Ico and Yorda
Artist: Nezu
Media: Pencil
Artist's Commentary
Done in the style of Ueda Hajime, one of my most favourite artists ever after Yoshitaka ABe and Yoshiyuki Sadamoto. Funny how I ca'n't remember any of the names of my favourite AMERICAN artists. Well, except Edward Gourry. Dousineau! Dousineau! Did I spell that right? He's a photographer anyways. Well, enough of that, but yay! ICO is the best video game ever. No, it's not a video game, it's a playable fairy tale. Oh, the the GIA gets yet another major thumbs up for their use of Bjork songs in the review. Bjork and ICO, like Radiohead and FLCL... unreleated and yet perfect for each other. I'm realizing this is far too long now, yes.
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