Wandering Hearts
Artist: Ototo-hika
Media: Adobe Photoshop 5.0, and a mouse... click click click... @_@
Artist's Commentary
This picture was done after I finished playing Ico. I was so amazed by the beauty, simplicity yet depth, and sweetness of the game that I decided, for the first time in a long time, to do a fanart. I am not the type to do fanarts, since I like drawing my own original pictures, with my own characters, but I liked the game so much, I did one, to show my appreciation for the makers of the game, to show my like of it, and to support it... in that it seems to me that Ico doesn't have too huge of a fan base :(... not that I know of. I tried my best to capture both of the characters, not only working on making them look how they did in the game, but also trying to capturing the feeling of them. I used screen shots of the actual game from the official website of ICO to aid me in the proccess of drawing them, so that the clothing designs would be correct. However, my own style was still implemented in the picture~ ^_- The way the two characters, Ico and Yorda are CGed, and drawn. I also wanted to get the feel of the game's environment, by the colors of bright grasses, but cloudy skies... a brownish tint to it all. In terms of the getting the game's feel itself, I wanted to try a different type of picture than the "holding hands" depiction I've seen all around from the fanarts I have seen, and even the Japanese game cover, but that gesture best portrayed the subtle storyline and game iself, without a doubt. The windmill was much like the holding of hands... it seemed to be a theme. It tried to make it look like they were on their way to being free... as they were. ^_^ Please feel free to contact me and tell me what you think of this picture, hope you all enjoy it. ^_-V
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