Cid Highwind

[10.246.00] » by Catesith18

Dedication: To Mouse88168. Happy birthday, Matt.

Description: Ok, I brought this one up myself when I was listening to my midi collection. I got a new one for Cid that I’m quite fond of and I decided I should add it to my ‘Most Inspiring’ midi lists. Anyway, another thing that got me going on this was when Matt took someone else’s Cid fanfic and claimed it as his own, trying to prove to me that he could really write good material. Now my other friends and I suspected that he hadn’t written it, an I personally never believed that he did it. My mother finally got him to ‘fess up. And so I finally got to thinking that a good Cid fic that had been dedicated to him, might be just as good as writing it. So until next time Matt, bye bye!

"I DID IT!" A teenage Cid Highwind yelled as he injected the last piece to his best piece of art. Finally, it was done. His work, his ship, his own masterpiece. His five best friends and now his ‘assistants’ gathered around him for a good look.

"And Shinra said you’d never make it offa the ground!"

"Well SCREW them!"

"You did it, man!"

"Good job!"

There was only one person other than Cid that didn’t say a word. Finally someone turned to him.

"What’re ya gonna call it?"

Cid was silent for a moment. What was he going to call it? The Lighting Streak? No…too television-ish. Thunder Bolt? No…too Horse-Race-of-the-Century-ish. Fire Dash? No WAY.

"I know, sir! How about The Highwind?!"

Suddenly, one of those just-pretend-you-thought-of-it-Cid smiles crept across his face.

"Yeah, Jack. The Highwind. I’m glad I though of that one."

"But Sir, I-"


"Yes Sir!"

"Is there anything you would like us to do, Sir?"

Cid turned to his rallied group of friends.

"Paint my girlfriend on the side."

"Yes Sir!"

So Cid watched as the team ran off in search of paint and brushes.

"I think I’ll take a nap."


Shera smiled up at the stars that hung above them. What a romantic place. Just her and Cid; standing on the deck of the Highwind…alone.

"You know, Cid," she started. "We didn’t need to come up here if you didn’t want to. It’s your ship."

He stood there with his arms wrapped around her waist and rested his head on her shoulder.

"But I wanted to, Shera. You have no idea how much I wanted it. Thank you for coming."

"You’re welcome."

Shera closed her eyes as the Highwind flew peacefully over Nibelheim. She herself was frightened to death of that town, but her other friends seemed to like it. They said it was a peaceful town and perfect for starting a family, like Cloud and Tifa were setting out to do. Shera inhaled deeply and leaned herself against Cid. His jacket was ruffled by the wind and blew gently as the Highwind sailed silently through the nighttime sky. She felt his fingers snake through her hand and smiled as she rested her head on his chest.



"What’s wrong?"


Cid lifted his hand to stroke her cheek.

"Some how, I just can’t believe that answer. What’s troubling you?"

Shera turned faced him eye to eye. As she looked at him, she expected him to be like stone, only there to listen. But she noted that instead of nothing, he had a look of concern that crossed his face. Something she never had expected to see on him.

"Cid…I’ll always be your assistant, right? We’ll always stay together, right?"

Cid was speechless. Never before had he been asked such a question. It was almost impossible for him to answer.

"Oh, Shera."

He took her in his arms then and let her cry into his shoulder. ‘This is how it was meant to be.’ He thought to himself. He kissed her forehead and promised that everything would be alright and it would surely stay that way. And that maybe someday it would be better…


Cid Highwind gazed upon the horizon as he again stood on the deck of the Highwind. This was his special spot. Since the death of his wife, he hadn’t permitted a single person upon this place except himself.

"Hi, sweetie. Sorry I haven’t been up here for a while. But guess what? My birthday was today and I’m forty-two. I just seem to be getting too old."

Cid closed his eyes as hot tears threatened to burst out.

"I miss you."

He felt one tear slide down his cheek.

"I miss your voice. I miss your face. I miss your smile."

He opened his eyes to face the blazing sun, about to set.

"And I miss your tea. Yes, I miss that too."

A sad smile almost crossed his face.

"Oh Shera."

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