As The Sun Sets On A Summoner
Artist: Eve
Media: Pencil, Photoshop 5.5
Artist's Commentary
After a really long time of either FF fanart that wasn't up to par with my expectations, or just wasn't the right kind of fanart, I've finished a piece of FF fanart of my own that I could submit. Oddly, instead of my favorite FF (FF8) as the subject, I ended up with the new one to be released next week; FFX and its summoner, Yuna. It first started out as just a little sketch based off the logo for the game (as I'm sure you can all tell), and then I expanded it with Yuna's staff and the backround to be similar to the summoning scene on the lake. I absolutely love that part. I wanted to get that very-what's the word?-soft, I guess, feeling that the game has at that point. Most of the game so far, from what I've seen, is very pastel-like and has a lot of soft colors and music. I wanted the coloring and the scene to be a bit like that. I also colored the drawing while listening to the imported soundtrack. Lovely music, it is.After scanning the initial drawing of just Yuna, I colored it in with Photoshop, which took all day. Never did a backround before in it, so this is a first for me. Plus, lighting aspects were things I hadn't taken into account before. Overall, I think it turned out rather nice. Yes, I know that the little flowers on the bottom of her dress are missing; I forgot about them until it was too late to change it. And you wouldn't believe how hard it is to get the pattern on Yuna's staff correct. It took me several times just to get it to look moderately like it's supposed to. >_o I agree that the magic that's surrounding her could've been a little better, but by that time I'd been spent on the picture and wanted to finish it. My favorite part would have to be how the sleeves turned out. They look pretty. And the yellow stuff on them? That's the glow from the sun, in case anyone was wondering. ;) Well, that's enough babbling. If anyone wants to comment on this, feel free to drop me a line at either or I check both accounts regularly. Enjoy the next FF game next week! :D
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