn’t imagine it. Would something like that happen to her? Could it happen to her? Norris was so proper.

“I don’t care, as long as I tell him. Iz all that matters.” She closed her eyes, and waited for his return…


Luccia frowned at the results of her latest test. “Iz not vat I expected!” She frowned, slamming her palm against the table. The animals in the cages surrounding her squealed in protest, but she paid them no mind.

“Excuse me, Luccia?” She spun around, purple curls bobbing at her shoulders.

“Glenn, am I not busy? Vat?”

“I wanted to tell you that I think I found that seed you were looking for. The Life Sparkle, or something. Right? I found it in the Hydra marshes.” The knight stepped in, handing over a carefully folded piece of cloth.

“Forgive me, Glenn. Iz rough day. I go over these figures again and again. Vat iz it I do wrong? Perhaps I’ll not find out. I thank you so much for this. Now perhaps Fio vill be at least one good thing?” She patted Glenn’s cheek—she’d felt like a big sister to him ever since she’d been employed at the manor.

“S’okay, Luci. I’ve got to go out to Termina today. Do you want to come? It’ll get your mind off of this place.” The young man asked, running a hand through his shaggy hair.

“That sounds vonderful. Fio can vait.” Luccia put the packet down on her table, then followed Glenn out of her lab, locking the door behind her.


“Captain Norris!” A man in a black uniform saluted, standing at attention as the young blonde man walked by.

“At ease.” Norris commanded, waving one gloved hand. “We are here for negotiations with the Acacia Dragoons, as you know. Has the contact arrived?”

“No, sir. I was informed that he will be coming through the front, and he has an ‘x’ shaped scar on his cheek. His name is Glenn.”

“Thank you. Dismissed.” With a salute, the man was off. Norris set his sights to the gate of Termina and headed down the stone steps. It was a beautiful day—hopefully negotiations would go smoothly. He didn’t want to waste his time inside.

“Pardon me, Captain Norris?” Norris looked away from the scenery and faced the voice—this must be Glenn, the aforementioned scar on his cheek told him that. At his side, in wire-rimmed glasses and a lab coat, was someone he didn’t expect. Norris immediately bowed, then came back up, meeting her violet eyes with his own.

“My name is Norris Gage. I am the Captain of the Black Wind.” He softly said. “May I ask your name?”

“Luccia Silkov,” she responded, unable to break his gaze.

Glenn smiled to himself, going to talk to the lady at the flower stand.

“Do I know you?” Norris asked Luccia, taking her hand and pressing his lips gently against her knuckles.

“I wish that you did.” She replied, bring her other hand to her cheek. “It seems as somehow ve have met, does it not?”

“May I ask you to lunch?”

“Norris, I vould love such a thing.” He took her hand and led her up the stairs to the bar, keeping his eyes on her the entire way up.

“You honor me with your company, lady.” He said, seating her once they’d gotten in.

“Do not be so proper vith me, Captain. Iz not necessary.” Still, she could not hide the color in her cheeks.

“Forgive me. I just … please, do not take my words as offense. I feel complete with you.” He told her. “Have I already said that?”

Luccia thought he looked a little confused, but felt that his words were true. “I think ve never had the chance.” She said, unsure of where she had come up with the idea.

“That will not happen again, I will make sure of it.”

“I don’t understand, but…I know.”

Norris took both of her hands over the table, and kept his eyes on her even as they ordered, ate, and tried to recognize where their feelings were coming from. They were quiet until the end--unable to do more than just gaze at one another in complete wonder. Finally, Norris broke the silence.

“I want to spend all day with you, but I must go and apologize to Glenn.” He said, once their meal was finished.

Luccia nodded. “Yes.” Norris got up and helped her up, then asked her to wait while he paid the check. As he went to meet her, she smiled and took his arm.

“May I see you again, Luccia?” He asked, leading her out of the bar.

“As soon as possible, I am hoping.” She sincerely responded.

Norris pushed aside his doubt and pressed his finger underneath Luccia’s chin, lifting her face to meet his. He kissed her lightly on the lips, staying for seconds after a polite man would have drawn away.

“I will see you tonight. I shall ask Glenn to bring me to you.” He promised her, leading her to one of his men, then asking him to escort her back to the manor.


She hadn’t been able to get him off of her mind since he’d left her with one of his men. The thought of him constantly kept her sunny, but had detrimental effects on her work. Norris’ sweet smile and delicious kiss were too distracting to keep her involved in splicing genes and creating mutants. Luccia had more success in the kitchen that she’d been having in her lab. Who would have guessed that a break from mixing chemicals to mix some dough would make such a difference?

She just hoped Norris liked chocolate chip cookies.



Thanks for reading, though =).

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