yay pigeons
Artist: Megan
Media: Drawn in pencil, inked, scanned, then coloured in Photoshop 5
Artist's Commentary
Sigh... there she goes again. What does that girl see in those birds, anyway? Ico, my lad, we feel your pain....

Yorda's dress turned out better than I expected it would, but that's not saying much. And I know the boy doesn't really look like he's supposed to, but I liked his facial expression enough that I didn't want to change it.

Background cheezy enough for ya? I even threw in a tree with little fuzzy green dots for leaves. Oh well. I guess it's marginally better than no background at all, which was the other option. It's not supposed to be any particular area from the game, just a generic outdoor type place with electric green grass and plenty of fog (represented oh so well by the 'diffuse glow' filter and airbrush tool).

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