Magus Zeal Jeans (or, No He Isn't)
Artist: ChibiBlackMage
Media: Photoshop 6.0
Artist's Commentary
For all of you who didn't watch this story unfold... Once upon a time-- actually June 12, 2001-- a doodle by Nezu, entitled "Magus Is Ugly," was posted at Sketch Artist. ChibiBlackMage, seeing this, decided to send in (August 31, 2001) her nude drawing of him bathing in a river, and, with a smirk, called her picture, "Magus Is Not Ugly." Nezu, not to be outdone, then countered with another doodle called "Yes He Is" on September 1, 2001. It took ChibiBlackMage a long time to come up with an idea and actually finish the picture, but she came up with a Magus pic in the style of a Calvin Klein ad and called it "Magus Zeal Jeans (or, No He Isn't)."

Thanks, Nezu, for the "Yes He Is" picture. That was hilarious. XD

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