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Kei Sakura pigma Micron 01 pen/Painter 5.5 Web Edition, tablet Cozy Paper
Artist's Commentary

Doing this picture almost poked my eyeballs out. Imagine this - it's a couple hours before sunrise. All dark, lights turned off. I'm sitting in front of the monitor, BLINDINGLY bright, and I'm constantly changing the color of the light. Red to green to purple to yellow, all epileptically seizuringly bright. I finally settled down with this color scheme. Well, I guess popping out my eyeballs constantly did pay; I like this picture. ^^ Why does she has wings there? Refer to the title of the picture, Crescens, which is the name of her gear. ^_- (Not to mention she CAN make her hairs in the shape of anything including wings...)
One last thing to comment: BWAHAHAHAHA ... er... I mean... Painter is a great program, especially with tablet. ^_____^

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