The Little Green Mystic

[06.04.00] » by Michael Collins

The little green mystic followed the two warriors up the trail.

He was in the Denadoro mountains, a landmark much too tall for his liking. Mystics, as a rule, hated anything taller than they were. Which amounted to just about everything. The only tall creature they ever respected was the sorcerer Magus. He was looking out for THEM, not for his own hide, as most greedy humans did. He was going to change the world, so that the mystics! not humans! would be the supreme force on this planet.

The two warriors, one named Cyrus, the other Glenn, as the mystic had found from overhearing their conversation, were steadily trudging up the peak, conversing about battle tactics. The slope was very steep and rugged, and the short little green mystic had a hard time trailing the two, as he had to struggle over every rock and fallen tree, while! at the same time! making sure he was totally silent, making not a single noise that would alert this Cyrus to his presence. Sure, Magus was a great leader, but the MISSIONS he sent his mystics on! For shame! Even the great Magus didn't realize how hard it was to be under two feet tall. Especially when you were climbing up a two thousand feet-tall mountain, following two humans who could walk three times as fast as you! Humans!

He knew the two humans were after the Masamune. That's what Ozzie had told him, and the only thing that could kill Magus was the Masamune. So, the two humans, this Cyrus and this Glenn, were out to take down the sorcerer. And to make sure that it wasn't possible, Ozzie had told him to trail these guys, and when they neared the Masamune, to call Magus with the magic item that Ozzie had given him. But this mountain was endless, and the warriors, and, following, the little green mystic, kept drudging forward...

Soon they would reach the cliff. When they got there, the little green mystic would signal Magus. And then the two 'warriors' would be in for a surprise...

One they would never forget.


Note: Yes, guys, I know this is short, but bear with me. It's a filler fic, until I get done with Prejudice: A Moogle Story. Which won't be for a while, so mostly I'll be posting Shorts.


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