The Perfect Prey

[06.12.00] » by Morrigan

Author's note: Here is my second fanfic and I believe Wild ARMs fanfics are rare (at least compared to Final Fantasy ones), so I wrote this when inspiration came. It spoils everything for the character Boomerang though (my favorite ^^), so you were warned. Well, enjoy!

Chapter I: Dancing All The Way Up >From The Fires Of Hell

Another tongue of flames burst forth, seemingly out of nowhere and engulfed my flesh. I winced in pain, but I did not scream out. Never again. My whole body, as hardened as cold iron, had learned to take damage and resist hits after all these years. I glanced around me; the denizens of Hell howled and thundered their cries of agony like the inferior whelps that they are. One particularly foolish monster who'd been watching me since a few hours ¾minutes? how would I know anyway¾, a sort of gargoyle, tried purging its bitter anger on me. It leapt over the smoky fire, claws slashing at my naked chest and creasing its fanged mouth into a stupid yet somewhat fierce grin. Never fierce enough though. Before it felt the relieving satisfaction of tearing my torso apart, my quick hand caught its own, clasped it in an iron grip and pulled. At the same time, my other hand grabbed its bony neck and in one swift, smooth motion, twisted it sideways with a sickening crunch. I then threw the lifeless body on the steaming floor. My lips curved to smile grimly, but briefly. Such an event was commonplace in Hell. So common, I soon realized, that it bored me. It seemed I've been in this charcoal-smelling place forever, but no denizens, human or monster, ever provided a good challenge to me for a fight. I started to regret 'dying'.

I grimly realized ¾ignoring the wisps of black smoke caused by the incessant flames¾ one thing: I had to get out of here, even if it means for a short time, else I shall never rest, shall never find peace!

* * * * *

The night was cool but beautiful, so Cecilia decided to stay outside the Milama inn for a while. Standing on the balcony, she cast a glance at the stars. She briefly thought of Jack. He was slowly recovering from his shock, but the sorceress knew his pain would remain for a long time. Shortly after they had saved Filgaia from the alien Demons, a few months back, the Dream Chasers had managed to revive Elmina (Jack's lost love) with the Guardians' help. But a week ago they had stumbled upon her as a serving wench in the Milama pub. Poor guy, she mused, she could be saved but they can't be close to each others now... then she smiled thinly, imagining his reaction if he knew she pitied him.

After a short while, the dim light of dawn appeared on the Eastern horizon, bathing the village in a bluish glow. She absently heard and saw the merchants stirring up their shops, and it was not even an hour before the calmness of the sleeping village was disrupted by the bustling of the daily life. Cecilia heard Rudy open the rusty sliding door on the balcony, but she didn't turn around.

"Couldn't sleep?" he asked with a yawn, brushing off the sleep from his eyes.

"I know... it's strange," she sighed. "I feel dull, but not really tired."

"Are you ill?" he asked, his tone betraying a little bit of worry. Before she could reply, the door was snapped open again, and the stretching silhouette of Jack Van Burace stalked on the wooden balcony.

"Morning," he muttered in his typical disgruntled manners.

"I'm not ill, just bored I guess. Fair morn, Jack," Cecilia completed.

"It's still early," the swordsman remarked archly. Rudy then explained Cecilia's uneasiness. Jack rose an inquiring eyebrow.

"I didn't know boring people like you could be bored themselves," he said with a wink.

"Very amusing... Well, let's just say that, for example, it bugs me to be able to finally cast two spells at once, but having no occasion to do so! I liked this newfound quiet life, but my heart longs for adventure and action again."

"How about a trip to the Abyss?" the curious voice of Hanpan, set on the swordsman's shoulder, suggested casually. The trio scoffed as the wind mouse shrugged ¾at least that's how Rudy interpreted the odd gesture.

"We already conquered the Abyss' challenge, Rago Ragula or whatever its name was. By the way Jack, it's my turn to wear the Sheriff Star!" Rudy pointed out.

"What do you mean, your turn? It's rightfully mine! My sword saved your butts during the fight..."

"But the main damage was wrought by my Phaser with my Fury Shot y'know."

"Heh, you two would be dead were I not here to watch your backs," the magician noted sternly.

"And who stole the essential Frog Badges that saved you from the Volcanic Breath?" Hanpan said smugly. Jack dropped his grumpy facade and guffawed.

"Fine, we all deserve it... here Rudy, since you asked," he said, plucking the Star from his poncho and handing it over to the young Dream Chaser.

* * * * *

More hellish flames licked my feet, but I paid them no heed. I had caught the scent of Desire earlier, and knew only too well its meaning. Her spirit was there with me... I could even hear her howling. And it's the same spirit I would use to forge my new weapon. After that was done, I would seek the exit to this foul pit of boredom and outside, my weapon shall be put to use. Almost drooling in anticipation, I got to work eagerly. My plan wasn't flawless, but I was confident of its reliability.

* * * * *

After what seemed like forever but lasted actually only a few Filgaian days ¾of course I had no idea of knowing that anyway¾ my new gear was ready. Shedding a blue-white light in the gloom, my sword gleamed with a pleasant aura that brought me a warm, inner strength. With the power of Desire in my hand, I felt almost invincible, and after more days of exploring and skulking in the mazes of what they call Hell, an exit appeared to me ¾I was guided by the powerful guardian herself. My heart leapt in my chest. To hell with boredom! I thought, bad pun more or less intended. Now I, the reborn hunter, was about to return to what I cherished the most.

* * * * *

The world became red as I slipped into the portal I had found, then the glow was gone. I was in a gray and foreboding fortress. A stone slab was set right behind me. Carefully, I read the words carved on its smooth surface, and I was startled to realize I had arrived in the Abyss! Odd. Well, it's not where I had expected to be, but I knew the Abyss was dangerous indeed, and I oh so relished in danger. Drawing my sharp blade, I decided to explore the place, lethal to mere mortals but nice enough to me.

I was disappointed to discover that the terror of the Abyss, Rago Ragula, had been slain. That monster was probably the only challenge for me. Another good prey gone... a pity. I wondered what courageous, foolish yet powerful Dream Chasers could have achieved this. Then I understood. The trio! My perfect prey! So they lived. Of course. If they were able to defeat me, surely Zeikfried never stood a chance. It served the weakling right.

Deciding there was naught left to do here, I returned to the entrance. I presumed the teleport rune would bring me back to Hell, and from there I would seek another opening. But as I stepped on the shimmering rune, I felt myself rising.

* * * * *

The world then became dark this time, but not totally. I saw pockets of light here and there, and felt the trip was as magical and galactic as when we had traveled in space before landing on Filgaia. I briefly wondered where I'd arrive afterwards. Suddenly, instead of rising, I was abruptly falling and landed hard onto a glowing blue-green pool.

The brief journey brought me in a very bright place, blinding me. The purity of the pristine room, surrounded by solid, brilliant blue-green walls, almost made me squirm. What manner of a sanctuary was that? Then I remembered Alhazad, his Dark Tear and the Pandemonium. So by getting to the Abyss, and by then leaving it, I crashed into an Elw Pyramid. Yes, that's clear now. The pyramid had become a potential link to Rago Ragula's lair after the Pandemonium's Dark Tear went ballistic, and as my eyes grew accustomed to the light, I now recognized the Elw structures which confirmed my thoughts. Feeling rather uneasy in the alien sanctuary, I swiftly darted to the exit, towards freedom.

* * * * *

"Cecilia, can you contact the Guardians for me?" Rudy asked morosely. "Ask them if there are any more runes to unearth on Filgaia. I need something to do."

"I already have," the magician retorted, laughing wryly. "It seems we have found them all. Heh..."

"That sucks. I'm so bored!" he grunted. Jack nodded weakly.

"I never thought a Dream Chaser's quest would end so rapidly," he sighed ruefully.

"Same here. Guardians, give me some reckless mission to accomplish!" Rudy chuckled and suddenly snapped his fingers. "Hey, why don't we pay Zed a visit? It's been a while."

"Why not..." Cecilia said in agreement. She cast a glance at Jack, who was resting under the shadow of a tree, and he quickly shrugged.

"Okay. But let's use the ship, for once," she suggested. "The Protowing's at Adlehyde, safe with Emma anyway, and teleport spells are just no fun anymore. I think I forgot the proper casting anyway."

"Fine with me," the swordsman muttered.

"Good then, we're all set," Rudy said, fingering his Sheriff Star. The trio rose from their camp and headed to the Sweet Candy, which was resting along the shores of Milama. After spending several long days in the area, all three were happy to travel a little. And, without knowing, a new danger had arrived to Filgaia. Me, of course.

* * * * *

The whole region was familiar to me. The aspens and pines were typical of a northern country. The high tower, visible in the close distance, reminded me of the Epitaph Sea, where I first met the human warriors. But that tower was erected on an island, and the vegetation around it was unlike this one here. Cage Tower, then, I decided, remembering there was indeed an Elw Pyramid or two close to it. Saint Centour was near, then. I knew wicked Alhazad had raided it with his army, all that to get the stupid statue. Oh, how I had laughed inwardly at their regrets to revive Mother after they realized her madness. And how I laughed even more at Zeikfried's stupid expression when she chose me, the 'Executioner' as he called me, to replace that loser Belselk. Of course to avoid trouble I had shown naught of my amusement explicitly, but I had still made it apparent, subtly enough to irritate them even more.

Since I had few options, I decided to check on Saint Centour. Without any doubt it would be empty save for some scavenging monsters, but one never knows before checking. And something, a sixth sense perhaps, summoned me there. Bloodlust rose into my mouth and I tightened my new improvised tunic made of some nameless Hell beast's hides and armor. I knew whenever that feeling welled into me, it meant a prey was near. Curious and eager, I hastened my pace and stalked closer to the town.

Chapter II: The Green-Haired Swordsman

My next prey whirled and brought his long blade low, cutting down the trio of cerberus that had foolishly tried to attack his protégée.

"Are they gone?" the blind girl asked nervously.

"Nay, they're dead," Zed bragged proudly.

"Wow, thanks. A single blow? You're a great fighter," she said, smiling. The swordsman beamed at the praise, and bowed, even if he knew Sheryl was blind.

"You know I'll always protect you," he said happily.

"Yes... your presence makes this empty town rather cheerful, and..." Sheryl stopped abruptly when she felt the green-haired demon tense and stiffen at her sides. Before she even asked what was wrong, the foppish fallen Demon silenced her with a sign.

"There's an intruder," he whispered.

"More monsters?" the blind woman inquired softly.

"No... something far, far more dangerous. I can feel it in my bones."

Sheryl gulped, and the silly Fop explained that he'd go and check out for me. "Stay here, please, whatever occurs," Zed bade her. Then he drew his Doombringer, which Jack had returned to him after he had found an even finer blade, and cautiously bolted away.

Hidden in the shadows cloaking the smaller houses, I spied on the unlikely duo. So the Fop lived! I chuckled as I remembered how frustrated the fool had been when Mother chose me instead of him to replace the fallen Belselk. Oddly enough, he seemed friendly with the human woman, who was an apparent survivor of the town. So the Fop now fancied humans. A plan quickly formed in my mind. My heart pounded with more bloodlust, and I relished in the idea of a one-on-one battle, even with a lowly Demon such as he. Yet, when he detected my presence and moved away from his protégée to find me, I noticed his senses had sharpened. His gaze darted from one corner to another swiftly, his ears tilting in search of a noise that might reveal my position. Was he more of a cunning warrior now than when he was the brash, untalented and cocky rookie of yore? I slowly drew back and turned around a house to reach the human by another way. In a flash, I slipped behind her, unseen. But before I even caught her, she spun and met me face to face. Startled, I drew my Guardian Blade in one smooth, silent motion, wondering about how she could have heard me. But then she averted her gaze, as if she never saw me at all. It was at that moment I realized she was blind. I drew a little closer, and with one hand I covered her mouth, the other one leading my blade on the delicate skin of her throat. She stiffened in panic, but did not try to yell out.

"You scream, and you're a corpse," I murmured softly in her ear. She squirmed but nodded, and although I had seen this kind of situation often before, it still amazed me to see so vulnerable an intelligent life form. I did not extract bliss or satisfaction by beholding a human's terror, unlike Alhazad, but each time I realized even more just how easy it was to kill... when you have the power and the will, that is. I did not know, though, that a part of her fear was caused by my cold voice. Sheryl could tell of a person's alignment and personality traits by hearing his or her voice, and mine told her of an arrogant, merciless yet somehow honorable warrior, and extremely dangerous albeit not of pure malevolence like the fiend that had raided the village in the past. Perhaps it was why fear paralyzed so; beings of sheer evil tend to dwell near ¾if not in¾ madness, thus tending to make fatal mistakes. Beings like the foolish Belselk and Alhazad. A crafty warrior such as myself wouldn't act so mindlessly, and hardly underestimated foes.

"Who are you?" the small, frail woman asked tentatively, trying hard to dissimulate her trembling. "What do you want?"

"This swordsman you were conversing with... Is he your protector?"

"Y... yes, I guess. A n-nice person, serving the Guardians of Filgaia..."

The Guardians! So the Fop betrayed his own kin by worshipping his natural foe! Very well, if he's under his Guardians' protection, maybe he could be a challenge, or even worthy enough to be a rival. But still I had my doubts.

"Really," I said. "How much of a warrior is he?"

"Great," she merely said, her voice regaining control. "He's excellent, you'll see..." I scoffed, and told her it was rather unlikely.

"He is," she insisted. "He... he has the power to morph into a terrifying creature, and his sword skills are impressive... perhaps even equaling or besting yours."

Although she saw me not, I rose my eyebrows in confusion. Was I wrong about the Fop, or was this poor woman completely mistaken?

"We'll see about that, then," I promised in a hoarse whisper, and before she knew it, I was gone in a flash, in pursuit of my perhaps perfect prey, nonetheless suppressing some disgust at Zed's newfound spiritual path. Who would have thought a demon would serve the Guardians?... Well, of course I did side with Luceid, but at least she still had her powers... The other Guardians of Filgaia have lost their full power long ago.

* * * * *

Zed grunted in frustration. He knew an intruder was skulking around, probably spying his every move, but he couldn't locate it. He then understood my tactic; I had bolted directly to Sheryl, baiting him away. And now she was helpless and alone! Slapping his forehead for his own folly, he spun on his heels and ran back to the little woman he had come to care so much for. That's when his keen eyes caught my silhouette, laying against a shadowed wall. Tensing, he grabbed his Doombringer firmly and stared, then asked the usual formal question.

"Who are you?" he said flatly.

In my somewhat arrogant demeanor, I strode forward confidently.

"Don't you remember me?" I chuckled, and my tread of sleek, long blonde hair shone under sunlight as I slipped away from the shadows. Zed's glance locked into my glittering crimson eyes. His jaw dropped in astonishment.

"You! But didn't you die at Ka Dingel?" I grinned wolfishly and bowed in mock respect.

"I'm not sure myself sometimes..." I began. "But the human warriors never knew what befell Luceid and me."

"I see," Zed said, relaxing. He was assuming that I came in a friendly way, since we were once sorts of allies. But the reformed Demon was oh so wrong.

"By the way," he said with now casual ease, "Where's that hound of yours?"

A hound! I cried in silent outrage. How dared he lower the Guardian of Desire to a mere canine mortal! I narrowed my eyes and displayed my superb sword.

"Here she is," I said, licking my lips. "The only love I ever had." And the only one I'll ever have, I swore mentally. Zed uttered a sigh and shook his head at my fanaticism to a weapon. But of course he would never understood the beauty of the Devil Blade.

"You're sick, mate... anyhow, why come you forth to Saint Centour?"

"This little lady told me you'd grown stronger?" I inquired, ignoring his own question.

"W... Sheryl talked to you?!" he asked incredulously.

"After I threatened her with my blade, aye," I grinned. "No, she's fine, so stop glaring at me like the foolish Fop that you are," I went on, amused at the anger narrowing his eyes.

"What... 'Fop'?!" he demanded, and I bit back a snicker at his wild, spiky green mane and colorful clothing.

"I care naught for her," I went on, ignoring his frustration completely. "I've come for you."

"Me?! Why?" he asked, puzzled.

"Show me this new 'awesome' power of yours!"

"I should've known," Zed grunted in dismay. "You're mad. And forget it, I'm not fighting you. I'm not like you; I fight only if I have a reason to."

"Since when are you so virtuous?" I snickered.

"I'm born again Guardian!" he boasted proudly, ignoring my sarcasm.

"I sort of gathered that. So unless you have a reason to fight, your sword shall remain in your scabbard?" As if on cue, he snapped his blade right back in its sheath.

"Exactly. Go ahead and kill me, then." So the Fop tried toying with me? Very well, he asked for it.

"No thanks," I hissed, disgusted at the idea of attacking an unarmed opponent. "I guess the girl's doomed, then," I bluffed, thinking that even the Fop would be caught in such a blatant lie. "Such a pity her protector will have failed," I added, chuckling evilly.

"Say what?" Zed expectedly screamed in outrage. Why was I always surrounded by such incompetent idiots? "Bastard... fine! Prepare yourself!"

I saw my prey grow before my narrowed eyes, his green mane becoming more hirsute and wild. In a few seconds, the Fop I once knew became a somewhat grotesque parody of himself in my not so humble opinion, but more intimidating and dangerous. Without warning, he brought his longsword on my left side. I parried with Luceid and retaliated with a high arch over his head. Zed ducked and side-stepped to the right, then attacked again. The same swordplay followed on for a few minutes, until I decided to surprise him with a charge. Zed growled in pain and clumsily tried to stave off my attack by slashing blindly across my chest, drawing a thin crimson line through my leathers.

"First blood's mine," Zed exulted, regaining breath and confidence.

"Aye, but last blood counts for more," I countered.

"Of course," Zed muttered surprisingly wisely, parrying my incessant swings and thrusts.

I reveled in this dance of death. The clashing of steel against steel almost sounded like music to my ears. I couldn't help but grin, feeling confident but never letting too much arrogance getting the upper hand. The strange Demon with new powers fighting before me was not to be underestimated. Still, I realized with an odd feeling ¾I knew not if it were the grim realization that I had failed to find my perfect prey, or the joy of yet another victory¾ that Zed, as fine a swordsman he had become, was no match for me, even if I was actually fighting with a weapon less familiar than my good old Saber Fang.

Ignoring the pain as best as I could under the rush of adrenaline, I feinted a slash to my left. The green-haired freak brought his blade low, but quickly realized his mistake. As I went to knock his sword off the strong grasp of his gloved hand, he kicked my leg to repel me. Instead of falling like he expected, I rolled to my right and flipped backwards, landing on my feet with a loud thump. I blocked his next attack ¾which was bolstered by his renewed strength and hope¾ and countered over and over again, tirelessly. I saw my opponent drenched in sweat, his mouth panting for quick breaths. Taking advantage of his exhaustion, I darted to his position and tackled him. Stumbling, Zed nearly lost his grip on the Doombringer. I opened a wide gash between his ribs with Luceid just as he brought it back on me. We both hissed in pain, but since Zed was already in a precarious state, dropped his blade to clutch his gaping wound. Before he even tried to retrieve it, I tackled him once again and this time he was knocked on the house brick wall, his bones cracking slightly. Then I darted like the wind again, and stopped abruptly in front of him and resting the Guardian Blade on his throat.

"You lose," I said flatly, gasping for breath. "Any last words?"

"Damn... you're really unbeatable huh... no wonder Mother selected you," he whispered.

"Unbeatable?" I winced. "What about the Dream Chasers... where are they anyway?"

"Dunno. If you want to fight again though, there's still the Duke's Arena..." I considered his proposal and nodded.

"Right you are. Anything else?"

"Ah... you're merciless," he sighed. "Sheryl, forgive me, I couldn't protect you. Sorry Guardians, I failed this time..." he said, spiting blood in a weary fit of cough. Disgusted and surprised at the same time, I then caught his neck, held it up and, noting his eyes held not fear but sadness, I tore a bloody gash on his throat. Zed gurgled and his lifeless body fell limply on the dusty ground.

"Is the power of protection as strong as the one for destruction?" I asked rhetorically, and of course only the chirps and grunts of nearby creatures answered. Without regrets, I spun, sheathed my blade and walked away, wondering how I could reach the Ancient Arena.

* * * * *

As the trio approached Saint Centour a few days after I had myself parted, they noticed a weeping silhouette in the outskirts, kneeling in front of a small stone slab. When her keen ears caught the footsteps, she turned alertly to face the worried Dream Chasers, who had landed the Sweet Candy on the beach nearby. Cecilia noted the sadness in Sheryl's face.

"What... what's going on?" the mage asked. Sheryl recognized the voice and breathed in relief.

"Zed..." she sobbed. "Here he lies. He was slain."

"What?!" the trio exclaimed in unison. "By whom?" Rudy added, this time more calmly.

"I... I don't know. He wielded a dreadful blade, and I heard his voice... he sounded like a very dangerous fighter, but I could tell he was no dispassionate killer. He challenged Zed into battle, and I heard him say he'd kill me if Zed refused..."

"Zed died protecting you?" Jack asked in disbelief. "But... what did that man wanted with you?"

"I know not, and I fear I'll never know," she explained, shaking her head. "I can only assume I was an excuse for him to make Zed fight. And... he's no man, at least no normal one, I'm sure."

Jack exchanged glances with his two comrades. Hanpan, resting as always on his shoulder, finally deigned talking:

"Not a man... What then? Could he possibly be a... Demon?"

"Was there a Demon we hadn't heard of...?" Rudy wondered out loud. Sheryl shrugged and said it was possible:

"I only know the stranger was familiar to Zed."

Jack cursed, and put a hand on the blind girl's shoulder.

"We... we'll avenge him," he said softly. "Won't we?"

"Aye," his companions murmured in agreement.

"I'm glad Zed had found redemption before falling," Cecilia whispered. "Good bye, old friend... and enemy."

She addressed a quick, silent prayer to the Guardians of Life and Death for the rest of the Demon's soul, then heard Sheryl say:

"I've decided to depart from this area and to leave everything behind to start a new life. I'm relieved you came. Can you do me a favor? Help me get to Adlehyde. Without him, I can't hope to avoid monsters any longer. Besides, I'm all alone here."

"You'd be very welcome in Adlehyde," Cecilia nodded. "We have to get back, to plan our next move anyway."

"Follow us, the boat's not far," Jack offered.

"T... thank you. I appreciate this..." she blurted out, still in mourn, and bit her lip to prevent the tears to pour out again. It was with their minds dark indeed that the Dream Chasers left Saint Centour. Was that proof that compassion was a weak emotion?

Chapter III: The Isle Of Conflict

I had arrived days earlier by a crudely built raft ¾I almost thanked Lucadia for the quiet sea, else I wouldn't have made it¾ at the Isle of Conflict, and it wasn't long before I found shelter in the Ancient Arena, always hoping to see my perfect prey come forth one day. After all, I could wait as long as necessary for them.

It wasn't too long before I ranked among the highest combatants neither. Duke Pegucci was obviously pleased with my performances. Of course, I was certainly not fighting for the purpose of satisfying his pointless bloodlust, but for my own satisfaction. It grew so common for me to get victorious too easily that I often added new challenges, such as fighting without armor or sometimes even without my precious blade. I knew I was obsessed, but I cared not; some people's passion are money, power, magic, sciences, whatever. Well mine was the fiery heat of battle, the pulse of blood under the pressure of adrenaline through my arteries, the superb harmony of dancing blades and the fluid motions of a warrior's skills. But what pleasure is there in constant victories? Surely a captain sails not always on a mere, still, flat lake; he needs the raging waves of the sea! That's why I became a hunter; my ultimate goal was to stumble upon a prey that could finally defeat me, the hunter.

The monster, popularly called 'Badnews' by the human cattle that relished in the spectacle, thundered in pain as his shoulder blade snapped under my blow. The vaguely humanoid, misshapen freak dropped his huge club and used his other fist to punch my naked chest. I sidestepped backwards to avoid the hit and threw my wild blonde hair back behind my head. I then sent my sword flying at the monster's bare neck. The Devil Blade slipped through its jugular vein, slicing its windpipe with a hungry flash, just as the mesmerized crowd rose and cheered at my victory. The Duke applauded and announced the next battle would be in one hour after my well-deserved rest.

So far, only one opponent even came close to beat me: a human male martial arts fighter, highly skilled and trained, calling himself Trevor. Ignoring the crowd's incessant shouting, I withdrew in my cabin, massaging my tense muscles. I stroke my Devil Blade, almost cradling it into a hug.

"My love..." I whispered. As some people offered care and attention to other people, I offered mine to the only thing I could ever trust, or care for: the Guardian of Desire, Luceid, now forever dwelling in my sword. My weapon was my only soul mate. I knew many sensitive minds ¾I immediately thought of Zed somehow, and yet although dead, he was certainly not a weakling anymore, and I was sincerely glad he had died a warrior's noble death¾ would label me as a lunatic; so be it. I would not be the first nor the last.

* * * * *

Shortly before they left Adlehyde, Sheryl had told them she had overheard Zed mentioning the Battle Arena to me. Now that the young woman was safe between the castle walls, under the hospitality of Cecilia, the Dream Chasers decided to pay the Duke a visit. Still they were wary, for if I could manage to defeat Zed in swordsmanship, perhaps I could also defeat the trio.

"Here is your cabin, warriors from the North," the maiden said. "You will share it with a few other fighters, but we guarantee your comfort. But you may want to visit the Arena before..." "We've been here before, thank you," Hanpan interrupted, and if the maid was surprised to hear a Wind Mouse speaking, she gave no indication. She merely acknowledged his sentence by a curtsy and darted away.

The magic-user deposited her gear on a couch and sat down.

"I wonder if he's here..."

"Whoever he is," Hanpan added. A man sitting on a bed next to them rose and went to meet them.

"Excuse me," he began, "but I've been here for quite a while. Can I help you?"

They all noted the bloated scar across his bare chest, caused by my very blade. The stranger wasn't big, but had a strong, well-muscled frame and his agile reflexes showed.

This was no cocky newcomer, but a veteran.

"Well, is there a new fighter, a swordsman, who arrived here recently?" Cecilia inquired.

"Actually, aye," Trevor huffed. "He's a real maniac in my opinion, he fights not like a normal man but like a real demon!" he claimed, noting how the trio flinched at the mention of a demon. "He's the one who scarred me so," he went on, pointing the crimson line on his torso. "Almost got me killed. If I hadn't insisted on yielding, I'd be a corpse. The guy fights to death, and I'm actually surprised he decided to spare me... Probably just so he could fight me again, I'll bet."

"Great. Just great," Jack grunted. Rudy grimly reminded his friends that they were the next ones in the Arena.

"Methinks you'll hafta fight him then, unless some other competitor comes forth before he does," the martial arts fighter said. "Since there's the three of you though, you ought to be fine. Good luck anyway."

Cecilia nodded her thanks, and mentally offered a prayer to Justine, Guardian of Courage. But no one saw Rudy's eyes widen in awe as he checked his equipment. Since my fall at Ka Dingel, he had kept the Saber Fang as a memento. Its power had remained dormant, but now its normally cold metal emitted an abnormal heat. Rudy then understood who they were seeking.

* * * * *

All my scars and injuries were either healed or painless after I had drank a few potion berries, so I went on sharpening my weapon. Its bluish hue, Luceid's legacy, brought yet another wistful grin on my fair face. I heard a knock my on door, interrupting my labor.

"Come in," I said absently, and a maiden stayed under the threshold and told me:

"The Duke wishes to offer you this as a token for your last victories, sir Champion," she said, handing me over a forged piece of metal. I held it high, realizing it was a black winged helm, perfectly suiting me. I nodded in silent acknowledgment, and she went on:

"By the way, a trio of competitors are ready, sir. Will you oblige them, or shall I ask another fighter?"

I stopped and suddenly paid attention to her words. A trio of fighters... A tingle seized my spine, and I felt a familiar presence vibrating the walls of the Arena, even though no one else did. I had been inevitably linked with my former blade and I felt its warm aura, but as I could not identify the nature of the tingle, I knew ¾my sixth sense again?¾ I had to resume my fighting.

"I'll take them on," I breathed absently.

"Very well sir. Have fun."

Then she closed my chamber's door behind her, her footsteps echoing on the corridor walls beyond. I retrieved my gear, put on my armor and hurried to my next battle.

Chapter IV: Boomerang Flash

The two massive doors creaked, and opened before me. I once again stepped on the sandy arena ground, my heart pulsing with a somewhat perverse passion. Then I saw the human warriors. The blonde sorceress, the blue-haired youth and his guns, and the swordsman with his crafty thieving mouse. They watched me blankly, not recognizing me at first.

"This is my prey!" I shouted in glee, a grin splitting my face. "Go home and play with your toys!" The magician gasped softly, and Jack's face revealed shock. Only the boy showed no surprised; he merely nodded.

"That voice... Boomerang?!"

I bowed and smiled as they saw my face for the first time. The artificial boy's gaze was locked into my two crimson eyes, which were burning with war lust like two coal-like embers. I immediately saw his hand holding the now hot boomerang that used to serve me so well before.

"So you have come to me, human warriors. To settle my score with you, I came dancing all the way up from the fires of Hell. I've attained new powers...

"Settle a score, indeed, Boomerang!" Jack suddenly snapped, and I lazily rose an eyebrow at his angry tone. "Did you murder Zed?"

"Murder?" I echoed. "I am a warrior, not an assassin anymore. The Fop accepted my conditions; it was a fair fight. I hardly see why you'll miss him," I added with a sneer.

"Conditions? You mean threats," Jack grunted grudgingly.

"But... why, Boom?" Rudy demanded, readying his ARM already.

"My obsessive desire to fight... Human," I interrupted myself, "I see you bear my former weapon."

"Heh... want it?" he smirked. I shook my head, showing my new one.

"The Guardian Blade, Luceid, will do just fine."

"All right then... prepare yourself! For Zed!" Jack growled. Putting on my newly acquired helm, I said:

"Aye... Feel the power of the blade that has been forgotten to the far corners of the legend!"

Before any of the Dream Chasers even reacted, I rose my weapon arm high and spread its edge widely across the field, damaging all the human warriors in one single blow. The sorceress feel on her knees, grunting in pain, but managed to sputter an incantation, and the party recovered from my spell only partially, but quickly. A sharp pain stung my right side; the youth had fired a blue-white ray on me. Such a blast would have probably slain a normal man, but my cells made of Living Metal could take much more damage than human flesh. I decided to be rid of Rudy first, since he had a longer range. When he saw me stalk closer to him, he sheathed his Phaser and drew his sword. Steel flashed and clashed, and sparks flew as our swords collided, as well as a few chips from my opponent's blade. The youth knew he couldn't possibly hold forever despise his solid metallic flesh similar to mine; indeed, Cecilia's next healing spell took effect and he slightly regained energy, but was still much less the nuisance he was previously. The mage, then. If she's gone, they'll all die of weariness. But do I want them to?... No, since I'm outnumbered, I can't give them any chances. Seeing my plan, a brief moment of panic seized Rudy. He fingered his Sheriff Star again, thinking how comfortably he wore it... but his sense of loyalty told him his friend needed it more right now, and he dismissed the thought in one second. He plucked the shiny golden star off his red shirt and tossed it to the mage.

"Here! Take it!" he shouted. The girl caught it and hurriedly pinned it to her tunic. More sparks flew as she parried my blow, but its might sent her stumbling back on her backside. I was wondering how she could have absorbed such a shock, not knowing the Sheriff Star had saved her, when another biting pain from behind made me wince. Not even asking how did the purple fangs came out of Jack's Juggernaut ¾for that's how he called his sword¾, I retaliated with a blind stab, surprisingly catching the veteran ¾if he could be called a veteran, for he was far from old¾ off guard, drawing a deep wound across his abdomen. He bellowed in agony, but before I could finish him off, the accursed laser struck again! I noticed the sorceress rushing to aid Jack; so be it. The fight will last longer is she heals them. Grinning in delight, I went tackling the youngest human. He lost his grip not on his dreadful ARM, but on my boomerang. I instinctively retrieved it, and performed a Boomerang Dynamic on Cecilia while resuming my game of doom with Rudy. He arched his sword on me; I parried flawlessly such a predictable move. He then tried a low thrust, and I let him open a cut on my leg while I slashed his face. His sturdy shield, held high over his head, blocked, but such was the impact of the Guardian Blade against mere steel that the shield splintered and snapped into two symmetrical, useless morsels. Meanwhile, Jack had recovered and he soon cast Heal Blade on the magician. Then he darted on me. Staving off two swords from both sides, I almost screamed in glee at the intensity. I suddenly leapt over the oldest of the three, flipped and landed smoothly next to the Saber Fang... and Cecilia. She unexpectedly held a rune high, screamed "Raftina!" and just as I picked up my boomerang, I felt my doom. A gentle-looking lady whom I knew to be a Guardian appeared, whirled around, diffusing a pristine white light, bathing the Arena with a blinding radiance. Sensing harm, I recoiled and rose the hard edge of Luceid to at least attempt at absorbing the imminent shock. The soft glow seemed to revitalize the heroes, the bubbles of light closing their bleeding cuts, massaging their aching, tiring muscles and bones, and offering them hope and renewed strength.

But as they spread of me, a searing pain welled into me. The rays seemed to weaken my whole body, stiffening my muscles. The Guardians had chosen their weapons well; they knew what kind of magic was strong against our metal bodies. I hissed in agony, and my knuckles whitened as I clasped my sword to find some remaining strength. I painfully regained my composure, and blocked in time Jack's stabbing purple fangs. I hurled the Saber Fang to Rudy who had already reloaded his ARM, and I was rewarded with the creaking of his radius bone. Good, I thought, the accursed sorceress would be busy tending to his injury.

I reverted my attention to the swordsman. His blows were not that strong compared to mines, but he wielded his superb longsword with confidence and in an unpredictable way. Our swords clashed several times, and sometimes one drew blood. Just like me, Jack let the adrenaline fend off the pain and relentlessly kept his offense. Sidestep. Thrust. Counterattack. Parry.

The whole game went on for several minutes. Both of us were mesmerized, oblivious to our environment. The now recovering Rudy dared not firing his ARM, by fear of hitting Jack as well. The mage bit back her incantations for the same reason.

Our blades connected swiftly, each of us dancing in a battle of near-perfect harmony and balance. Certainly, my skills and experience far outmatched the treasure hunter's, and so did my weapons. But that Love Guardian had considerably weakened me, just as it had aided Jack. And it wasn't long before Rudy decided I was far enough from his friend, thus causing the rush of lasers and gunpowder to hit me again despise my sometimes successful attempts at evading them. Not to mention the unblockable elemental spells that returned as well...

My once swift motions became slow and awkward ¾probably still impressive for some lowly beholders, such as the numbed crowd, but not to me¾ and my flawless parries and attacks went stiff and weaker. I decided to attempt something risky, but worth the trouble, to gain back the advantage: I used my initial spell again. My sword drew a wide, deadly ark over all three Dream Chasers, just like it had when the battle had started. A moment of panic seized them, and the weary Cecilia almost swooned under the blow. Jack hesitated between going to her aid or attacking me before I did that again. When he saw her hands gesturing wildly for a spell, he made a quick decision and darted on me, just as Rudy painfully firing his ARM again.

Brushing off the blue-haired boy's shot by kicking him squarely in the chest, I tried to spin and parry the other swordsman's upcoming thrust. Too late.

The blade did not sink, but it cut such a large wound that I tumbled down and dropped my Devil Blade. Too much, the pain. Outnumbered, I was. The trio of heroes prevailed and recovered with the mage's insistence to help and protect them while I agonized and tired. I managed to return on one knee to find the Juggernaut pointed on my heart. The sight made me smile beneath my visor. "You lose," Jack stated flatly. "Any last words?"

Even with my pain, I found it hard to stifle a chuckle, remembering how Zed had perished. Coughing in my own blood, I nodded and gently pushed back the threatening blade, then I picked my own.

"Looks like this is the end..." I said, smiling serenely. "Miracles... It's the human's system of beliefs that makes the impossible possible... But I did not lose," I went on. "I have lived the life of a Demon warrior for all those years...! I just fought and lost my life."

The treasure hunter, surprised, withdrew his weapon but still stared intently. I finished my speech, now standing precariously on my injured legs: "I have no regrets... I have lived..."

Holding the Guardian Blade up, I then brought it down on my chest and fell on my knees, impaling myself. Then my sight blurred and I fell lifeless on the dusty ground. My ultimate goal has been achieved; the hunter has finally found his perfect prey, and can now finally be at rest!

I am a winner. My death is glorious.


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