Who? Me? Don't be silly!
Artist: The Spy Kitty
Media: Pencil, paper, PSP6, Photoshop 4.0, do the Safety Dance
Artist's Commentary
C'mon, seriously ... Who could accuse a face like that of spying? {lmao}
... Okay, okay. I tried. It didn't work. I'm sorry. ^-^()
I'm not exactly sure just *what* compelled me to make this thing. O_o() I was bored, I guess, and my big sissa was invading my computer, so ... =P
But isn't it daaaaaarling?!! ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Well, screw you, too!! XP
Har har har, TSK's funny ... =P
I know, it looks pretty weird. It looks like ... gel. ^-^() I actually made three different versions of the original, one red and crackly, one white and black and neon lightish, and this version! I decided to pick this one for some reason. Sorry, Jess! ^-^()
I'm pleased with it. I think it looks better than most o' my stuff. ^-^() I hope ya'll like it, too! =P If not, then .. I'm sorry for crudding up more space on the 'net. {breaks down crying} I'M SO SORRY! {sobs}
... I better stop now. =P
Anyway, in a nutshell: it's Cait Sith, trying to be innocent. {grin}
Good night, Cleveland. <(@_@)>
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