The Dan'in

[05.26.00] » by Tina Bauer

Hello, my name is Tomo. Ironic, yes, since Tomo means friend and a friend is the one thing I am not. I am a member of Rocket Dan. Yes, I am one of those horrible people who take pokemon, steal money, and other such awful acts.

At one point in my life I didn't want to wear the big red 'R' of the organization. I thought I was better than those criminals. Now, here I am, a crook.

I joined because I wanted to belong to something. That, and Rocket Dan paid well, and I was broke. Currently, I am part of the Dan'in, the lowest level of the organization. I hope to get promoted to Senior Member, but not everyone does. Some people like the Dan'in better, and some people just do not have what it takes to carry out the plots the Senior Members carry out. I can wish, though, can't I?

Dan'in do the dirty work of Rocket Dan. They are the ones that will jump unsuspecting people and take all their money. They are the ones that assault trainers on their journeys and steal their pokemon. Being part of the Dan'in does have advantages, though, it is not all evil and gloom. Everyone gets out of my way, and no one dares to bother me. Also, there is a sense of community that the Dan'in share. Seldom do we act alone, we usually gang up for maximum effect. If one shadowy figure will not scare you, a group will.

I do realize that my world could come crashing down at any moment. I could get caught and arrested, but Rocket Dan does have a policy of helping members escape prison. Also, I could be gunned down and killed at the blink of an eye. I've seen it happen. A group of us was mugging a group of trainers. All of a sudden the cops came, and then we heard gunfire. Now we are minus one member.

Stuff like that happens, especially when robbery is what you do. But, it is a profession, just like any other. Unlike most, however, my job requires fewer scruples, and a lot more ruthlessness. But, as I say, it is my job, and I consider myself fairly good at it, so I guess that痴 something to be proud of.

With all its adversities, though, I can honestly say I like it here in the Dan段n. True, I値l most likely never lead a normal life again; I値l either be eventually killed in the line of duty, or, if I知 extremely lucky, I値l make it to the executive level, where I won稚 have to risk my life every day. But, that is a long way off, and today is right now. I have my friends, and together, we can get the job done, whatever that may be.

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